Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
urjtag: Revision 7
^ Raspberry Pi gpio build

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ git clone git:// urjtag

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd urjtag/urjtag/

# bison and flex needed for SVF support
pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ sudo apt-get install autopoint bison flex python2.7-dev

pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ ./

pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ ./configure

pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ make

pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ sudo make install
pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ sudo ldconfig

# test does it work?

pi@raspberrypi ~/urjtag/urjtag $ sudo jtag

jtag> cable gpio tms=18 tdi=23 tdo=24 tck=25
Initializing GPIO JTAG Chain
jtag> detect
IR length: 10
Chain length: 1
Device Id: 00010111000001100100000011011101 (0x170640DD)
Manufacturer: Altera (0x0DD)
Part(0): EPM3064A (0x7064)
Stepping: 1
Filename: /usr/local/share/urjtag/altera/epm3064a/epm3064a


^ forks

* Altera FPGAs (from .rbf file)
* HUDI is a specific Hitachi debug protocol used in the ST7xxx SOCs which will allow to use peek/poke commands within urJtag.
* This is urjtag using an Arduino as a JTAG cable (only with a FT232 usb-serial converter for the moment).