Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
Sony Xperia T3: Revision 13


Chipset Qualcomm MSM8928 Snapdragon 400
CPU Quad-core 1.4 GHz
GPU Adreno 305
Display 720x1280 TFT
Storage 8 GB + SD card
Memory 1 GB

unlock bootloader

Please note! It will only be possible to unlock the boot loader for certain releases. You can check if it is possible to unlock the boot loader of your device in the service menu by following the steps below:

In your device, open the dialer and enter


to access the service menu.
Tap Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status. If Bootloader unlock allowed says Yes, then you can continue with the next step. If it says No, or if the status is missing, your device cannot be unlocked.

unlock using TA partition

I have rooted device and did:

~ # fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0
Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT

Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15269888 sectors, 3360M
Logical sector size: 512
Disk identifier (GUID): 98101b32-bbe2-4bf2-a06e-2bb33d000c20
Partition table holds up to 27 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 15269854

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size Name
     1             256            4351 2048K TA
     2            4352            5375  512K sbl1
     3            5376            5887  256K s1sbl
     4            5888            6015 65536 dbi
     5            6016            7039  512K aboot
     6            7040            8063  512K rpm
     7            8064            9087  512K tz
     8            9088           10111  512K alt_sbl1
     9           10112           10623  256K alt_s1sbl
    10           10624           10751 65536 alt_dbi
    11           10752           11775  512K alt_aboot
    12           11776           12799  512K alt_rpm
    13           12800           13823  512K alt_tz
    14           16384           19455 1536K fsg
    15           24576           27647 1536K modemst1
    16           32768           35839 1536K modemst2
    17           40960           73727 16.0M persist
    18           73728          204799 64.0M modem
    19          204800          245759 20.0M boot
    20          245760          266239 10.0M ramdump
    21          266240          299007 16.0M FOTAKernel
    22          299008          299071 32768 DDR
    23          299072          331839 16.0M LTALabel
    24          335872          352255 8192K apps_log
    25          352256         4390911 1972M system
    26         4390912         4800511  200M cache
    27         4800512        15269854 5111M userdata

~ # dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=/sdcard/1.TA bs=1k
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
2097152 bytes (2.0MB) copied, 0.187378 seconds, 10.7MB/s

dpavlin@nuc:/nuc/xperia-t3$ adb pull /sdcard/1.TA


upstream source for android?

debug board

Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9006 (CMIIW)

nobody knows how to get into it


get root