RazmjenaPlanovi: Revision 2

Ovo ce biti kutak gdje cu bacit na "elektronichki" papir sve ideje koje tishte podsvjest a bile bi zgodne za RazmjnaVjestina

1. Donoshenje (classic)PowerAmige 1200 (PowerPerformanceChip) u "mamu" te instalacija stalnog postava za demonstracije AmigaOS-a i experimentiranje s linux-om.


CPU: HybridSymetriMultiprocessing:

     Motorola MC68040/25MHz (RISC/CISC mix)
     IBM/Motorola PowerPC 603e+ (G2) 175 MHz -- pure RISC
     (Phase5 Blizzard Power Board)

ChipRAM: 2MB
FastRAM: 32/64 (72pin SIMM)

(hint to get a feeling comparing to PC multiply with 10, in egsample 128 MB ram in Amiga is about 1280 MB in winPC -- definitely in code usage :-))

monitor: "mama" TV set from "DJ main" room, where Atari 2600 console was
         some Amiga native monitor (1084s,1901,..)
         same "mama" VGA through VGA adaptor

hdd: 2 GB - 4GB or more -- see above for capacity: 4GB==40GB in code :)

net: modem or gateway-ing through Parnet/Sernet/Ariadne LAN


2. Kupnja i instalacija AmigaONE dual G4 800-1500 MHz
    AmigaOS 4.0 Debian GNU/LinuxPPC,SuSEPPC,GentooPPC,MacOS X.4 by MOL...
3. Kupnja i instalacija Pegasos PPC G4 1GHz
    MorphOS, Debian GNU/LinuxPPC,SuSEPPC,GentooPPC,MacOS X.4 by MOL...
4. Kupnja Sony/RedHat Linux for Playstation2

more to come