FrameWorkZaIntro: Revision 2

na LinuxChix mailing listi nasao sam zanimljivu sistematizaciju za linux tecaj:

Thinking of doing something in the following line:
1. Introduction: what is Linux, why it is useful to know how to use it[*].
2. Installation: going through the whole process once, in a computer that already has Windows on it (in order to show how partitioning is done), giving out the Ubuntu CD's + a Live CD.

(to add a win instalation process too to show how to leave room for linux)

3. Desktop: not just showing what programes there are as alternatives, but also how they work, how to download and install new packages, creating different users -- everything using GUI tools.
4. Configuring the system I: again, begining with GUI tools to add printers, use digital cameras and USB sticks.
5. Intro to the command line (try to talk a Department into letting us use a computer lab for this, though it'll be difficult): basic commands what they do how they work (ls, cp, mv), permissions and users (very basic stuff, not going into details) -- probably something else, but I can't think what....
6. System administration: the root user, adding users, installing packages from the command line, mounting disks (/etc/fstab), using man pages, ssh sessions (login in into the student's server).


Josh extrapolirat sa materijalima EgoBooBitsLinuxorkshopa:


i Linux Profesional Instituta (L.P.I.)

LX02 - Linux Power User

LX03 - Linux System Administration I: Implementation

LPI-Certified level 1 - Test 101

i RedHat edukacije RHCT/RHCE

RH-033 Intro to Lin 1 & 2 -- Liux Essentials

RH-133 System Administration

RH-253 Services Networking ...