Various infrared links collected here
Updated for HVAC Mitsubishi & Panasonic IR
D4 GPIO2 - AM2301
D6 GPIO12 - IN - IRrecv
D7 GPIO13 - Switch1 - reed relay to gnd
D5 GPIO14 - OUT - IRsend
AP1 SSID, AP1 password
hostname - ir
Host: rpi2
Topic: ir
Telemetry period: 10
Device Name: IR
Friendly Name 1: IR
SerialLog 3 - turn serial log output
switch 2 gpio 13
expose gpio 13 in homeassistant as lodja_vrata sensor, remove connection with relay
SwitchText2 lodja_vrata Setoption114 1 SwitchMode2 15
{"NAME":"Tasmota IR-Gateway","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,1056,0,0,0,0,0,1088,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}
GPIO04 IRsend
GPIO14 IRrecv