MarcellMarsPitanjeKeyKit2ALSA: Revision 2

= Kako preusmjeriti MIDI output iz KeyKita i drugih non JACK aplikacija u ALSA-u? =

Rado bi provjerio kako rade MIDI aplikacije s windowsa i non JACK native Linux aplikacije usmjeravajući njihov output kroz ALSA-u ka softsynthevima.

= Odgovor =
from http://www.music.columbia.edu/pipermail/linux-audio-user/2003-October/007466.html linux-audio-user :

I've been working with Tim Thompson's http://www.nosuch.com/keykit/index.html KeyKit, trying to get it to send
its output to a softsynth. I can set a variable for Key``Kit that will
select the ALSA rawmidi device with this syntax :


where hw:1,0 refers to my card1 (the ALSA virmidi module) and its first
device (0). Now when I start KK (and set the Port Enabler to ALSA) I can
route its output to whatever connections are available via aconnect (or
the kaconnect GUI).

I just wanted to say "Thanks!" to the ALSA developers for the virmidi
module. I've used it with MIDI sequencers running under emulation
systems such as DOSemu and Xsteem, I've used it for the TK707 virtual
drum machine, and now I'm using it with Key`Kit. The combination of
`Midity-as-softsynth (with the Fluid soundfont) and the virmidi module
is a very powerful and flexible system for me, and I just wanted to pass
on a note of appreciation for the ALSA team's work.

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net [BR]
Sat Oct 18 09:28:10 EDT 2003

    • MarcellMars, 05/10/04