Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff
Eee PC: Revision 7
Here are my notes about setup of various stuff on Eee PC to make it work better for me.

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^ Startup

Edit `/usr/bin/` and insert something along following lines before exec icewm

sudo rm /tmp/nologin

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
setxkbmap hr us
xterm &

exec icewm

^ Compressed root filesystem

I don't really care much about Xandos on my Eee PC. However, I really do like idea about having read-only system filesystem (especially if your startup scripts are breakable as easy as ones on eee are). So, to improve this idea, I started to think how to compress read-only partition so I can at least save space.

As a first experiment, I copied whole flash from eee (about 3.6Gb used) and compressed it using `gzip -1` (lowest possible compression level). I was quite amazed to see that resulting archive was only 1.3Gb. So, I was up to something (and additional 2Gb of free space on 4Gb eee is also nice :-)

^^ Links

Here is collection of references about this issue:

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^ Emulation

How to create virtual Eee PC?

^^ Backup flash image from Eee PC

Transfer somehow whole disk image to other computer. Good way might be to use netcat with something like this:

* on Eee

sudo nc -l -p 8888 < /dev/sda

* on other computer

nc name.of.eee.pc 8888 > hda

You might want to insert compression if your network connection is slower than flash read speed (which is according to `hdparm -tT /dev/hda` around 21MB/sec).

^^ Example flash image

fdisk -l hda

Disk /backup/eee/hda: 3 GB, 3997486080 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 486 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/backup/eee/hda1 1 300 2409718 83 Linux
/backup/eee/hda2 301 484 1469947 83 Linux
/backup/eee/hda3 485 485 0 c FAT32 LBA
/backup/eee/hda4 486 486 0 ef EFI FAT

^^ Links

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