Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
RaspberryPi: Revision 16



BlinkM + i2c

CEC - control your TV

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# git clone
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cd libcec/
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/libcec# apt-get install autoconf automake libtool liblockdev1-dev libudev-dev libraspberrypi-dev
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/libcec# sh -x bootstrap
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/libcec# ./configure --with-rpi-include-path=/opt/vc/include/ --with-rpi-lib-path=/opt/vc/lib/


libCEC version 2:1:0 configured

Compilation flags:
  CXXFLAGS :       -g -O2 -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers  -Wno-psabi
  libCEC LDFLAGS : -lbcm_host -llockdev -lrt -ldl -lpthread  -L/opt/vc/lib/ -lvcos -lvchiq_arm -ludev  
  client LDFLAGS : -lrt -ldl -lpthread 

Configured features:
  Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter :             yes
  Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter detection :   yes
  Raspberry Pi support :                yes
  TDA995x support :                     no

You can now build libCEC by running:


make install

TV on

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ echo "on 0" | cec-client -s

Hints from forum

screen saver

# prevent screensaver from powering down display
setterm -blank 0 -powerdown 0 > /dev/tty0

# clear the display and turn off the flashing cursor
clear > /dev/tty0
setterm -cursor 0 > /dev/tty0

# turn the cursor back on when done with omxplayer
setterm -cursor 1 > /dev/tty0

YouTube transcoding in VLC

cvlc '' :sout='#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=0,fps=0,scale=0,height=720,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/youtube}' :sout-keep

Education materials

Raspberry Pi Accessories Starter Kit

  • Power supply for the Raspberry
  • Sturdy acrylic housing, which includes all possible connections for this Raspberry and perfectly protects
  • USB cable (for power supply or the power supply of a PC)
  • TTK USB cable (for connecting the Komunikationskabel Raspberry with a PC)
  • 4 GB SD card to store your programs
  • PI Cobbler (KIT hereby connect the RP with other circuit boards)
  • USB Micro Card Reader
  • Large breadboard circuits for
  • Colored board cable connector
  • 3 m Ethernet cable
  • 1x Rapberry sticker
  • 5x 10K resistors
  • 5x 560 ohm resistors
  • 3x LED's (red, green, blue)
  • 3x pushbutton
  • 1x photocell
  • 1x 1uf capacitor