Backup i restore: Revision 1


u /srv/koha direktoriju

$ git pull
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
$ git log


$ mysqldump --add-drop-table --single-transaction -u root -p_password_ koha > 2008-11-11_koha.sql
$ mysqldump --add-drop-table -u root -p_password_ koha issues > 2008-11-11_koha.issues.sql


$ mysql -u root -p_password_ koha < koha.sql
$ mysql -u root -p_password_ koha.issues < koha.issues.sql

Lokalni git repozirorij

Ako nešto mijenjam:
1) backup the existing /usr/share/koha
2) backup the existing "koha" MySQL database.
3) install the snapshot into /usr/share/koha, letting it overwrite what it wants
4) copy my modified templates/files back in /usr/share koha (merging where necessary with newer Koha code).

ako radim nove predloške, Kohi treba reći da koristi te predloške, kako ne bi bili pregaženi pri upgradeu.

If you added a new column to the biblioitems table, you'll need to
modify the _koha_add_biblioitem() and
_koha_modify_biblioitem_nonmarc() routines in C4/Biblio.pm to make
sure it gets populated the next time you load records.