Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
Chicony KG-0609

Disconnect receiver dongle and move finger on touchpad

dpavlin@blue:/blue-zfs/MSP430/goodfet/client$ ./goodfet.nrf sniffmacs | tee /dev/shm/keyboard
Holding autotune on 2402 MHz
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       1       0.00094
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       2       0.00187
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       3       0.00143
'55,5ffffef500,02,0f' looks valid       1       0.00047
'55,5ffffef500,02,0f' looks valid       2       0.00084
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       4       0.00154
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       5       0.00182
'aa,bffffdea01,02,0f' looks valid       6       0.00202
'55,5ffffef500,02,0f' looks valid       3       0.00094

dpavlin@x200:/rest/cvs/goodfet/client$ ./goodfet.nrf tune aa,bffffdea01,02,0f

dpavlin@blue:/blue-zfs/MSP430/goodfet/client$ ./goodfet.nrf sniff
Listening as bffffdea01 on 2402 MHz           
 cc af f7 bf ff 1f e0 19 54 3b 9f 2d 2d c4 d4 1d 6a 96 d5 16 93 2a 95 b6 2b 74 d4 aa 85 72 91 41
 cc ef f7 bc fe 7f e0 19 46 c2 5e b0 c2 5a 54 a5 48 cd 42 2c d8 99 dd 19 7a aa a5 85 4a 84 55 15
 cc 2f f7 bd 42 5f e0 19 4c bf be dc d5 69 ab 19 55 8e 95 4f 8f 66 ed ac a7 d2 b6 8d d1 1b 8b 2a
 cc 6f f7 a2 62 ff e0 19 58 26 9e 32 25 20 82 0b 56 d5 12 54 3a a6 bd 5f 7d 75 ed fd 14 b2 4b 48
 cc af f7 a2 7f 9f e0 19 5b 61 5d bf 1a 62 50 b6 a9 14 b8 d9 d2 1a 52 11 0a 25 4d aa a8 dc 85 1a
 cc ef f7 bf 1d 9f e0 19 53 1f 14 a5 14 54 c3 a2 14 d1 84 59 25 56 09 08 77 55 4a 22 ce ad 56 91


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