DyneArchs: Revision 4

pitali Jaromila u vezi portanja dynebolica na alterArhitekture...
evo odgovora :-)

Od: jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
Za: drgspot@net.hr, Public list for the organization of a transcultural hackmeeting <thk@autistici.org>
Naslov: Re: Thk Re: dyne:bolic 2.4 DHORUBA or 1.4 on alterHW ?...
Datum: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 15:57:15 +0100

Hash: SHA1

hi drgspot

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 09:01:12AM +0100, drgspot@net.hr wrote:

I read the fantastic info about new dyne distro...

thanks for appreciation. i'm also quite happy about it at the moment,
considering that since 2.4 a simple button in the nest mechanism grants
an encryption of personal data stronger than what they use in bank

i encourage every software developer to have a look at cryptsetup and
luks, together with dm-crypt in linux 2.6 they work perfect to provide
privacy to users. it should be implemented everywhere!
i'm also available for help scripting it.

My question is how difficult if possible would be to make a dyne:bolic version


-classic Amiga (m68k)--hint m68k-linux Project

-classic PPC Amiga (PowerPerformanceChip 603e==G2) hint--LinuxPPC Project

-new AmigaONE Hardware (ATX, PCI, AGP, PPC G3, G4, DualG4, (G5__64))

-new PegasosPPC hardware (DDR, FireWire,ATX, PCI, AGP, PPC G3, G4, DualG4,

-Playstation2 (MIPS R59oo 128 bit/@ 29o MHz/32MB))

-Playstation3 (Cell_9 core PPC Synergistic Procesing Element Distributed

cluster/GRID on chip


-classic Atari (m68k)--hint m68k-linux Project

-announced meta_hypothetic Genesi "AtariONE"==PegasosPPC with Atari

firmWare with MiNT

(Mint is Not/Now TOS--Table/Tramiel Operating System)

-Apple (allready there ?)

-any other alter arch/platform

it is as difficult as realizing dyne:3 :)

cross-platform compatibility is a main goal for it.

together with goto10 developers we are forming a new core developers
group for this new version. very soon i'll also send out a call for
people that is interested in collaborating. hopefully this time the
developers team will be large, as there is enough documentation and
tools to build a collective dev environment as you see on


p.s. yes, Amiga Rulez! BTW have you seen the GP2X ?

  • --

(_ jaromil )( http://korova.dyne.org _)