NorveshkiHackMeet: Revision 2

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:29:34 +0100
From: Sub <subvertao@inventati.org>
Subject: Thk Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting
To: Public list for the organization of a transcultural hackmeeting
Message-ID: <45AD43BE.5050501@inventati.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

here in Oslo, Norway, we have a small hacklab ( http://humla.info )
inside a much much much muuuch bigger social space ( http://www.Hausmania.org ).
We are a pretty small collective but with great aspirations :)

We are thinking about organizing a trans hackmeeting here the weekend
after the g8
demonstrations this summer. That is 15, 16, 17 of june 2007.

We have a hacklab with 10 online machines, very fast net, webradio,
videoprojector, a backyard for barbecues, and we can provide
one or more big big rooms for guesting people, provide vegan food for
cheap,provide (relatively) cheap beer and
whatever else come to your mind.
We also have little money for special necessities ( visas for eastern
european hackers for example ).
We can also organize local propaganda of the event in the city, and make
a poster.

What we can't provide, is have you willing to come!

If anybody is interested, please say.


( humla mailing list at : intern@humla.info,channel #humla on
irc.indymedia.org/994 )

don't mourn, organize.

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:18:44 +0100
From: kraken <kraken@autistici.org>
Subject: Re: Thk Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting
To: subvertao@inventati.org, Public list for the organization of a
    transcultural hackmeeting <thk@autistici.org>
Message-ID: <45AD7974.5030900@autistici.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Hash: SHA1

Sub ha scritto:

If anybody is interested, please say.

Me! :)

Cool guys, the "setup" you've explained can be very interesting and
imho it's a serious purpouse.

We have just to understand if people from this list are going to move
on for next thk.

So, what you want to do?
Imho first we've to analize our situation: this list is dead since
2004 except for sporadic news from hack (and not) world, and I think
we've to gather ourselves again on this list and start speaking (and
working) for next thk.

This purpouse is a point from which we can start discussion about
another trans-hackmeeting, too.


  • --

"Paranoia is like safety: never too much."
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)
