Koha korisnici i ovlasti: Revision 5

Pod Patrons koha ubraja korisnike u najširem smislu - taj pojam obuhvaća sve osobe koje imaju potrebu iz bilo kojeg razloga koristiti Koha sustav.

Kategorije korisnika

Sada imamo ove kategorije:

Ovlasti za knjižničare

  • (cirkulate) Circulate books
  • (catalogue) View Catalogue (Librarian Interface)
  • (borrow) Borrow books
  • (reserveforothers) Reserve books for patrons
  • (editcatalogue) Edit Catalogue (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)
  • (updatesharges) Update borrower charges
  • (reports) allow to access to the reports module
  • (reserveforothers) Reserve books for patrons

Ovlasti za pomoćno osoblje

  • (catalogue) View Catalogue (Librarian Interface)
  • (borrow) Borrow books
  • (editcatalogue) Edit Catalogue (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)
  • (reports) allow to access to the reports module
  • (reserveforothers) Reserve books for patrons