MarcellMarsTxtFeedbackLetter: Revision 2

== Feedback Letter ==
=== question ===
hello ppl,

skill sharing was there ;)

i feel it would be good to give you some feedback on what we did and ask
you for follow up things which we need to finish.

i would say the skill sharing in kunsthaus went ok. we (8 of us) were
sitting there with our laptops chatting a bit with people (mostly
exhibition stuff) and doing something which we could call "regular"
skill sharing. unfortunately we didn't have people who were coming
particularly on skill sharing session but instead did have many people
who were walking around doing the regular visiting of the exhibition.

we did quite long video interview and that was quite funny + hope
interesting for author's and future audience...

as we (geekz) are easy to turn off social sensibility we acted like
visitors are temporarily in our temporary house. that later on brought to
us very interesting discussions about the feeling and meaning of 'being
exhibited together with your regular activities' inside of exhibition set
up in the museum. it is sort of funny but also when in cynical mood it
brings up questions of (no) meaning in recontextualisation or changing
radically communicational context.. we agreed we don't care too much
about art ;)

but also we agreed we care about sharing skills in easy way we got use
to do...

if we or you will do similar thing in the future it is important to
bring interpretation of 'being exhibited as authentic form of daily
life activity ' as part of the preparation of the event so that would
help to step onto higher level of abstraction of wtf is going on at
particular moment... that could be very inspirational for both geekz and
art(*ists/historians/consumers)... if not prepared in advance that
part of the communicational context could be overexposed/covered in
particular time of happening... the issue described above was
interesting for us and i hope it is of some interest for you too...

if we will do the same thing somewhere else we would probably recommend
contacting local linux user group and diy communities from the side of
organizers or even more probable we would try to do that on our own
also..hope that's ok for paying the agreed amounts... i must say i need that
quite soon as i paid everything in cash and the amount of money is quite
close to my monthly salary ;)

i left two (signed by me) invoices to thomas tigel (?!?) as i was told
by werner (?!?) one for traveling costs + hotel and second one for
agreed artist's fee.. i also left all of the bills which i had from the
gas station and highways... (i'm sorry if i forgot the right names)...

i'm sorry i didn't meet any of you guys but hope that we will have
another chance soon..



=== reply ===

Hello Marcel


Thanks for your mail and feedback.
I really appreciated you agreeing to participate in Generosity and your
response is useful for future projects


Exactly the same thing happened to me and my \214workshop? - very few
people/lack of support and equipment, and even signage


So I feel like shit, and I?m sorry ,and I feel that I have to apologise and
take some responsibility.
We wanted to invite you, but were unable to take care of you.

The museum wanted to have a non-exhibition; of events, performances and
workshops. And yet they have none of the infrastructure to advertise,
support , interpret and host such events �bills, equipment, audience, etc.
So I apologise on their behalf because our and more especially your
generosity was exploited. Exploited partly by us, but mostly by the museum.
This is not something we are comfortable with, or indeed ever intended

What you say here

as we (geekz) are easy to turn off social sensibility we acted like [BR]
visitors are temporarily in our temporary house. that later on brought to [BR]
us very interesting discussions about the feeling and meaning of 'being [BR]
exhibited together with your regular activities' inside of exhibition set [BR]
up in the museum. it is sort of funny but also when in cynical mood it [BR]
brings up questions of (no) meaning in recontextualisation or changing [BR]
radically communicational context.. we agreed we don't care too much [BR]
about art ;) [BR]

Is very interesting, particularly what you go on to say about needing
interpretation to stop the abstraction of everyday life activities -
There was no guide, text or person to help visitors understand what was
happening in any of the workshops, and yes it was stupid of them not to
contact the Linux and media community in Graz.

So once again I?m sorry that it was not more productive, and sorry that I
was not even able to be there.

Best wishes though, and i hope we meet again soon