Konverzija podataka
Konverzija CDS/ISIS baze časopisa

Bilješke i dokumenti


Konvertirana MASTER tablica

sadrži signature i biblionumber iz Kohe

Tablica sa signaturama

ffcas=# select zbirka, count(*) from sig group by zbirka  order by zbirka;
 zbirka | count
 0      |    12
 FFAN   |   127
 FFAR   |   306
 FFET   |   278
 FFFI   |    70
 FFFO   |    18
 FFGE   |    79
 FFHU   |    49
 FFIZ   |   125
 FFKF   |    31
 FFKK   |    49
 FFLO   |    49
 FFPE   |    90
 FFPO   |   366
 FFPS   |   121
 FFPU   |   101
 FFRO   |   217
 FFSF   |   957
 FFSK   |    13
 FFSO   |    84
 FFTA   |   183
 FFTU   |    27
(22 rows)

Upisano u Kohu

SLF tablica s kodovima

POV tablica s kodovima

  • file: ffpo-kodovi.xls

PERI baze

ffcas=# select zbirka, count(*) from isis group by zbirka order by zbirka ;
 zbirka | count 
 FFAN   |   150
 FFAR   |   361
 FFET   |   345
 FFFI   |    81
 FFFO   |    45
 FFGE   |   115
 FFHU   |    72
 FFIZ   |   224
 FFKK   |    92
 FFLO   |    62
 FFPE   |    51
 FFPO   |   959
 FFPS   |   207
 FFPU   |    76
 FFRO   |    30
 FFSF   |  2313
 FFSO   |    99
 FFTA   |   241
 FFTU   |    36
(19 rows)


 select mfn,zbirka,signatura,naslov from sig where signatura in (select signatura from sig group by signatura having count(signatura) > 1) order by signatura ;


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