Koha 3.0 administracija - prametri: Revision 2

(empties verzija){toc: }^^ Administration^^^ Global System Preferencespostavke sustava, treba ih postaviti na početkuvarijable i vrijednosti pohranjene su u systempreferences tabliciKoha 3.0 ima puuuno više postavki. Ali ima i tool za pretraživanje tih postavki, tako da ih je lako naći :)^^^^ 1.1. Admin*AutoLocation* (autorizacija putem IP adrese) : OFF*DebugLevel* : 2*delimiter* : ;FrameworksLoaded : auth_val.sql|authorities_normal_marc21.sql|class_sources.sql|marc21_default_matching_rules.sql|marc2...IndependantBranches : OFF*insecure* : OFF*intranet_includes* : includes*KohaAdminEmailAddress* (adresa na koju se šalju zahtjevi korisnika za promjenama) : mglavica@ffzg.hrlibraryAddress :MIME (aplikacija za izvoz podataka) : EXCEL*noItemTypeImages* : OFF*OPACBaseURL* :OpacMaintenance : OFF*SessionStorage* : mysql*singleBranchMode* : OFF*staffClientBaseURL* :timeout : 12000000*Version* : 3.0000061**dateformat* : metricThis controls how dates are displayed on the Koha screens, not how they are stored in the database (usually yyyy-mm-dd).to treba za prikaz u katalogu (pogledati holdings, podatke o primjecima)podesila sam na metirc, ovaj opis postavke ima gresku, treba biti dd/mm/yyyy:us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy/mm/dd^^^^ 1.2. Acquisitions*acquisitions* : normal*emailPurchaseSuggestions* : OFF*gist* : 0^^^^ 1.3. Authorities*authoritysep* : --BiblioAddsAuthorities : OFF (?)dontmerge : ONprovjeriti još ove izbore^^^^ 1.4. Cataloguing*advancedMARCeditor* (If ON, the MARC editor won't display field/subfield descriptions) : OFF*autoBarcode* (Used to autogenerate a barcode: incremental will be of the form 1, 2, 3; annual of the form 2007-0001, 2007-0002; hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch) : OFF*DefaultClassificationSource* (Default classification scheme used by the collection. E.g., Dewey, LCC, etc.) : udc*hide_marc* (If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)) : OFF*IntranetBiblioDefaultView* : normal*ISBD*: #100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a...item-level_itypes (If ON, enables Item-level Itemtype / Issuing Rules) : ON*itemcallnumber*(The MARC field/subfield that is used to calculate the itemcallnumber from an item record) : 080ab*LabelMARCView*(Define how a MARC record will display) : economical*marc*(Turn on MARC support) : ON*marcflavour*(Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding) : MARC21*MARCOrgCode*(Define MARC Organization Code - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html) : HR-ZgFF*NoZebra* : ON*NoZebraIndexes*: 'title' => '130a,210a,222a,240a,243a,245a,245b,246a,246b,247a,247b,250a,250b,440a,830a','author...RoutingSerials (If ON, serials routing is enabled) : ON (?)serialsadditems (If ON, globally enables an item record for every checked-in issue of a serial) : ON*z3950AuthorAuthFields* (Define the MARC biblio fields for Personal Name Authorities to fill biblio.author) : 701,702,700*z3950NormalizeAuthor*(If ON, Personal Name Authorities will replace authors in biblio.author) : OFF^^^^ 1.5. CirculationReturnBeforeExpiry : 1maxoutstanding : maxreserves : noissuescharge : printcirculationslips : 0^^^^ 1.6. MembersNotifyBorroweerDeparture : autoMemNum : checkdigit :^^^^ 1.7. OPACBiblioDefaultView : normalLibraryName : OpacPasswordChange : yesSubscriptionHistory : simplifiedhidelostitems : yesopaclanguages : hr (kontrolira jezik za cijelu kohu, kad postoji str. na odabranom jeziku, prikazuje nju, kad ne postoji nudi zamjenu)opaclargeimage (ubaciti logo FF-a)opacsmallimageopacstylesheetopacthemessuggestion : 0 (za sad)virtualshelves : 1^^^^ 1.8. Othersdelimiter : ,Disable_Dictionary : 0IndependantBranches : no (eventualno sada yes ako pocnemo katalogizirati prije selidbe)^^^ Basic parameters^^^^ Libraries, branches and groupsda li zelimo definirati neke 'ogranke'? (mogu biti i virtualni)npr. otvoreni pristup/zatvoreno spremište/izložba periodike/uvezprvo definirati kategorije ogranaka - npr. glavna knjiznica i podrucne knjizniceogranke treba opisati, dodijeliti im oznakeTrenutno je u katalogu i knjžnica MIC-a (http://knjiznice.szi.hr/?libid=107&task=nsl). Nije sigurno da li se i oni sele u novu zgradu. To treba netko pitati Jurkovića.U slučaju da se ne sele, a žele ostati s nama u katalogu, oni su onda kandidat za "područnu knjižnicu", "ogranak"ogranici su vidljivi u katalgu, gledati u katalog za knjižničare - http://koha.rot13.org:8080/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/search.plogranci se mogu grupirati u grupe^^^^ Accounts and budgets^^^^ Currencies and exchange rates^^^^ Item types and circulation codespravila posudbe ovise o vrsti primjerka (te kategoriji korisnika i ogranku)!treba ih odrediti prije početka funkcioniranja kohemogu li se kasnije dodavati? mijenjati? pravila posudbe, kategorije korisnika i item typesimaju četveroslovnu oznakuopisodrediti 'rental charge' (bit će 0)number of renewals allowednot for loan : yes/no (moguće je i za svaki pojedinačni primjerak to odrediti)prijedlog: knjiga / referentna građa / časopis / doktorat / magisterij / diplomski rad / video kazeta / CD&DVD / separat? / baza podataka ? /elektronički časopis? / elektronička knjiga?kako postići da ispitna literatura ima kraći rok posudbe? da se definira virtualni ogranaka 'ispitna literatura'?^^^ Patrons and circulation^^^^ Patron categories'I' - kod za korisnika-ustanovu (ILL?)^^^^ Cities and towns^^^^ Road types^^^^ Circulation rules^^^^ Fines rules^^^ Catalogue^^^^ Authorised values^^^^ MARC Bibliographic framework^^^^ Koha to MARC mapping^^^^ MARC Bibliographic framework test^^^^ MARC Authorities framework^^^^ Classification sources^^^^ Record matching rules^^^ Additional parameters^^^^ Printers^^^^ Stop Words^^^^ Z39.50 Servers