YaxweTemeDva: Revision 4

teme za yaxwe:

amiga--comunity, Demo Scene, new hw AmigaONE Dual G4, PegasosPPC G4, ACK SW ctrls 64-bit DualCore AmigaNG, Open Source spillOff, AmigaOS 4.0, MorphOS, AROS, ...howtoStart

gnu/linux--comunity, Project(GNU), Movement (Pokret), snimanje LiveCDdistri, multiBoot CleanInstalls, gnuFeminizam, cyberFeminizam, linux the only OSkernel with hamRadio supporthowtoStart, how to live of free sw,
linux education: self study vs. certification, Linux Conferences (Open Source & Free Software), hacking (not cracking !), g33k subcultura,...

hamRadio(radioAmaterizam)--comunity, BroadCastListening, ShortWaveListening, QRP (<5W transmisions), ARG, konstruktorstvo, packet radio, amateurradio licence: a legal frame for >100 mW WiFi, 3-3oMHz shortWave World @ your Morse radioTelegraph key-..-.-,
VHF(144-146MHz/2m), UHF(43o-44oMHz/7ocm), 1,2GHz(23cm), 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz, 24GHz,.........248 GHz use that band @ <=1oooW !
LowPowerDevice(<=10mW@433MHz), PersonalMobileRadio Device (<=500 mW@446MHz), CitizenBand (<=2W/10W@27MHz) is 4 phoneing, howtoStart (localClubCourse, exam, licence, personal rig, radio shack...)

subMarines(podmornice)--Tom Clancy, Red Storm Rising, Hunt For The Red october, simulators, models, books, pictures, web sites,

HiFi (audioPhilia)--headPhones (Grado, Stax electroStatic earSpeakers 380/5ooV, Sigma Design, Ergo, AKG,...), tube amps, ...

astronomy--basic Universe theorys, equipment (telescopes, )

open organize-ing/horizontal colaboration--tamTam"s, wiki-ies, mind mapping (freeMind, mindMap,...); howto-direct-ego-@-comunity-to-creativity, multidiciplinary community merge-ing,
cross linking in IRC, javaChats, 4ums, blogs, mailing lists,

amateur electronics--soldering(lemljenje), dicrete elements (resistors, capacitors, solenoids, diodes, tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, ...)

retro computing/hw recycling--Orao, Galaksija, Commodore-64, ZX Spectrum, Atari, classic computing, 8 bits Gold Age, demo scene, LuNiX NG (Linux 4 C-64 with TCP/IP & preemptive multitasking @ 1MHz in 50kB !)

gadgets--Psion Series 5/EpocOS/OpenPsion (preSymbian), Compaq IPAQ H37oo (OPIE/GnomePdaEnvironment)

photography--cameras, middleFormat, analogue b&w (chemical) & digital age,...

-open hardware (AmigaONE & PegasosPPC)

women & tehnology/linux--

advocacy--technology fobias,...

atlas of cyberspace

gnuFeminism & cyberFeminism--how to pass the FLOSS knowledge and Project & Movement truth, without trying to date and throw sexist remarks to the woman next table, room, chatRoom,...

cyberspace in movies & art--Neuromancer, film perspective of a computer, network (Klaudijo @ V.G. :))

not in form of a lecture, workshop, hands-on lab, round table, presentations...rather free style open & horizontal comunication...