Koha 3.0 administracija - prametri: Revision 2

(stara verzija)

Global System Preferences

postavke sustava, treba ih postaviti na početku
varijable i vrijednosti pohranjene su u systempreferences tablici

Koha 3.0 ima puuuno više postavki. Ali ima i tool za pretraživanje tih postavki, tako da ih je lako naći :)

1.1. Admin

AutoLocation (autorizacija putem IP adrese) : OFF
DebugLevel : 2
delimiter : ;
FrameworksLoaded : auth_val.sql|authorities_normal_marc21.sql|class_sources.sql|marc21_default_matching_rules.sql|marc2...
IndependantBranches : OFF
insecure : OFF
intranet_includes : includes
KohaAdminEmailAddress (adresa na koju se šalju zahtjevi korisnika za promjenama) : mglavica@ffzg.hr
libraryAddress :
MIME (aplikacija za izvoz podataka) : EXCEL
noItemTypeImages : OFF
OpacMaintenance : OFF
SessionStorage : mysql
singleBranchMode : OFF
staffClientBaseURL :
timeout : 12000000
Version : 3.0000061


dateformat : metric
This controls how dates are displayed on the Koha screens, not how they are stored in the database (usually yyyy-mm-dd).

to treba za prikaz u katalogu (pogledati holdings, podatke o primjecima)

podesila sam na metirc, ovaj opis postavke ima gresku, treba biti dd/mm/yyyy:
us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy/mm/dd

1.2. Acquisitions

acquisitions : normal
emailPurchaseSuggestions : OFF
gist : 0

1.3. Authorities

authoritysep : --
BiblioAddsAuthorities : OFF (?)
dontmerge : ON
provjeriti još ove izbore

1.4. Cataloguing

advancedMARCeditor (If ON, the MARC editor won't display field/subfield descriptions) : OFF
autoBarcode (Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch) : OFF
DefaultClassificationSource (Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.) : udc
hide_marc (If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)) : OFF
IntranetBiblioDefaultView : normal
ISBD: #100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a...
item-level_itypes (If ON, enables Item-level Itemtype / Issuing Rules) : ON
itemcallnumber(The MARC field/subfield that is used to calculate the itemcallnumber from an item record) : 080ab
LabelMARCView(Define how a MARC record will display) : economical
marc(Turn on MARC support) : ON
marcflavour(Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding) : MARC21
MARCOrgCode(Define MARC Organization Code - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html) : HR-ZgFF
NoZebra : ON
NoZebraIndexes: 'title' => '130a,210a,222a,240a,243a,245a,245b,246a,246b,247a,247b,250a,250b,440a,830a','author...
RoutingSerials (If ON, serials routing is enabled) : ON (?)
serialsadditems (If ON, globally enables an item record for every checked-in issue of a serial) : ON
z3950AuthorAuthFields (Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill biblio.author) : 701,702,700
z3950NormalizeAuthor(If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in biblio.author) : OFF

1.5. Circulation

ReturnBeforeExpiry : 1
maxoutstanding :
maxreserves :
noissuescharge :
printcirculationslips : 0

1.6. Members

NotifyBorroweerDeparture :
autoMemNum :
checkdigit :

1.7. OPAC

BiblioDefaultView : normal
LibraryName :
OpacPasswordChange : yes
SubscriptionHistory : simplified
hidelostitems : yes
opaclanguages : hr (kontrolira jezik za cijelu kohu, kad postoji str. na odabranom jeziku, prikazuje nju, kad ne postoji nudi zamjenu)
opaclargeimage (ubaciti logo FF-a)
suggestion : 0 (za sad)
virtualshelves : 1

1.8. Others

delimiter : ,
Disable_Dictionary : 0
IndependantBranches : no (eventualno sada yes ako pocnemo katalogizirati prije selidbe)

Basic parameters

Libraries, branches and groups

da li zelimo definirati neke 'ogranke'? (mogu biti i virtualni)
npr. otvoreni pristup/zatvoreno spremište/izložba periodike/uvez

prvo definirati kategorije ogranaka - npr. glavna knjiznica i podrucne knjiznice
ogranke treba opisati, dodijeliti im oznake

Trenutno je u katalogu i knjžnica MIC-a (http://knjiznice.szi.hr/?libid=107&task=nsl). Nije sigurno da li se i oni sele u novu zgradu. To treba netko pitati Jurkovića.
U slučaju da se ne sele, a žele ostati s nama u katalogu, oni su onda kandidat za "područnu knjižnicu", "ogranak"

ogranici su vidljivi u katalgu, gledati u katalog za knjižničare - http://koha.rot13.org:8080/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.pl

ogranci se mogu grupirati u grupe

Accounts and budgets

Currencies and exchange rates

Item types and circulation codes

pravila posudbe ovise o vrsti primjerka (te kategoriji korisnika i ogranku)!

treba ih odrediti prije početka funkcioniranja kohe
mogu li se kasnije dodavati? mijenjati? pravila posudbe, kategorije korisnika i item types

imaju četveroslovnu oznaku


odrediti 'rental charge' (bit će 0)

number of renewals allowed

not for loan : yes/no (moguće je i za svaki pojedinačni primjerak to odrediti)

prijedlog: knjiga / referentna građa / časopis / doktorat / magisterij / diplomski rad / video kazeta / CD&DVD / separat? / baza podataka ? /elektronički časopis? / elektronička knjiga?

kako postići da ispitna literatura ima kraći rok posudbe? da se definira virtualni ogranaka 'ispitna literatura'?

Patrons and circulation

Patron categories

'I' - kod za korisnika-ustanovu (ILL?)

Cities and towns

Road types

Circulation rules

Fines rules


Authorised values

MARC Bibliographic framework

Koha to MARC mapping

MARC Bibliographic framework test

MARC Authorities framework

Classification sources

Record matching rules

Additional parameters


Stop Words

Z39.50 Servers