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in Knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Koje baze pretražuje Google Scholar?

Will Kurt napravio je wiki stranicu s popisom baza podataka koje su
pretrazive preko Google Scholara i pozvao nas da dodamo na listu ono
sto uocimo da je pretrazivo. Sluzbenu informaciju od Googla o tome nije
moguće dobiti.


"I put in a few entries mainly as a demo, but please add and see if we
can get a good list going. Knowing what is not indexed is equally as
important as knowing what is. If enough people contribute this could
be a really useful.

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Kako isporučiti rezultate pretraživanja korisniku

WebPAC2 i Exhibit na djelu

Zadatak je bio na prvi pogled dosadan, ali opet ne sasvim jednostavan. Trebalo je naći radove u kojima je korištena bootstrap metoda kao metoda analize podataka u području psihologije. Glavni izvor za psihologiju je PsycINFO, pa je prvo napravljeno pretraživanje tako da su u rezultatima dobiveni oni radovi kojima se u sažetku spominje riječ bootstrap* i koji nisu klasificirani kao radovi u području metodologije (PsycINFO ima posebnu klasifikacijsku kategoriju koja se odnosi na metodologiju i statistiku). Rezultati su ograničeni na članke iz časopisa sa stručnom recenzijom i dobiveno ih je 275. Daljnje sužavanja uz pomoć kriterija za pretraživanje moglo bi dovesti do izbacivanja relevantnih rezultata iz ovoga seta i zato je odlučeno da će se korisniku isporučiti cijeli set od 275 rezultata s upozorenjem da u tom setu ima nerelevantnih rezultata.

I sad smo se našli pred izazovom. Na koji način isporučiti korisniku ovu količinu rezultata, a da to bude dovoljno pregledno.
Riješenje izgleda ovako:

a sad slijedi objašnjenje kako je to napravljeno:

1. Pretraživanje je učinjeno na EBSCOhost sučelju

2. Učinjen je export rezultata u format za Generic bibliographic management software. Razlog za odabir ovoga formata je taj što je on jedini među ponuđenim export formatima sadržavao podatke o klasifikacijskim kaegorijama iz baze PsycINFO. Ako koristimo opciju slanja rezultata e-mailom, moguće je odabrati željena polja. U ovom trenutku bio nam je prikladniji export format nego rezultati u mailu, iako bi u budućnosti to moglo biti svejedno.

3. Sad dolazimo do magije :)

Za ovaj specifičan slučaj (rezultati s EBSCOhost-a) trebao nam je WebPAC2 da bismo dobili format podataka prikladan za Exhibit.

WebPAC2 nastao je primarno zbog potrebe koverzije jednog u drugi bibliografski format, ali je prerastao u moćan alat uz pomoć kojeg je moguće pretvoriti potencijano bilo koji strukturirani format u bilo koji drugi. Dokumentavcija za WebPAC2 nalazi se na stranicama projekta (u ovom času ne izgleda baš prijateljski, nadam se to promijeniti u neko dogledno vrijeme).

No, dokumentacija za MIT-jev projet Simile, unutar kojeg je između ostalog stvoren i Exhibit je izrazito prijateljska. Slijedite li upute na stranici http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/Exhibit/Getting_Started_Tutorial, trebat će vam možda i manje od sat vremena da izradite stranicu koja će vam dati novi pogled na vaše podataka, Ono što je naročito zanimljivo jest činjenica da vam za to ne treba web server - znači ne morate imati sistem administraora dobre volje pri ruci, a niti puno "tehničkog znanja". Stranicu možete napraviti na svom lokalnom računalu spojenom na Internet.

Kad jednom napravite takvu stranicu, za određenu strukturu i format podataka, dovoljno je samo podmetnuti podatke na pravo mjesto, a ostalo će se napravi samo :)

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vi editor u rxvt-u za it's all text

From: Dobrica Pavlinusic
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:07:28 +0200


Vjerojatno ćeš htjeti promjentiti font (xfontsel je tvoj prijatelj)

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Cijena ILS-a

O cijeni ILS-a i kako to podnose veliki i mali:


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Honya budo

Honya budo is the martial arts skill of visiting a bookstore without buying a book.


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CFP: IJDL Special Issue on Digital Libraries and Education

Replace this text with your own. ----- Forwarded message from Sarah Giersch <sgiersch@bellsouth.net> -----

From: Sarah Giersch <sgiersch@bellsouth.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 23:10:02 -0500
To: DIGLIB <diglib@infoserv.inist.fr>, LIS-ELIB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK,
 web4lib@webjunction.org, asis-l@asis.org
Subject: Web4lib CFP: IJDL Special Issue on Digital Libraries and Education

**apologies for multiple postings**

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Digital Libraries and Education
International Journal on Digital Libraries

--Special Issue Editors--

Research Libraries, sgiersch@bellsouth.net

--Important dates--

  • Submissions are due: 1 June 2007
  • Acceptance notifications: 20 July 2007
  • Final manuscripts due: 17 August 2007
  • Anticipated publication of the special issue: late Fall 2007

CFP URL: http://ia.usu.edu/ijdl.html

--Background and Significance--
Recent widespread availability of educational resources on the World-
Wide Web holds great potential for transforming education. In science
education, for example, students can now access real-time images from
space exploration. They can also download data and partner with other
students and scientists to analyze simulations of complex weather
events. In mathematics, students can interact with virtual tools and
manipulatives that help make abstract concepts more concrete. Across
all disciplines, teachers can effectively and efficiently tailor
instructional activities to meet curriculum standards and the unique
interests and educational needs of their students. In short, through
interacting with Web content, students can now engage in highly
personalized learning experiences, instead of relying on a one-size-
fits-all textbook.

In recognition of this potential, several large-scale initiatives are
developing digital libraries containing catalogued online learning
resources (or, learning objects), including:

  • the United States' National Science Digital Library (htttp://


  • the Australian Le@rning Federation (http://


Key objectives of the initiatives are to provide teacher and learner
access to high-quality learning objects in order to help improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of education at all levels and across
all disciplines. Emerging research issues include: collecting and
assessing high-quality learning objects of varying levels of
granularity; cataloging to facilitate effective information retrieval
by non-specialist audiences; services and tools that support the use
and re-use of learning objects; systems interoperability; and, policy
issues associated with integrating technical systems into existing
social and educational systems. As such, these initiatives are
concerned with many of the same research issues that the
international digital library community has been grappling with for
the past decade.

The purpose of this special issue is to critically examine the role
that digital libraries can and should play in education. Papers are
invited on the technical, social, and policy dimensions of digital
libraries for education. Topics to be considered include, but are not
limited to:

  • The design, use, evaluation, and sustainability of innovative

digital library technologies in education;

  • Critical examinations of educational practices using these


  • Interdisciplinary aspects; international cooperation;
  • Metadata frameworks for education;
  • Knowledge organization systems and subject access for education;

e.g., thesauri, ontologies, and other terminologies;

  • Quality issues related to learning resources;
  • Indexing, retrieval, and discovery of resources and data for


  • Digital curation, provenance, repository, privacy, and preservation

issues associated with digital libraries for education;

  • Teacher/Learner needs and user interfaces for creating, managing,

customizing, annotating, and collaborating;

  • Accessibility of and to technologies by diverse teacher / learner


Due to the emerging nature of this field, we welcome a broad variety
of lengths and publication types. However, all submissions need to
relate to the field of digital libraries for education. Please
contact one of the editors for feedback and guidance.


  • Papers must be submitted via the web site (will go live in March

2007): http://www.softconf.com/start/IJDL_educationDL

  • Manuscripts must be written in English and should include a cover

page with title, name and address (including email address) of author
(s), an abstract, and a list of keywords.

  • Authors are encouraged to follow the formatting instructions at:


  • Questions concerning this call should be addressed to the special

issue editors

--Important dates--

  • Submissions are due: 1 June 2007
  • Acceptance notifications: 20 July 2007
  • Final manuscripts due: 17 August 2007
  • Anticipated publication of the special issue: late Fall 2007
  • CFP URL:

Web4lib mailing list

          • End forwarded message -----
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Google Scholar's as good as the library

Do ovog zaključka došlo se u istraživanju objavljenom u Internet and Higher Education.

Više o tome: The Distant Librarian blog.

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