YaXwe: Revision 4

=== YAXWE yet another xacktogether of west and east ===
 MonteParadiso HackLab, Pula, početak Rujna aka minithk2

na thk mailing listi zapoceo je diskusijski koncenzus te horizontalni & participativni organizacijski proces, o mogucem odrzavanju Drugog Trans Kulturalnog_Nacionalnog Hack Meetinga. S obzirom da se event nece radit sa talijanima, odabran je novi naziv: YAXWE

Event bi se trebao dogoditd u prostorima monteParadiso hackLab-a, u vojarni Karlo Rojc na Montezarru, Pula:

upDate: y.a.x.w.e ipak nIJe TransHackMeetingDva (thk2), jer je dVOJKa odrzana u Oslu, Norveska...

link na YaxWe

link na TransHackMeetingDva

link na TransHackMeeting1

link na HackMeetingPisa [80]0xA

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{prilika za gostovanje razmjene u Puli ??}

Subject: Thk Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 23:30:29 +0200 (CEST)

From: thk-request@autistici.org

Reply-To: thk@autistici.org

To: thk@autistici.org

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Today's Topics:

UK ID cards (salsaman)
Premiere of TECHNOCALYPS 10 May

summer 2006, France (darkveggy)

thk 2.0 this summer? (ivana)
Re: thk 2.0 this summer? (tetsuo)
Re: thk 2.0 this summer?

(meinhard@benn.org)** rez rez snip snip rez rez**

Message: 4Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:31:35 +0200

From: ivana <ivana@mi2.hr>

Subject: Thk thk 2.0 this summer?

To: thk@autistici.org


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

hi people!

we (multimedia institute & monteparadisohacklab) are organising a hacker meeting in pula this summer. eventwill be supported by freedomsoftware law center (http://www.softwarefreedom.org/).we'd like to offer possibility toeastern-european hackers to join the meeting, so we agreed with eben moglen that SFLC will provide us with 25000$ to cover the expenses of people that otherwise couldn't afford to come. the money is coming from big companies as IBM and some foundations that sponsor the process of GNUGPL 3 development. the idea of making pula permanent home of thk was discussed more then once; many pros and cons emerged. however, i feel that, if we're not going to do it this year, another thk is not going to happen, and i see this as a possibility to 'ressurect' thk, reaching more people from eastern europe this time. here's a short summary of a project; please read it and express your opinion. should it be thk 2.0 or not?

---Hacking Summer

Over the first five days of September we plan to organize a hacker meeting at the Monteparadiso Hacklab in Pula, Croatia. The meeting should offer an opportunity for free software, hacker culture and hacktivist communities to get and hack together on software development, GNU GPLv3 debate, technological hacks, cyber-right s and all other issues related to information and technological freedomsand political activism.


While extending on the experiences of self-organized transhack meetings, which have become a rallying site for hacktivists from all over the Western and Mediterranean Europe, Near and Middle East, we wish additionally to reach out towards free software communities all over the Eastern Europe and create an opportunityto exchange experiencesand knowledge on how to leapfrog thelimitations the free softwareand information freedoms face in EasternEurope and to contribute tofostering strong bonds and networks amongfree software, hacker andgeek communities across Europe.

The hacking summer event will take place onthe premises of formermilitary complex Karlo Rojc, which hasserved as a venue for one of theprevious transhack meetings. As our plan isto develop, over the nexttwo-three years, facilities in the regionof Istria - MonteparadisoHacklab in Pula and Labinary in Labin - toserve as permanent, yearover facilities for free softwaredevelopment, research, marathons andhacker, with this event we want to makeinitial steps towards creatingand building up resources necessary at thehacking summer location.


hacking summer is open for everyone toparticipate and programis open for all participants to organize.All hacking-related andhacking-unrelated topics can become adebate, a skill-sharing session,a workshop or a lecture.

To address issues of GNU GPL deliberationprocess, free softwaredevelopment and advocacy in Eastern Europeand across EuropeMonteparadiso Hacklab, Multimedia Instituteand Software Freedom LawCenter will organize more formal sessionsrelated to those issues.There will be four such sessionsconcentrated over the last two daysof the hacking summer event:

1. GNU GPL v 3 - future challenges for freesoftware

2. Free Software development in EasternEurope: Development project incivil societies, SMEs and government

3. Building Free Software alliances inEastern Europe

4. Networking Free Software communitiesacross Europe


The event venue - Karlo Rojc complex - willoffer plenty offree space for those who wish to set uptheir camping gear and basicfacilities for those who will stay at thepremises. Those who wish to beaccommodated elsewhere in Pula, will be ableto find plenty of differentaccommodation options in the town. Therewill be no registration feesnor fees for those who will be organizing.

Monteparadiso Hacklab, Multimedia Instituteand Software Freedom LawCenter wish to cover expenses of up to 40participants from EasternEurope for who would not be able to covertheir own expenses.---

    • ivana

Message: 5Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 22:36:11 +0200From: tetsuo <tetsuo@icomed.it>Subject: Re: Thk thk 2.0 this summer?To: Public list for the organization of atranscultural hackmeeting


Message-ID: <4499ADBB.3090406@icomed.it>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

ivana wrote:> should it be thk 2.0 or not?


Message: 6Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 00:08:17 +0300From: meinhard@benn.orgSubject: Re: Thk thk 2.0 this summer?To: Public list for the organization of atranscultural hackmeeting


Message-ID: <4499B541.5000803@benn.org>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hacking Summer> > Over the first five days of September weplan to organize a hacker> meeting at the Monteparadiso Hacklab inPula, Croatia.

great! although it juuust about stillsummer.if it is going to happen, i will be there for the preparation,self-oganising support and clean-up again. mp hl i'm coming.


Yuupiiiii.So we need to plan free week.(& personaly maybe a vacation combination atVerudela resort at the same time.)We should bare in our minds that from 2.to3.of october a Linux Conference is held atPortoroz,Slovenia; and IBM Linux Forum (Umag,Rovinj,Cro) at about september the 23rd. OracleLinuxConference is to follow IBMs, at the sameplace.CARNet Users` Conference (CUC) will be at20.-22. of november at Dubrovnik.

At the moment no event of "penguin" willinterfere with thk2.....

drGspotskill?ExchangeWorkshopnet culture club "mama"zagreb, croatia




amiga & linux r?ULeZ

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