Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
Exynos: Revision 7
Spin-off from Chromebook papge to document running mainline u-boot and Linux on Exynos u-bootSPI eeprom imagedpavlin@klin:/klin/u-boot$ cat #!/bin/sh -xe make #cp /klin/books/Chromebook/spi/snow-bricked.rom . cp snow-bricked.rom snow-mix.rom dd conv=notrunc if=spl/smdk5250-spl.bin of=snow-mix.rom seek=$((0x00002000)) bs=1 dd conv=notrunc if=u-boot.bin of=snow-mix.rom seek=$((0x00006000)) bs=1 scp snow-mix.rom rpi2:chromebook/ Upstream u-boot works, but can't find mmc devices, so internal flash is not accessable, so I had to boot from USB network using u-boot pxe chromiumos builddpavlin@klin:/klin/chromebook$ . dpavlin@klin:/klin/chromebook/chromiumos$ cros_sdk
(cr) (altAddr) dpavlin@klin ~/trunk/src/third_party/u-boot/files $ emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-u-boot pxelinux configdpavlin@x230:/var/tftp/pxelinux.cfg$ cat default-arm-exynos TIMEOUT 10 MENU TITLE TFTP boot LABEL snow MENU LABEL sdcard? LINUX ../zImage FDTDIR ../ APPEND console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 loglevel=8 rootwait rw earlyprintk root=/dev/sdcard0 kerneldoesn't boot ATM dpavlin@klin:/klin/imx6/linux-imx$ cat # cd /klin/chromebook/chromiumos/src/third_party/kernel/v4.4 export CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-gnueabihf-" ARCH=arm test ! -f .config && make exynos_defconfig make -j4 zImage exynos5250-snow.dtb cp -v arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-snow.dtb /media/boot/ chromiumos kernel security(might not be related, but useful to keep track of) |