Wiki Knjižnice Filozofskog Fakulteta u Zagrebu
MARC 21 tablice kodova: Revision 1


jezik marc21 kod
albanski alb
arapski ara
baskijski baq
bjeloruski bel
bosanski bos
bugarski bul
češki cze
danski dan
engleski eng
estonski est
finski fin
francuski fre
hindski hin
hrvatski hrv
irski gle
islandski ice
japanski jpn
katalonski cat
kineski chi
latinski lat
latvijski lav
litavski lit
mađarski hun
makedonski mac
nizozemski dut
norveški (Nynorsk) nno
norveški (Bokmål) nob
norveški nor
novogrčki gre
njemački ger
okcitanski oci
osmanski ota
poljski pol
portugalski por
provansalski (do 1500.) pro
retoromanski roh
rumunjski rum
ruski rus
sanskrt san
slovački slo
slovenski slv
srpski srp
starocrkvenoslavenski chu
starogrčki (do 1453.) grc
španjolski spa
švedski swe
talijanski ita
turski tur
ukrajinski ukr
velški wel
perzijski per
hebrejski heb


zemlja marc21 kod
Albanija aa
Alžir ae
Andora an
Argentina ag
Australija at
Austrija au
Belgija be
BIH bn
Bjelorusija bw
Bolivija bo
Brazil bl
Bugarska bu
Crna Gora mo
Češka xr
Čile cl
Danska dk
Dominikanska Republika dr
Egipat ua
Ekvador ec
Estonija er
Finska fi
Francuska fr
Grčka gr
Gvatemala gt
Honduras ho
Hrvatska hr
Indija ii
Iran ir


Island ic
Italija it
Izrael is
Japan ja
Kanada xxc
Kina cc
Kolumbija ck
Kosovo kv
Kuba cu
Latvija (Letonija) lv
Litva li
Luksemburg lu
Mađarska hu
Makedonija xn
Malta mm
Maroko mr
Meksiko mx
Moldavija mv
Nikaragva nq
Nizozemska ne
Norveška no
Njemačka gw
Panama pn
Pargvaj py
Peru pe
Poljska pl
Portoriko pr
Portugal po
Rumunjska rm
Ruska Federacija ru
Salvador es
San Marino sm
Slovačka xo
Slovenija xv
Srbija rb
Španjolska sp
Švedska sw
Švicarska sz
Tunis ti
Turska tu
UK xxk
Ukrajina un
Urugvaj uy
USA xxu
Vatikan vc
Venezuela ve


kod term (EN) termin (HR) objašnjenje
aui Author of introduction, etc. autor uvoda itd. Use for a person or organization responsible for an introduction, preface, foreword, or other critical introductory matter, but who is not the chief author.
aut Author autor

Use for a person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work,
 usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility.

clb Collaborator suradnik? Use for a person or organization that takes a limited part in the elaboration of a work of another person or organization that brings complements (e.g., appendices, notes) to the work.
com Compiler sastavljač Use for a person or organization who produces a work or publication by selecting and putting together material from the works of various persons or bodies.
cre Creator ? Use for a person or organization responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work.
ctb Contributor ? Use for a person or organization one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works. Do not use if the sole function in relation to a work is as author, editor, compiler or translator.
dub Dubious author dvojbeni autor Use for a person or organization to which authorship has been dubiously or incorrectly ascribed.
edt Editor urednik

Use for a person or organization who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by
 elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.

ill Illustrator ilustrator Use for a person or organization who conceives, and perhaps also implements, a design or illustration, usually to accompany a written text.
orm Organizer of meeting organizator sastanka

Use for a person or organization responsible for organizing a meeting for which an item is the report or

oth Other drugo

Use for relator codes from other lists which have no equivalent in the MARC list or for terms which have not
 been assigned a code.

trl Translator prevoditelj Use for a person or organization who renders a text from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form.