Bunch of references for Altera FPGA
The Bus Pirate can program CPLDs and FPGAs using XSVF format bitstreams and XSVF player firmware. Altera might not output XSVF directly, but there is a simple converter for SVF to XSVF.
Windows binaries are provided, but the source should also compile under Linux. Source is in the Bus Pirate SVN:
Bus Pirate FPGA and CPLD programming with XSVF:
SVF to XSVF converter:
FX2LP firmware
To generate an SVF file in Quartus® II software, follow the steps below:
edit .*qsf file and add:
set_location_assignment PIN_AP30 -to qdr_q[35]
dpavlin@klin:~$ /opt/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/bin/quartus --64bit