Izvori i pretraživanje psihologijske literature
Psihologijski časopisi: Revision 18
Većina časopisa danas je dostupna u digitalnim obliku. Ponekad je pristup slobodan, no često se plaća. Ono što se plaća, ali je nama dostupno (jer je platilo Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa ili Filozofski fakultet), naći ćete uz pomoć knjižničnih kataloga. Odabrani izvori:
O znanstvenim časopisima općenito
temelj za vrednovanje kvalitete nekog autora (citiranost, objavljivanje u prestižnim časopisima)
Otvoreni pristupOpen Access (OA) is free, immediate, permanent online access to the full text of research articles for anyone, webwide. There are two roads to OA: (1) the "golden road" of OA journal-publishing , where journals provide OA to their articles (either by charging the author-institution for refereeing/publishing outgoing articles instead of charging the user-institution for accessing incoming articles, or by simply making their online edition free for all); (2) the "green road" of OA self-archiving, where authors provide OA to their own published articles, by making their own eprints free for all. The two roads to OA should not be confused or conflated; they are complementary.
OA self-archiving is not self-publishing; nor is it about online publishing without quality control (peer review); nor is it intended for writings for which the author wishes to be paid, such as books or magazine/newspaper articles. OA self-archiving is for peer-reviewed research, written solely for research impact rather than royalty revenue. |