Croatian Perl Workshop 2008
Croatian Perl Workshop 2008: Revision 5

Prvi Hrvatski Perl Workshop organizairaju Zagreb Perl Mongers u sradnji sa Hrvatskskom Udrugom Linux Korisnika

Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva u Zagrebu, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, 15.4.2008. od 08-18 sati

First Croatian Perl Workshop if organized by Zagreb Perl Mongers and Croatian Linux User Grup

Što sa prijavama?

Pošaljite mail na da bi otprilike znali koliko će ljudi doći. Nema kotizacije za sam workshop. Istu adresu možete koristiti i za eventualna pitanja ili sugestije.

What about registration?

Please send e-mail to so we know rough amount of people who are coming. There is no fee, so feel free to just show up. You can use same e-mail address for other questions and informations.

Official time table is at

Lightning Talks proposals

Andrew Shitov: Cyrillic Headache

All lectures are in English unless otherwise noted.