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Announcements and Links

This is a wiki. It has lots of pages that you can write on. Click on links to explore, and click Home to come back.

If you'd like an introductory tour of Socialtext, start here.

The Announcements and Links page is the page that everyone on your team will see on their Dashboard. Here you can post announcements, leave notes, and link to useful resources.

How do I make links?

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Back: What's the funny punctuation?

Making links in Socialtext is very simple.

To add a link to a page in the workspace, first double-click to enter editing mode. Alternatively, click the Edit button.

Type the name of the page you want to link to, and turn it into a link simply by selecting it and clicking on base/images/wikiwyg_icons/link.gif in the toolbar.

If you make a link to a page that doesn't exist yet, your link will appear with a dotted underline. When you click on the link, the page will be created.

How do I make a new page?

Workspace Tour - Table of Contents
How do I make a new page?

Up: Workspace Tour - Table of Contents
Back: How do I make links?

Visit the dashboard and click on the New Page Button. You will see a new page to edit. Change the name of the page by editing the title in the field on top. Put the text of the page in the larger space below. Click the green Save button.


You can also create a new page by making a link on an existing page. While editing, select the text to link and click on base/images/wikiwyg_icons/link.gif in the toolbar. You can also put the name of the page you wish to create in square brackets, like this: [Title of New Page].

After saving, the link will appear with a dashed underline, which means the link refers to page that does not exist. Whenever you click on a dashed link, you can create the missing page.

To practice, try making a new page with your name as a title using either method.

Congratulations! You know how to use a workspace

Quick Start

Here's the 2-minute basic intro:

  1. Edit this Page. Then type as you like.
  2. You can't do any permanent damage. See "Revisions" to see revision history for a page and undo changes if needed
  3. See "Recent Changes" to see what people have been adding lately
  4. Create a new page by putting a page name in [square brackets] (creates a new page in this wiki site), like this: page name
  5. Create a hyperlink (an external link) by placing an existing URL in <angle brackets>, like this: http://www.example.com/
Meeting agendas

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Back: Conversations

  • Log the outline of an upcoming meeting or phone conference, and give the address out to participants.
  • Make links out to separate pages detailing issues as needed.
  • Update the agenda before the meeting, or on the fly during the meeting as new discussion points come up.

Project Widget Planning Meeting

January 13, 2004
Call-in number: 512-555-1212

...a Workspace can also help you with project plans...

What if I make a mistake?

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Back: Can I change something?

Don't worry, you can't do any permanent damage.

Click on REVISIONS to see previous versions of a page. You can always go back to an earlier version. And you can see who changed each version of the page, and when.


Go ahead and try it here. Edit this page, save it, then click on REVISIONS

So, What's the funny punctuation?

What else is here?

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Back: Start here

Again, you're looking at a page in a Socialtext Workspace. It provides a way to organize information and collaborate on the web.

What else can be in a workspace? Perhaps another way people keep track of things, say a to-do list.

Keith's To-do List

Pages can contain links, as in the case of the words "Marketing Proposal" above.

A workspace can also hold documents that people are working on...

Project Plans

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Back: Meeting agendas

Share information about projects and tasks with your team.

Widget project summary

Recent Updates

11-14-05: Added the Top 5 Requirements
11-14-05: Added a draft of an Evaluation document

Widget Development Tasks

10-22-2005 100% Integrated Top 5 Requirements
10-29-2005 095% Requirements for Widget
10-31-2005 080% Evaluation Document

... you can use pages in a Workspace to build collections of pages...

Lists of pages

Up: Workspace Tour - Table of Contents
Back: Project plans

Here are links to some of the pages in this workspace.

Things you might find in a workspace

Meeting Agendas
Project Plans

Now that I know about some of the things I can use a Workspace for, how do I find my way around?

Weblog Navigation
Weblog Archives
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