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Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
USB IRToy v2
Firmware update
switch to bootloader mode
dpavlin@blue:~$ microcom -p /dev/ttyACM0
connected to /dev/ttyACM0
Escape character: Ctrl-\
Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit
# press v to get version
# press $ to go into bootloader mode
flash new bootloader
dpavlin@blue:/blue/IR_Toy_v2/fw_update$ sudo ./fw_update -e -w -v -m flash -vid 0x04d8 -pid 0xfd0b -ix /blue/IR_Toy_v2/USB_IR_Toy/package/firmware/USBIRToy.v22.hex
U2IO flash erasing: DONE.
U2IO flash programming: DONE.
U2IO flash verifying: DONE.
RESET Device
Operation successfully completed.
dpavlin@blue:/blue/IR_Toy_v2/IRToyRecPlay$ ./IRToy -d /dev/ttyACM0 -f lg-power -r -v 1
|IR Toy Recorder/Player utility v21 (CC-0)|
|http://dangerousprototypes.com |
Opening IR Toy on /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200bps...
opening serial port /dev/ttyACM0
Setting up serial port...
Initializing IR Toy...
Asking for firmware version...(0/2)...wrote v...
Firmware version: V222
Entering IRs sample mode...(0/2)...wrote S...
IRs sampler version: S01
Current sample timer resolution: 21.3333us
binary mode
Recording at Resolution= 21.333300us
Recording started.
Press a button on the remote or any key to exit...
got 512 bytes9E01 D300 1600 1D00 1600 1D00 1500 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 5100 1700
5200 1500 1D00 1500 5200 1600 5000 1700 5200 1600 5100 1700 5100 1700 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 5200 1500 1D00 1600
1D00 1500 1E00 1500 1E00 1500 5200 1600 5200 1500 5200 1600 1D00 1600 5100 1600 5100 1700 5200 1600 5200 1600 F208 9E01
D300 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 5100 1700 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 1D00 1600 1D00 1500 5200 1600 5100 1600 1D00 1500
5200 1700 5100 1600 5100 1600 5100 1600 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 1D00 1500 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1D00 1500
1E00 1500 5200 1600 5100 1700 5100 1600 1D00 1500 5200 1600 5200 1600 5100 1700 5100 1600 6B07 9E01 6C00 1700 D012 9E01
D200 1700 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 1E00 1500 5200 1600 5200 1600 1D00 1500
5200 1600 5100 1600 5100 1600 5200 1600 5100 1600 1D00 1600 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1600 1D00 1500
1E00 1500 5200 1600 5100 1600 5200 1600 1D00 1500 5200 1600 5200 1600 5100 1600 5200 1600 6B07 9E01 6D00 1600 970A 9F01
D300 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1600 5100 1700 1D00 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 1D00 1500 5200 1600 5100 1600 1D00 1600
5100 1600 5200 1600 5100 1600 5100 1600 5200 1600 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 1D00 1500 5200 1600 1D00
got 54 bytes1500 1E00 1500 1D00 1500 1E00 1500 5200 1600 5200 1500 5200 1700 1C00 1600 5100 1700 5100 1600 5200 1600 5100
1600 6B07 9E01 6D00 1600 got 2 bytesFFFF
Captured command.
Creating file: lg-power_000.bin
Press a button on the remote or any key to exit...
Recording finished.
shutting down...wait for serial port to clear...done.
To have it work reliably you have to turn off autosuspend of usb devices, see http://dangerousprototypes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3336
echo "options usbcore autosuspend=-1" > /etc/modprobe.d/irtoy.conf
And then play recorded codes with:
dpavlin@blue:/blue/IR_Toy_v2/IRToyRecPlay$ ./IRToy -d /dev/ttyACM0 -f lg-power -p -v 1