EmcsWorkTimeCounter: Revision 4

(setq work-time-start 9)
(setq work-time-end 17)
(setq work-time-statuslen 16)


(defun work-time-update nil
  (let* ((now (current-time))
(today (let ((dcd-now (decode-time now)))
`(,(nth 3 dcd-now) ,(nth 4 dcd-now) ,(nth 5 dcd-now))))
(start-time (apply #'encode-time (append (list 0 0 work-time-start) today)))
(end-time (apply #'encode-time (append (list 0 0 work-time-end) today))))
(labels ((status-string-format (perc)
(cond ((< perc 0) ":(")
((> perc 1) ":)))
(t (let* ((filled (round (* perc *work-time-statuslen*)))
(empty (- *work-time-statuslen* filled)))
(elapsed-percentage (from to now) (/ (float (- now from))(- to from)))
(total-sec (time) (+ (* 65536 (car time)) (cadr time))))
(setq wt-status-string
(elapsed-percentage (total-sec start-time) (total-sec end-time) (total-sec now)))))))

(push #'work-time-update display-time-hook)


(defun wt-status-displayed nil
  (member 'wt-status-string global-mode-string))

(defun wt-add-status nil
  (setq global-mode-string (append global-mode-string '(wt-status-string))))

(defun wt-remove-status nil
  (setq global-mode-string (remove 'wt-status-string global-mode-string)))

(defun work-time-status-toggle nil
  (funcall (if (wt-status-displayed) #'wt-remove-status #'wt-add-status)))


(setq wt-status-string (work-time-update))

;;add minutes
;;works only as display time hook