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in Dobrica Pavlinušić's random unstructured stuff

Jifty notes for installing production Jifty instance on Debian etch


deb http://debian.carnet.hr/debian etch main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://debian.jifty.org/debian etch jifty


sudo apt-get install subversion make svk ssmtp jifty libmodule-install-perl



Edit /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf to include valid mailhub

Apply patch #24482 to Email::Send to fix mail sending or execute fillowing command:

sudo ln -sf /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/local/bin/


svk co svn+ssh://llin-svn/home/dpavlin/private/svn/Arh
cd Arh
perl Makefile.PL

# sudo is needed if you don't have all modules
sudo make

./bin/jifty schema

./bin/jifty server

Very small Jifty application which enables execution of perl code within browser. This is a gapping security hole. You have been warned. Source code is in subversion so feel free to checkout it and play with it.

Aside from that, it's a nice tool to learn perl on the web, without need to install anything on local machine. In fast, that's why it was written.


  • upload or copy/paste code or input
  • edit code using JavaScript syntax highlighted editor
  • run scripts from browsers and get command-line equivalent output
  • resolve dependencies within code (needed to dump all files required for run)

Security holes:

  • It execute any code entered by user on server. It will timeout it after 5s (configurable in config.yml)
  • User can require any module installed on system (there is FIXME comment in code, but I'm not sure that white listing of modules would be usable).
fetchrss: http://svn.rot13.org/index.cgi/Perly/rss
  • There was an error: 404 Not Found


Grep is RSS feed searcher and cacher. Actually, more correct is to think about Grep as your search console.
If you are into buzzword land, you can even call that information worker workbench but, enough of that.

It's mostly useful with web sites that provide search results as RSS feed. If they include full content in feeds even better. One example of such web service is SocialText wiki for which Grep was originally written.

I know that I wrote it in some wiki workspace, but where ?!

Following that idea, Grep gained powerful plugin mechanism which enable users (err, developers who can write 10-line perl module) to scrape any site which has form or rest API and produce search results as links. While doing that, it will also fetch result pages and cache them locally. Have in mind that this is a slow process which puts much load on remote server, so use it sparsely. However, once remote results are fetched, they are always available in local cache for quick reference, even when offline!

For now, here is a feature list:

  • cache all results locally, great for off-line use
  • supports credential spoofing using Cookies (useful to login into protected areas)
  • comes with easy bookmarklet subscribe helper
  • written using Jifty and KinoSearch
  • scrapers for other wikis and CMS engines which can be source of items for Grep
  • de-duplicate local results (based on near duplicates detection which is great for sites which change just slightly like wikis)
  • import local html pages from ScrapBook FireFox plugin

Source code is in development Subversion repository

fetchrss: http://svn.rot13.org/index.cgi/Grep/rss
  • There was an error: 404 Not Found

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