Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
fomu: Revision 2

tnt @tnt

Turned my #fomu into a usb sound card with midi output and also stereo headphones out. (USB audio spec compliant so all works out of the box)

Code is now upstream :

Ping if you want help port to other boards

Pepijn de Vos @pepijndevos

Wait how do you connect anything to the fomu? Solder wires to these capacitive tabs?

tnt @tnt

Yeah, I soldered to the 4 IOs.

  • #1 is wired as a button for DFU recovery (wired to a N/C pin of DIN plug)
  • #2&3 are wired as PDM audio out with RC filter & DC block cap to the 3.5mm jack
  • #4 is wired as the MIDI TX pin