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in Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
Subversion tools

In an effort to continue my hack-of-the-week series, here is a quick overview of few subversion hacks I have worked on lately:

  • `svn-ignore.sh` is a tiny shell script which will bring all unversioned files in current svn or svk repository in your $EDITOR and add result of your edit to svn:ignore
  • `svndump-move.pl` is more complex perl script which will allow you to reorganize directory layout in your repository while preserving revision history -- it solved problems like: oh, if I only had root of my repository is subdirectory foo...
  • `svn2cvs` is a bit older tool which received attention when Bartek Teodorczyk very patiently started to report problems with it. As a result, it now has test suite, and it's much more robust

Most of documentation for those tools is hidden in subversion commit messages. If you think they are useful, take a peek there...

Moving one directory to another checkout

From repository strix dump /strix4/utils/masscat and load it into repository strix-tools under /strix-tools/masscat

svnadmin dump strix | \ 
svndumpfilter  --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs  include /strix4/utils/masscat/ | \
sed 's!Node-path: strix4/utils/masscat!Node-path: masscat!' | \
svnadmin load strix-tools/
SocialText CSS design

This page collect various parts which used to be in Socialtext Open Wiki Install, but since they are more oriented towards wiki admins and designers, it's here as separate page.

New skin (CSS design) creation

cd /usr/share/nlw/css/
cp -r st rot13
st-admin set-workspace-config --workspace rot13 skin_name rot13
vi rot13/screen.css

See also CSS kit at SocialText Open Wiki

Keep local changes in SVN

It's important to save local modifications, because next make install will overwrite your changes in /usr/share/nlw. One possibility is to do overlay svn checout over /usr/share/nlw and than svn add and svn commit every change:

cd /usr/share
svn co file:///data/st-custom/share nlw.svn
cd nlw.svn
find . | cpio -pdu ../nlw/
cd - && rm -Rf nlw.svn
cd nlw
svn info
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