CuraPitala: Revision 2

Eto cura pitala na linuxChix mailing listi o linuxu--eto odgovora:

1. Fwd: what is linux all about (cecilia yuyi)

Well Cecilia Linux is all about sharing. Between Community. Of users. Sharing of code, concepts, philosophy. .
Linux is a kernel of GNU Operating System. It is also a Project & Movement.
Proprietary O.S.s & software a mostly a Product.
It sa unix clone.Programmed by Linux Torvalds & 1000s of hackers (not crackers).

It is used by enthusiasts, goverments, students, e-commerce, Internet providers, banks, industry; because of its security, stability, portability, opennes & specific development model and patent free Licencing--Copyleft (http://www.gnu.org)

The central spot of info is at:


The history is available at:


& a specific, (somwhere outdated) documentation at:


I recomend:
Linux instalation & Getting started:


Users login at command line or Graphical User Interface & start aplications, in multiuser, multitasking & even multiProcessor environment.

Documetation is actualy available at command line interface (man, info, faqs, howto-s,) & X Window(ing) System--Desktop Enviroments (GUI which mimic the concept & Philosophy of known Operating Systems GUIs such as Windows, AmigaOS, Apple MacOS, AtariOS.)

There are numerous Linux User Groups & Conferences, through a World where you can get LiveCD, instalable CD, phisical help, for single & multiboot (with win) install on Your desktop or notebook machine.

There are noumerous of distributions (CDs, DVDs, floppys) to satisfy every need:


Not to speak of many magazines & paper book which are available.

For example we at the skillExchange workshop here in Zagreb, Croatia are focused at helping new users, especialy wumen.

Dont read the f....n manual, ask & bother. The Community. And be a part of One.


Amiga & Linux rULeZ

power to the linux chix


2. Re: Fwd: what is linux all about (Mary)

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 14:27:33 +0000 (GMT)
From: cecilia yuyi <ceciliayuyi@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Newchix Fwd: what is linux all about
To: newchix@linuxchix.org
Message-ID: <20060313142733.87491.qmail@web26512.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Note: forwarded message attached.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:34:30 +1100
From: Mary <mary-linuxchix@puzzling.org>
Subject: Re: Newchix Fwd: what is linux all about
To: newchix@linuxchix.org
Message-ID: <20060313203430.GA9473@sourdust.home.puzzling.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Mon, Mar 13, 2006, cecilia yuyi wrote:

Note: forwarded message attached.


_End of Newchix Digest, Vol 37, Issue 9