Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
FUSE on Solaris: Revision 6

I'm testing Nexenta in an effort to make Fuse for Solaris and my perl bindings play nice.

First, here is some info from machine:

root@solaris:~# uname -a
SunOS solaris 5.11 NexentaOS_20070402 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

Install dependencies

I installed just minimal Nexenta system, so if you installed desktop version, you might already have some of those packages. But, issuing this command anyway won't do any harm.

apt-get install mercurial gcc

Checkout source

hg clone ssh://
hg clone ssh://

Compile it

cd fusefs/kernel/
cd -

Install it

cp fusefs/kernel/Sun-x86-Solaris/fuse /tmp/fuse
ln -s /tmp/fuse /usr/kernel/drv/fuse
echo 'name= "fuse"  parent= "pseudo";' > /usr/kernel/drv/fuse.conf
ln -s /devices/pseudo/fuse@0:0 /dev/fuse
add_drv fuse