Koha Croatian user group
Koha video i socijalne mreže: Revision 2

Prenosim poruku koju je Nicole Engard danas poslala na Koha user listu:

Hi all,
Just wanted you to know that there is a new Koha YouTube Group at
http://www.youtube.com/group/kohails (well not new apparently I
created it ages ago and never added anything to it)
It has 26 videos I found on YouTube for Koha - so if I missed any add
yours - and feel free to join the group
I also set one up on Vimeo to be fair - but there is only one video on
there ... http://vimeo.com/channels/kohails
I have added both of these to the social networking page on the wiki
as well: http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=kohasocialnetworks

Nisam još detaljno pogledala, šaljem ovdje da imamo te linkove pri ruci. Neki video materijali odnose se na staru verziju Kohe (2.2), ali vidim da ima dosta toga za novu verziju.