Edukacija korisnika
Elektroničke knjige: Revision 10

Što su elektroničke knjige?

Knjige za e-čitače? Knjige u elektroničkom obliku za korištenje na računalu? Digitalizirane knjige?

Veliki projekti digitalizacije knjiga:

 Google Books
The Open Library odn. Internet Archive Open Content Alliance ili Internet Archive

HathiTrust Digital Library

Slobodno dostupne e-knjige:

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)

Komercijalne znanstvene e-knjige pojedinih izdavača ili agregatora:

znanstvene e-knjige - uglavnom se kupuju tako da su dostupne isključivo preko prodavateljevog sučelja/platforme - svako sučelje ima svoje specifične opcije pretraživanja i korištenja

problem formata elektroničke građe - npr. pdf se teško čita na e-čitačima - knjige bi trebale biti u ePub formatu

izdavači se trude nuditi eknjige i ečasopise na istim sučeljima

česta su ograničenja u broju istovremenih korisnika, cijena je veća nego tiskani oblik, postoje ograničenja u korištenju (npr. ispis ili spremanje na vlastito računalo samo manjeg dijela knjige)

Platform parity and ease of access are major issues. Users want less time spent learning about the different
ways to access information and more time actually interacting with the information.
This can be very confusing at times as different platforms have different levels of DRM, even if the content is
identical. Publishers will typically offer one set of DRM policies, whilst eBook aggregators will offer another.
The library is often called upon to explain the differences when access across platforms is expected to be the
“We hardly understand the platform differences, and the user is completely confused by it,” says Brinkman
Value-added, interactive eBook features represent another high-priority area in need of industry-wide
standardization. For example, note-taking, highlighting, linking to additional content and the ability to share
title-specific information with others are all popular features. Unfortunately, they are also features found on
only a few select platforms.
Tangentially related to this is the issue of eBook format quality and optimization for tablets, e-readers and
other mobile devices. Though it’s certainly no easy task, the lowest common denominator eBook format
must be identified to fit within the parameters of ever-changing technological advances.

Why DRM doesn't work...

agregatori: najveće su eBook Collection (prethodno NetLibrary), MyiLibrary i Ebrary (namamo pristup)