<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml'/>
Background: #fff
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SecondaryLight: #fe8
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SecondaryDark: #841
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TertiaryLight: #ccc
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Error: #f88
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}

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.wizard .button {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border: 1px solid;
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.wizard .button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid;
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#messageArea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#messageArea .button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none;}

.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.popup {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-right:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
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.popup li a:active {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
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.listBreak div {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}

.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.toolbar {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

.tagging, .tagged {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}
.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}

.footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.sparkline {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; border:0;}
.sparktick {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}

.error, .errorButton {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Error]];}
.warning {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.lowlight {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.zoomer {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.imageLink, #displayArea .imageLink {background:transparent;}

.annotation {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}

.viewer .listTitle {list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em;}
.viewer .button {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer blockquote {border-left:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

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.viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer pre {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.viewer code {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.viewer hr {border:0; border-top:dashed 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.highlight, .marked {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}

.editor input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.editor textarea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; width:100%;}
.editorFooter {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

#backstageArea {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea a {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageArea a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
#backstageArea a.backstageSelTab {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageButton a {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageButton a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstagePanel {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button {border:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:'alpha(opacity:60)';}
* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

body {font-size:.75em; font-family:arial,helvetica; margin:0; padding:0;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}
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h4,h5,h6 {margin-top:1em;}
h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}

hr {height:1px;}

a {text-decoration:none;}

dt {font-weight:bold;}

ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}

.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}

#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}

.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}

.indent {margin-left:3em;}
.outdent {margin-left:3em; text-indent:-3em;}
code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}

.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}

/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}

#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
	#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting,
	#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal;}
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}

.header {position:relative;}
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:0px; top:0px;}

.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}

#mainMenu {position:absolute; left:0; width:10em; text-align:right; line-height:1.6em; padding:1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; font-size:1.1em;}

#sidebar {position:absolute; right:3px; width:16em; font-size:.9em;}
#sidebarOptions {padding-top:0.3em;}
#sidebarOptions a {margin:0em 0.2em; padding:0.2em 0.3em; display:block;}
#sidebarOptions input {margin:0.4em 0.5em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {margin-left:1em; padding:0.5em; font-size:.85em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:bold; display:inline; padding:0;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 .3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}

.wizard {padding:0.1em 1em 0em 2em;}
.wizard h1 {font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizard h2 {font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizardStep {padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.wizard .button {margin:0.5em 0em 0em 0em; font-size:1.2em;}
.wizardFooter {padding:0.8em 0.4em 0.8em 0em;}
.wizardFooter .status {padding:0em 0.4em 0em 0.4em; margin-left:1em;}
.wizard .button {padding:0.1em 0.2em 0.1em 0.2em;}

#messageArea {position:fixed; top:2em; right:0em; margin:0.5em; padding:0.5em; z-index:2000; _position:absolute;}
.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em; margin:0;}

.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage {padding:0.4em;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0em;}
.popup li.disabled {padding:0.4em;}
.popup li a {display:block; padding:0.4em; font-weight:normal; cursor:pointer;}
.listBreak {font-size:1px; line-height:1px;}
.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}

.tabset {padding:1em 0em 0em 0.5em;}
.tab {margin:0em 0em 0em 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
.tabContents ul, .tabContents ol {margin:0; padding:0;}
.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}

#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}

#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0em 14em;}

.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}

.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0em 1em;}

.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}

.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}

.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagClear {clear:both;}

.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}

.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0em 0.25em; padding:0em 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border-collapse:collapse; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr,.viewer caption,.twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr,.twtable caption {padding:3px;}
table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr {padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;}

.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em; overflow:auto;}
.viewer code {font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em;}

.editor {font-size:1.1em;}
.editor input, .editor textarea {display:block; width:100%; font:inherit;}
.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0em; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;}

.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0px 1px 0px;}

.sparkline {line-height:1em;}
.sparktick {outline:0;}

.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0em; right:0em;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em 0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; margin:0em 3em 0em 3em; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}
.subtitle {font-size:0.8em;}
.viewer table.listView {font-size:0.95em;}
@media print {
#mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton, #backstageArea {display: none ! important;}
#displayArea {margin: 1em 1em 0em 1em;}
/* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the noscript content */
noscript {display:none;}
<div class='header' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
<div class='headerShadow'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div class='headerForeground'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar closeTiddler closeOthers +editTiddler > fields syncing permalink references jump'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar +saveTiddler -cancelTiddler deleteTiddler'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser'></span></div>
To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
In Socialtext Unplugged, the selected pages of your Socialtext workspace are displayed as individual "tiddlers" on the page. When the mouse passes over a tiddler a short toolbar menu appears at the top right. Use the commands here to manipulate that particular tiddler: notably closing and editting it. (You can double click on a tiddler as a shortcut to directly enter edit mode).

Over on the right hand side of the window are commands that affect the entire page, in particular "close all" which can be useful to clear the decks when many tiddlers are open at once.

The user is encouraged to ensure that they can SaveChanges before embarking on widespread editing.
Welcome to Socialtext Unplugged. This is a specially designed web page that you can use to view and edit your Socialtext content without having to be online to your Socialtext server.

There are three steps to using Socialtext Unplugged:
* First, learn how to SaveChanges to your local hard drive. This keeps your work safe even if you close your browser or have to reboot your computer
* Secondly, find out how to BrowseAndEdit your content while it is unplugged
* Thirdly, when you can reconnect to your Socialtext server, you can SyncChanges to save your unplugged changes to the server so that other people can see them too

You should also check your system meets the SystemRequirements.
Socialtext Unplugged lets you browse and edit your content while you're offline. When you make a change you need to SaveChanges to save the change to your local hard drive, before later performing a SyncChanges to synchronise the change back to the server.

The procedure for SaveChanges is slightly different for different browsers:
* SavingOnInternetExplorer
* SavingOnFireFox
* SavingOnSafari
* SavingOnOpera
You can save changes with any version of FireFox, and also many other browsers in the FireFox family, such as Camino on the Mac and MiniMo on mobile devices. The procedure is:
# Click the button labelled 'save changes' over in the right hand sidebar
# If prompted with an "Internet Security" dialog as follows, click the checkbox labelled "Remember this decision" and then the "Allow" button
## "A script from "file://" is requesting enhanced capabilities that are UNSAFE and could be used to compromise your machine or data..."
# You should then see a message at the top right of the window saying "Main TiddlyWiki file saved"
If you accidentally //deny// permission instead, you may need to UnravelFireFoxPermissions.
You can save changes with Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7, but not the earlier versions. The procedure is:
# Click the button labelled 'save changes' over in the right hand sidebar
# If prompted as follows, click "Yes":
## "An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?"
# You should then see a message at the top right of the window saying "Main TiddlyWiki file saved"
Note that there is currently [[a bug|http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/tiddlywiki/ticket/39]] that prevents Internet Explorer from saving correctly if you have specified a backup directory in AdvancedOptions.
To SaveChanges on Opera, see the instructions for using the TiddlySaver Java applet.
To SaveChanges on Safari, see the instructions for using the TiddlySaver Java applet.
<<search>><<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler 'New Tiddler' fields:'server.host:"https://saturn.ffzg.hr%2C%20saturn.ffzg.hr:443" server.workspace:"razmjenavjestina" wikiformat:socialtext'>><<newJournal 'DD MMM YYYY' fields:'server.host:"https://saturn.ffzg.hr%2C%20saturn.ffzg.hr:443" server.workspace:"razmjenavjestina" wikiformat:socialtext'>><<saveChanges>><<backstage sync>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel 'options ยป' 'Change TiddlyWiki advanced options'>>
Socialtext Unplugged
[[Styles HorizontalMainMenu]]
@@The user interface for synchronization is not finalized@@
To synchronize your changes back to the Socialtext server:
# click on [[Sync]] in the right-hand sidebar
<<tabs txtMoreTab Orphans 'Orphaned tiddlers' TabMoreOrphans Shadowed 'Shadowed tiddlers' TabMoreShadowed>>
Under FireFox, you can run into problems if you accidentally click 'Deny' on the permission request dialog, and have selected //Remember this decision//.

To reverse the effects, first locate the file {{{prefs.js}}} in your FireFox profile directory. Under Windows you'll find it at something like {{{C:\Documents and Settings\Jeremy\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\o3dhupu6.default\prefs.js}}}, where {{{Jeremy}}} is the name of your windows profile and {{{o3dhupu6}}} will be a similar string of gobbledegook. On the Mac it'll be at {{{~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/o3dhupu6.default/prefs.js}}} and on most versions of Linux, at {{{~/.mozilla/firefox/o3dhupu6.default/prefs.js}}}.

Open the file in a text editor and find the line {{{user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.denied", "UniversalXPConnect");}}} and simply replace the word {{{denied}}} with {{{granted}}}.
//(Thanks to JonScully for figuring out this fix)//
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar closeTiddler closeOthers +editTiddler references > fields syncing jump'></div>
<div class='workspace' id='st-page-wiki-title' macro='view socialtext.workspace'></div>
<div class='title' id='st-page-titletext' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'>
Created on <span macro='view created date [[MMM DD, 0hh:0mm]]'></span>.
Updated by <span macro='view modifier link'></span>
on <span macro='view modified date [[MMM DD, 0hh:0mm]]'></span></div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></span></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
To use, add {{{[[Styles HorizontalMainMenu]]}}} to your StyleSheet tiddler.
See http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_colors.asp for a color chart.
#mainMenu {position:relative;left:auto;width:auto;text-align:left;line-height:normal;padding 0em 1em 0em 1em;font-size:normal;}
#mainMenu br {display:none;}
#mainMenu {background:#336699;}
#mainMenu {padding:2px;}
#mainMenu .button, #mainMenu .tiddlyLink {padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;color:white;font-size:115%;}

#displayArea {
|''URL:''|https://saturn.ffzg.hr%2C%20saturn.ffzg.hr:443 |
The TiddlySaver Java applet allows TiddlyWiki from a {{{file://}}} URL to save changes Safari, Opera and other browsers.

It is a small file named [["TiddlySaver.jar"|TiddlySaver.jar]] that must be placed in the same directory as your TiddlyWiki file. Before you can use it, you need to give it the necessary privileges by editting your {{{.java.policy}}} file.

For Windows, the file will be at {{{C:\Documents and Settings\your-user-name\.java.policy}}}. Add the following lines (substituting the directory of your TiddlyWiki file as appropriate):
grant codeBase "file:${user.home}/My Documents/tiddlywiki-folder/*" {
  permission java.io.FilePermission "${user.home}${/}My Documents${/}tiddlywiki-folder${/}*", "read,write";
On Mac OS X, the file is found at {{{/Users/your-user-name/.java.policy}}}:
grant codeBase "file:${user.home}/Documents/tiddlywiki-folder/*" {
  permission java.io.FilePermission "${user.home}${/}Documents${/}tiddlywiki-folder${/}*", "read,write";
It can be tricky creating files whose name starts with a period, so you can use this [[pre-built .java.policy file|.java.policy]]. The same file is suitable for Macs too, just edit it and delete the "My " bit, leaving just "Documents". Make sure you save it in the right place for each operating system!

If you have trouble setting up the permissions correctly, you can try granting broader permissions to the applet like this:

grant codeBase "file://localhost/home/users/Desktop/
 { permission java.security.AllPermission; };

Note that there is currently [[a bug|http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/172]] that prevents TiddlySaver from working if you have specified a backup directory in AdvancedOptions.
|''Description:''|Text changes for Socialtext|

	labelNoTags: "No Tags",
	labelTags: "Tags"});

	text: "incoming links",
	tooltip: "Show tiddlers that link to this one",
	popupNone: "No incoming links"});
|''Description:''|Allows changes to be synchronised with a Socialtext server|
|''Author:''|JeremyRuston (jeremy (at) osmosoft (dot) com)|
|''Date:''|Jun 15, 2006|
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at http://groups.google.co.uk/group/TiddlyWikiDev|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license]]|

Make minor configuration tweaks specific to Socialtext Unplugged

// Ensure that the SocialtextTweaksPlugin is only installed once.
if(!version.extensions.SocialtextTweaksPlugin) {
version.extensions.SocialtextTweaksPlugin = {installed:true};
// Check version number of core code
if(version.major < 2 || (version.major == 2 && version.minor < 2))
	{alertAndThrow("SocialtextTweaksPlugin requires TiddlyWiki 2.2 or later.");}


config.options.chkSinglePageMode = true;
config.options.chkEnableAnimations = true;

} // end of "install only once"
|''Description:''|Allows Tiddlers to use [[Socialtext|http://www.socialtext.com/]] text formatting|
|''Author:''|Martin Budden (mjbudden (at) gmail (dot) com)|
|''Date:''|Jan 21, 2007|
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at http://groups.google.co.uk/group/TiddlyWikiDev|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|

This is the SocialtextFormatterPlugin, which allows you to insert Socialtext formated text into a TiddlyWiki.

The aim is not to fully emulate Socialtext, but to allow you to work with Socialtext content off-line and then resync the content with your Socialtext wiki later on, with the expectation that only minor edits will be required.

To use Socialtext format in a Tiddler, tag the Tiddler with SocialtextFormat or set the tiddler's {{{wikiformat}}} extended field to {{{socialtext}}}

Please report any defects you find at http://groups.google.co.uk/group/TiddlyWikiDev

// Ensure that the SocialtextFormatter Plugin is only installed once.
if(!version.extensions.SocialtextFormatterPlugin) {
version.extensions.SocialtextFormatterPlugin = {installed:true};

if(version.major < 2 || (version.major == 2 && version.minor < 1))
	{alertAndThrow('SocialtextFormatterPlugin requires TiddlyWiki 2.1 or later.');}

SocialtextFormatter = {}; // 'namespace' for local functions

wikify = function(source,output,highlightRegExp,tiddler)
	if(source && source != '') {
		var w = new Wikifier(source,getParser(tiddler),highlightRegExp,tiddler);
		var out = output;
		if(tiddler && (tiddler.isTagged(config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.formatTag) || (tiddler.fields.wikiformat==config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.format)) ) {
			var d1 = createTiddlyElement(output,'div','content-display-body','content-section-visible');
			var d2 = createTiddlyElement(d1,'div','wikipage');
			out = createTiddlyElement(d2,'div',null,'wiki');
		var time1,time0 = new Date();
		if(tiddler && config.options.chkDisplayInstrumentation) {
			time1 = new Date();
			var t = tiddler ? tiddler.title : source.substr(0,10);
			displayMessage("Wikify '"+t+"' in " + (time1-time0) + " ms");

stDebug = function(out,str)

SocialtextFormatter.Tiddler_changed = Tiddler.prototype.changed;
Tiddler.prototype.changed = function()
	if((this.fields.wikiformat==config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.format) || this.isTagged(config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.formatTag)) {
		// update the links array, by checking for Socialtext format links
		this.links = [];
		var tiddlerLinkRegExp = /(?:\"(.*?)\" ?)?\[([^\]]*?)\]/mg;
		tiddlerLinkRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
		var match = tiddlerLinkRegExp.exec(this.text);
		while(match) {
			var link = match[2];
			match = tiddlerLinkRegExp.exec(this.text);
	}/* else {
		return SocialtextFormatter.Tiddler_changed.apply(this,arguments);
	this.linksUpdated = true;

SocialtextFormatter.wafl = function(w)
	this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
	var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
	if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
		var lm2 = lookaheadMatch[2];
		switch(lookaheadMatch[1]) {
		case 'image':
			var img = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'img');
			img.src = w.tiddler.title + '/' + lm2;
		case 'file':
			var s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			var a = createTiddlyElement(s,'a');
			a.href = w.tiddler.title + '/' + lm2;
		case 'link':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createTiddlyElement(s,'a');
			var t = w.tiddler ? w.tiddler.title + ':' : '';
			a.setAttribute('href','#' + t + lm2);
			a.title = 'section link';
		case 'weblog':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			var text = lm2;
			var link = 'Weblog: ' + lm2;
		case 'section':
			a = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'a');// drop anchor
			t = w.tiddler ? w.tiddler.title + ':' : '';
			a.setAttribute('name',t + lm2);
		case 'date':
		case 'user':
			var oldSource = w.source;
			w.source = lm2;
			w.nextMatch = 0;
			w.source = oldSource;
// Shortcut expansions - not strictly syntax
		case 'google':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'http://www.google.com/search?q='+lm2);
		case 'fedex':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'http://www.fedex.com/Tracking?tracknumbers='+lm2);
		case 'map':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'http://maps.google.com/maps?q='+lm2);
		case 'wikipedia':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/'+lm2);
		case 'rt':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'http://rt.socialtext.net/Ticket/Display.html?id='+lm2);
		case 'stcal':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'https://calendar.socialtext.net:445/view_t.php?timeb=1&id=3&date='+lm2);
		case 'svn':
			s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
			a = createExternalLink(s,'https://repo.socialtext.net/listing.php?rev='+lm2+'sc=1');
		w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	} else {

SocialtextFormatter.presence = function(w)
	this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
	var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
	if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
		var p = lookaheadMatch[1];
		var text = lookaheadMatch[2];
		var link;
		var src;
		if(p=='aim') {
			link = 'aim:goim?screenname=' + text + '&message=hello';
			src = 'http://big.oscar.aol.com/sleepleft?on_url=http://www.aim.com/remote/gr/MNB_online.gif&amp;off_url=http://www.aim.com/remote/gr/MNB_offline.gif';
		} else if(p=='yahoo'||p=='ymsgr') {
			link = 'ymsgr:sendIM?'+text;
			src = 'http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=chrislondonbridge&f=.gif';
		} else if(p=='skype'||p=='callto') {
			link = 'callto:'+text;
			src = 'http://goodies.skype.com/graphics/skypeme_btn_small_green.gif';
		} else if(p=='asap') {
			link = 'http://asap2.convoq.com/AsapLinks/Meet.aspx?l='+text;
			src = 'http://asap2.convoq.com/AsapLinks/Presence.aspx?l='+text;
		var s = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span',null,'nlw_phrase');
		var a = createExternalLink(s,link);
		var img = createTiddlyElement(a,'img');
		img.src = src;
		img.alt = '(' + lookaheadMatch[1] + ')';
		if(p=='aim') {
			img.width='11'; img.height='13';
		w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

config.formatterHelpers.singleCharFormat = function(w)
	this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
	var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
	if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart && lookaheadMatch[0].substr(lookaheadMatch[0].length-2,1) != ' ') {
	} else {

config.socialtext = {};
config.socialtext.formatters = [
	name: 'socialtextHeading',
	match: '^\\^{1,6} ?',
	termRegExp: /(\n+)/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		var len = w.matchText.trim().length;
		var e = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'h' + len);
		var a = createTiddlyElement(e,'a');// drop anchor
		var t = w.tiddler ? w.tiddler.title + ':' : '';
		len = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch).indexOf('\n');

	name: 'socialtextTable',
	match: '^\\|(?:(?:.|\n)*)\\|$',
	lookaheadRegExp: /^\|(?:(?:.|\n)*)\|$/mg,
	cellRegExp: /(?:\|(?:[^\|]*)\|)(\n|$)?/mg,
	cellTermRegExp: /((?:\x20*)\|)/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		var table = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'table');
		var rowContainer = createTiddlyElement(table,'tbody');
		var prevColumns = [];
		w.nextMatch = w.matchStart;
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch) {
			var r = this.rowHandler(w,createTiddlyElement(rowContainer,'tr'),prevColumns);
			if(!r) {
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
	rowHandler: function(w,e,prevColumns)
		this.cellRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
		var cellMatch = this.cellRegExp.exec(w.source);
		while(cellMatch && cellMatch.index == w.nextMatch) {
			var cell = createTiddlyElement(e,'td');
			if(cellMatch[1]) {
				// End of row
				w.nextMatch = this.cellRegExp.lastIndex;
				return true;
			// Cell
			this.cellRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			cellMatch = this.cellRegExp.exec(w.source);
		return false;

	name: 'socialtextList',
	match: '^[\\*#]+ ',
	lookaheadRegExp: /^([\*#])+ /mg,
	termRegExp: /(\n+)/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		var stack = [w.output];
		var currLevel = 0, currType = null;
		var itemType = 'li';
		w.nextMatch = w.matchStart;
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch) {
			var listType = lookaheadMatch[1] == '*' ? 'ul' : 'ol';
			var listLevel = lookaheadMatch[0].length;
			w.nextMatch += listLevel;
			if(listLevel > currLevel) {
				for(var i=currLevel; i<listLevel; i++) {
			} else if(listLevel < currLevel) {
				for(i=currLevel; i>listLevel; i--) {
			} else if(listLevel == currLevel && listType != currType) {
			currLevel = listLevel;
			currType = listType;
			var e = createTiddlyElement(stack[stack.length-1],itemType);
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);

	name: 'socialtextQuoteByLine',
	match: '^>+',
	lookaheadRegExp: /^>+/mg,
	termRegExp: /(\n)/mg,
	element: 'blockquote',
	handler: function(w)
		var stack = [w.output];
		var currLevel = 0;
		var newLevel = w.matchLength;
		var i;
		do {
			if(newLevel > currLevel) {
				for(i=currLevel; i<newLevel; i++) {
			} else if(newLevel < currLevel) {
				for(i=currLevel; i>newLevel; i--) {
			currLevel = newLevel;
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			var matched = lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch;
			if(matched) {
				newLevel = lookaheadMatch[0].length;
				w.nextMatch += newLevel;
		} while(matched);

	name: 'socialtextRule',
	match: '^----+$\\n+',
	handler: function(w)

	name: 'socialtextPreformatted',
	match: '^\\.pre\\s*\\n',
	lookaheadRegExp: /^.pre\s*\n((?:.|\n)*?)\n.pre\s*\n/mg,
	element: 'pre',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.enclosedTextHelper

	name: 'socialtextHtml',
	match: '^\\.html',
	lookaheadRegExp: /\.html((?:.|\n)*?)\.html/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span').innerHTML = lookaheadMatch[1];
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	name: 'macro',
	match: '<<',
	lookaheadRegExp: /<<([^>\s]+)(?:\s*)((?:[^>]|(?:>(?!>)))*)>>/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart && lookaheadMatch[1]) {
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	name: 'socialtextExplicitLink',
	match: '(?:".*?" ?)?\\[',
	lookaheadRegExp: /(?:\"(.*?)\" ?)?\[([^\]]*?)\]/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var link = lookaheadMatch[2];
			var text = lookaheadMatch[1] ? lookaheadMatch[1] : link;
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	name: 'socialtextExternalLink',
	match: '(?:".*?" ?)?<[a-z]{2,8}:',
	lookaheadRegExp: /(?:\"(.*?)\" ?)?<([a-z]{2,8}:.*?)>/mg,
	imgRegExp: /\.(?:gif|ico|jpg|png)/g,
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var link = lookaheadMatch[2];
			var text = lookaheadMatch[1] ? lookaheadMatch[1] : link;
			this.imgRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
			if(this.imgRegExp.exec(link)) {
				var img = createTiddlyElement(w.output,'img');
				if(lookaheadMatch[1]) {
					img.title = text;
				img.alt = text;
				img.src = link;
			} else {
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	name: 'socialtextUrlLink',
	match: config.textPrimitives.urlPattern,
	handler: function(w)

	name: 'socialtextBold',
	match: '\\*(?![\\s\\*])',
	lookaheadRegExp: /\*(?!\s)(?:.*?)(?!\s)\*(?=[$\s\|\._\-,])/mg,
	termRegExp: /((?!\s)\*(?=[$\s\|\.\-_,]))/mg,
	element: 'strong',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.singleCharFormat

	name: 'socialtextItalic',
	match: '_(?![\\s_])',
	lookaheadRegExp: /_(?!\s)(?:.*?)(?!\s)_(?=[$\s\|\.\*\-,])/mg,
	termRegExp: /((?!\s)_(?=[$\s\|\.\*\-,]))/mg,
	element: 'em',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.singleCharFormat

	name: 'socialtextStrike',
	match: '-(?![\\s\\-])',
	lookaheadRegExp: /-(?!\s)(?:.*?)(?!\s)-(?=[$\s\|\.\*_,])/mg,
	termRegExp: /((?!\s)-(?=[$\s\|\.\*_,]))/mg,
	element: 'del',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.singleCharFormat

	name: 'socialtextMonoSpaced',
	match: '`(?![\\s`])',
	lookaheadRegExp: /`(?!\s)(?:.*?)(?!\s)`(?=[$\s\.\*\-_,])/mg,
	termRegExp: /((?!\s)`(?=[$\s\.\*\-_,]))/mg,
	element: 'tt',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.singleCharFormat

	name: 'socialtextParagraph',
	match: '\\n{2,}',
	handler: function(w)

	name: 'socialtextLineBreak',
	match: '\\n',
	handler: function(w)

	name: 'socialtextNoWiki',
	match: '\\{\\{',
	lookaheadRegExp: /\{\{((?:.|\n)*?)\}\}/mg,
	element: 'span',
	handler: config.formatterHelpers.enclosedTextHelper

	name: 'socialtextTrademark',
	match: '\\{tm\\}',
	handler: function(w)
		createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span').innerHTML = '&trade;';

	name: 'socialtextWafl',
	match: '\\{(?:[a-z]{2,16}): ?.*?\\}',
	lookaheadRegExp: /\{([a-z]{2,16}): ?(.*?)\}/mg,
	handler: SocialtextFormatter.wafl

	name: 'socialtextPresence',
	match: '(?:aim|yahoo|ymsgr|skype|callto|asap):\\w+',
	lookaheadRegExp: /(aim|yahoo|ymsgr|skype|callto|asap):(\w+)/mg,
	handler: SocialtextFormatter.presence

	name: 'socialtextMailTo',
	match: '[\\w\.]+@[\\w]+\.[\\w\.]+',
	lookaheadRegExp: /([\w\.]+@[\w]+\.[\w\.]+)/mg,
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var text = lookaheadMatch[1];
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

	name: 'socialtextHtmlEntitiesEncoding',
	match: '&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8};',
	handler: function(w)
		createTiddlyElement(w.output,'span').innerHTML = w.matchText;

config.parsers.socialtextFormatter = new Formatter(config.socialtext.formatters);
config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.format = 'socialtext';
config.parsers.socialtextFormatter.formatTag = 'SocialtextFormat';

} // end of 'install only once'
|''Description:''|Adaptor for moving and converting data to and from Socialtext Wikis|
|''Author:''|Martin Budden (mjbudden (at) gmail (dot) com) and JeremyRuston (jeremy (at) osmosoft (dot) com)|
|''Date:''|Feb 25, 2007|
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at http://groups.google.co.uk/group/TiddlyWikiDev|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|

Socialtext REST documentation is at:


if(!version.extensions.SocialtextAdaptorPlugin) {
version.extensions.SocialtextAdaptorPlugin = {installed:true};

function SocialtextAdaptor()
	this.host = null;
	this.workspace = null;
	return this;

SocialtextAdaptor.mimeType = 'text/x.socialtext-wiki';
SocialtextAdaptor.serverType = 'socialtext';
SocialtextAdaptor.serverParsingErrorMessage = "Error parsing result from server";
SocialtextAdaptor.errorInFunctionMessage = "Error in function SocialtextAdaptor.%0";

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.setContext = function(context,userParams,callback)
	if(!context) context = {};
	context.userParams = userParams;
	if(callback) context.callback = callback;
	context.adaptor = this;
		context.host = this.host;
	if(!context.workspace && this.workspace)
		context.workspace = this.workspace;
	return context;

SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET = function(uri,callback,params,headers,data,contentType,username,password)
	return doHttp('GET',uri,data,contentType,username,password,callback,params,headers);

SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpPOST = function(uri,callback,params,headers,data,contentType,username,password)
	return doHttp('POST',uri,data,contentType,username,password,callback,params,headers);

SocialtextAdaptor.fullHostName = function(host)
		return '';
		host = 'http://' + host;
	if(host.substr(host.length-1) != '/')
		host = host + '/';
	return host;

SocialtextAdaptor.minHostName = function(host)
	return host ? host.replace(/^http:\/\//,'').replace(/\/$/,'') : '';

// Convert a page title to the normalized form used in uris
SocialtextAdaptor.normalizedTitle = function(title)
	var n = title.toLowerCase();
	n = n.replace(/\s/g,'_').replace(/\//g,'_').replace(/\./g,'_').replace(/:/g,'').replace(/\?/g,'');
		n = n.substr(1);
	return String(n);

// Convert a Socialtext date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format into a JavaScript Date object
SocialtextAdaptor.dateFromEditTime = function(editTime)
	var dt = editTime;
	return new Date(Date.UTC(dt.substr(0,4),dt.substr(5,2)-1,dt.substr(8,2),dt.substr(11,2),dt.substr(14,2)));

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.openHost = function(host,context,userParams,callback)
	this.host = SocialtextAdaptor.fullHostName(host);
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);
	if(context.callback) {
		context.status = true;
		window.setTimeout(function() {callback(context,userParams);},0);
	return true;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.openWorkspace = function(workspace,context,userParams,callback)
	this.workspace = workspace;
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);
	if(context.callback) {
		context.status = true;
		window.setTimeout(function() {callback(context,userParams);},0);
	return true;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.getWorkspaceList = function(context,userParams,callback)
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);
	var uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces';
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([context.host]);
	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.getWorkspaceListCallback,context,{'accept':'application/json'});
	return typeof req == 'string' ? req : true;

SocialtextAdaptor.getWorkspaceListCallback = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	context.status = false;
	context.statusText = SocialtextAdaptor.errorInFunctionMessage.format(['getWorkspaceListCallback']);
	if(status) {
		try {
			eval('var info=' + responseText);
		} catch (ex) {
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex,SocialtextAdaptor.serverParsingErrorMessage);
		var list = [];
		for(var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
			var item = {
		context.workspaces = list;
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.getTiddlerList = function(context,userParams,callback)
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);
	var uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages?order=newest';//!! ? or ;
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([context.host,context.workspace]);
	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerListCallback,context,{'accept':'application/json'});
	return typeof req == 'string' ? req : true;

SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerListCallback = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	context.status = false;
	context.statusText = SocialtextAdaptor.errorInFunctionMessage.format(['getTiddlerListCallback']);
	if(status) {
		try {
			eval('var info=' + responseText);
		} catch (ex) {
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex,SocialtextAdaptor.serverParsingErrorMessage);
		var list = [];
		for(var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = new Tiddler(info[i].name);
			tiddler.modified = SocialtextAdaptor.dateFromEditTime(info[i].last_edit_time);
			tiddler.modifier = info[i].last_editor;
			tiddler.tags = info[i].tags;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.id'] = info[i].page_id;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.name'] = info[i].name;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.revision'] = String(info[i].revision_id);
		context.tiddlers = list;
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.generateTiddlerInfo = function(tiddler)
	var info = {};
	var host = this && this.host ? this.host : SocialtextAdaptor.fullHostName(tiddler.fields['server.host']);
	var workspace = this && this.workspace ? this.workspace : tiddler.fields['server.workspace'];
	uriTemplate = '%0%1/index.cgi?%2';
	info.uri = uriTemplate.format([host,workspace,SocialtextAdaptor.normalizedTitle(tiddler.title)]);
	return info;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.getTiddler = function(title,context,userParams,callback)
	return this.getTiddlerRevision(title,null,context,userParams,callback);

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.getTiddlerRevision = function(title,revision,context,userParams,callback)
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);

	// request the page in json format to get the page attributes
	if(revision) {
		var uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2/revisions/%3';
		context.revision = revision;
	} else {
		uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2';
		context.revision = null;
	uri = uriTemplate.format([context.host,context.workspace,SocialtextAdaptor.normalizedTitle(title),revision]);

	context.tiddler = new Tiddler(title);
	context.tiddler.fields.wikiformat = 'socialtext';
	context.tiddler.fields['server.host'] = SocialtextAdaptor.minHostName(context.host);
	context.tiddler.fields['server.workspace'] = context.workspace;
	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerCallback,context,{'accept':'application/json'});
	return typeof req == 'string' ? req : true;

SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerCallback = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	context.status = false;
	context.statusText = SocialtextAdaptor.errorInFunctionMessage.format(['getTiddlerCallback']);
	if(status) {
		try {
			eval('var info=' + responseText);
			context.tiddler.tags = info.tags;
			context.tiddler.fields['server.page.id'] = info.page_id;
			context.tiddler.fields['server.page.name'] = info.name;
			context.tiddler.fields['server.page.revision'] = String(info.revision_id);
			context.tiddler.modifier = info.last_editor;
			context.tiddler.modified = SocialtextAdaptor.dateFromEditTime(info.last_edit_time);
		} catch (ex) {
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex,SocialtextAdaptor.serverParsingErrorMessage);
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;
	var uriTemplate = context.revision ? '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2/revisions/%3' : '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2';
	var host = SocialtextAdaptor.fullHostName(context.tiddler.fields['server.host']);
	var workspace = context.workspace ? context.workspace : context.tiddler.fields['server.workspace'];
	uri = uriTemplate.format([host,workspace,SocialtextAdaptor.normalizedTitle(context.tiddler.title),context.revision]);
	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerCallback2,context,{'accept':SocialtextAdaptor.mimeType});

SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerCallback2 = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	context.tiddler.text = responseText;
	if(status) {
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.status = false;
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.getTiddlerRevisionList = function(title,limit,context,userParams,callback)
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);

	var uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2/revisions?accept=application/json';
		limit = 5;
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([context.host,context.workspace,SocialtextAdaptor.normalizedTitle(title),limit]);

	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpGET(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerRevisionListCallback,context);
	return typeof req == 'string' ? req : true;

SocialtextAdaptor.getTiddlerRevisionListCallback = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	context.status = false;
	if(status) {
		var content = null;
		try {
			eval('var info=' + responseText);
		} catch (ex) {
			context.statusText = exceptionText(ex,SocialtextAdaptor.serverParsingErrorMessage);
		list = [];
		for(var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
			var tiddler = new Tiddler(info[i].name);
			tiddler.modified = SocialtextAdaptor.dateFromEditTime(info[i].last_edit_time);
			tiddler.modifier = info[i].last_editor;
			tiddler.tags = info[i].tags;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.id'] = info[i].page_id;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.name'] = info[i].name;
			tiddler.fields['server.page.revision'] = info[i].revision_id;
		var sortField = 'server.page.revision';
		list.sort(function(a,b) {return a.fields[sortField] < b.fields[sortField] ? +1 : (a.fields[sortField] == b.fields[sortField] ? 0 : -1);});
		context.revisions = list;
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.putTiddler = function(tiddler,context,userParams,callback)
	context = this.setContext(context,userParams,callback);
	context.tiddler = tiddler;
	context.title = tiddler.title;
	var uriTemplate = '%0data/workspaces/%1/pages/%2';
	var host = context.host ? context.host : SocialtextAdaptor.fullHostName(tiddler.fields['server.host']);
	var workspace = context.workspace ? context.workspace : tiddler.fields['server.workspace'];
	var uri = uriTemplate.format([host,workspace,tiddler.title,tiddler.text]);
	//var req = doHttp('POST',uri,tiddler.text,SocialtextAdaptor.mimeType,null,null,SocialtextAdaptor.putTiddlerCallback,context,{"X-Http-Method": "PUT"});
	var req = SocialtextAdaptor.doHttpPOST(uri,SocialtextAdaptor.putTiddlerCallback,context,{"X-Http-Method": "PUT"},tiddler.text,SocialtextAdaptor.mimeType);
	return typeof req == 'string' ? req : true;

SocialtextAdaptor.putTiddlerCallback = function(status,context,responseText,uri,xhr)
	if(status) {
		context.status = true;
	} else {
		context.status = false;
		context.statusText = xhr.statusText;

SocialtextAdaptor.prototype.close = function()
	return true;

config.adaptors[SocialtextAdaptor.serverType] = SocialtextAdaptor;
} //# end of 'install only once'

.headerShadow {padding: 2em 0em .5em 1em;}
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ul ul {list-style-type: circle;}

ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: decimal;}


body {
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/* Wiki Navigation */

.st-wiki-nav {
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* html .st-wiki-nav-content {
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.st-wiki-nav-right {
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.st-wiki-nav-left {
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#st-home {
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#st-home-link {
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#st-editing-prefix-container {
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#st-editing-title {
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#st-wiki-title-central-page-link {
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#st-wiki-title-invite a {
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#st-wiki-logo {
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#st-wiki-logo-image {

.st-wiki-nav-actions {
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.st-wiki-nav-actions a {
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/* Wiki Subnav */

#st-wiki-subnav {
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#st-wiki-subnav a {
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#st-wiki-subnav-right {
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#st-wiki-subnav-left {
	float: left;
	margin-left: 6em;
* html #st-wiki-subnav-left {
	margin-left: 3em;

/* Wiki Navigation Search Bar */

#st-search-form {
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	padding: 0;
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#st-search-form .button-table {
	float: left;
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#st-search-form #st-search-term {
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/* Content Outline */

#st-content-border, #st-edit-border {
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#st-content-border-left-bottom, #st-edit-border-left-bottom {
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#st-content-border-right-bottom, #st-edit-border-right-bottom {
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* html #st-content-border-right-bottom, * html #st-edit-border-right-bottom {
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.st-content-width-controller {
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.st-content {
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* html .st-content {
	margin-top: 0px;
	margin-left: 0px;
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/* This textarea is only for Safari. However, if we use display:none; here Safari ignores the .value operation in JS */
#st-raw-wikitext-textarea {

/* Action Buttons */
.button-table, .button-table tr td {
	border-collapse: collapse;
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	padding: 0;
.button-rounded {
	background: url('../../images/st/grey-button/left-top-rounded.png') top left no-repeat;
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.button-rounded-left-bottom {
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.button-rounded-right-bottom {
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.button-straight-right-bottom {
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.button-content {
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.button-content a {
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.button-content input.submit {
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/* Personal Homepage */

#st-homepage {
	background: white url('../../images/st/homepage/blue-fade.gif') top left no-repeat;

#st-homepage-layout {
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#st-homepage-layout tr td.st-homepage-layout-cell {
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#st-homepage-layout-dashboard {
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#st-homepage-layout-notes {
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#st-homepage-notes, #st-homepage-dashboard {
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#st-user-greeting, #st-wiki-title {
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	font-size: 150%;
#st-wiki-title {
	margin-left: 5px;

#st-user-greeting {
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	float: right;

#st-group-notes-content, #st-personal-notes-content {

.st-homepage-section {
	margin-bottom: 15px;

#st-homepage-notes .st-homepage-section {
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.st-homepage-section-title {
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#st-homepage-notes .st-homepage-section-title {
	color: #aaa;
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.st-homepage-notes-edit-link {
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	display: block;
	text-indent: -2000px;
	height: 13px;
	width: 36px;
	text-decoration: none;
* html .st-homepage-notes-edit-link {
	border:1px solid white;

.st-homepage-notes-edit {
	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
	font-size: 65%;
	float: right;

.st-homepage-notes-content {
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	margin-top: 10px;
	padding-top: 0px;
	padding-bottom: 0px;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#st-dyk {
	border-color: #cca !important;
	background-color: #ffe !important;

#st-dyk-title {
	color: #e4a020 !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;

/* Homepage Simple List */

#st-whats-new-title-link {
	background: url('../../images/st/homepage/icon-28-pages.gif') no-repeat left top;
#st-watchlist-title-link {
	background: url('../../images/st/homepage/icon-28-star.gif') no-repeat left top;
#st-wikis-title-link {
	background: url('../../images/st/homepage/icon-28-group.gif') no-repeat left top;
.st-homepage-simplelist-title-link {
	display: block;
	padding-left: 32px;
	min-height: 32px;
* html .st-homepage-simplelist-title-link {
	height: 32px;

.st-homepage-simplelist-title {

.st-homepage-simplelist-table {
	margin-left: 25px;
	border: 1px dashed #ddd;
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	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 80%;
	width: 95%;

.st-homepage-simplelist-table td {
	padding: 2px;

.st-homepage-simplelist-table tr.st-homepage-simplelist-row-odd {
	background-color: #f3f7f7;

.st-homepage-simplelist-table tr.st-homepage-simplelist-row-even {
	background-color: white;

.st-homepage-simplelist-table a {
	color: #4f55dd;
	text-decoration: none;

.st-homepage-simplelist-table a:visited {
	color: #551a8b;

.st-homepage-simplelist-subleft {
	font-size: 80%;
	margin-left: 1em;
	color: #666;

.st-homepage-simplelist-right {
	width: 20%;

.st-homepage-simplelist-subright {
	font-size: 80%;
	color: #666;

.st-homepage-simplelist {

.st-homepage-simplelist-header {
	min-height: 35px;

.st-homepage-simplelist-header .button-table {
	float: right;
	margin-right: 15px;
	font-size: 95%;

.st-homepage-simplelist-header .button-table .button-content {
	padding: 1px;

.st-homepage-whatsnew-author, .st-homepage-whatsnew-date {
	color: #555;
.st-homepage-whatsnew-attribution {
	padding-left: 1em;
	font-size: 80%;
	color: #aaa;

/* Homepage Wikis List */

#st-wikis-title {

/* Data and Templates */

.st-jst-template, .st-json {
	display: none;

/* Page Sidebox Common Styles */

#st-page-boxes-toggle {
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#st-page-boxes-toggle-link {
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#st-page-boxes-underlay {
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* html #st-page-boxes-underlay {
	margin-right: 4px;
#st-page-boxes {
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/* Actions Bar */

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/* Page Actions */

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/* Attach File Interface */

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* html #st-attachments-attachinterface {
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* html #st-attachments-manageinterface {
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* html .popup-overlay {
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* html #st-attachments-attach-interface {

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#st-attachments-attach-filename {
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#st-attachments-attach-error {
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.st-attachments-attach-listlabel {
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/* Queue File Dialog */

#st-attachmentsqueue-interface {
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* html #st-attachmentsqueue-interface {
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* html #st-attachmentsqueue-dialog {

#st-attachmentsqueue-fileprompt {
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#st-attachmentsqueue-close {
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#st-attachmentsqueue-message {
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#st-attachmentsqueue-uploadmessage {
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#st-attachmentsqueue-error {
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/* Lists */

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div.st-actionbutton {
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div#deleteme-st-actions-bar {
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/* Manage File Interface */

#st-attachments-manage-interface {
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#st-attachments-manage-delete {
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.row-odd {
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.row-even {
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.row-on {
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/* *********** Settings *********** */

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* html #settings-pane { font-size: 85%;}

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* html .settings-start-table { font-size: 90%;}

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.settings-comment {

.users-invite-message {
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		causes the text in this div to be invisible */
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#st-settings-save {
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	border-bottom: 2px solid #333;
	border-right: 2px solid #333;
	color: #f4f3b9;
	width: 8em;

#st-settings {
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
	font-size: 90%;

/* Listview Tabs */

#st-listview a:visited {
	color: #551a8b;
#st-listview-tabs ul {
	display: block;
	list-style: none outside;
	margin: 0 0 0 4em;
	padding: 0;
	font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;
	font-size: 80%;

#st-listview-tabs li {
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	margin: 0 0.8em 0 0;
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	border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(128, 169, 243);
	background-color: #f4f4f4;
	position: relative;
	bottom: -2px;

#st-listview-tabs li.spacer {
	margin: 0 0.8em 0 2em;

#st-listview-tabs a {
	color: #bbb;
	text-decoration: none;

#st-listview-tabs li.selected {
	background-color: #fff !important;
	border: 1px solid rgb(128, 169, 243) !important;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #fff !important;
	font-weight: bold !important;

#st-listview-tabs li.selected a {
	color: #000 !important;

/* Category List Display */

#st-category-display-links {
	margin-bottom: 1em;
	font-size: 90%;

#st-tag-listbody {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;

/* Attachments List Display */

#st-attachments-list-body table.button-table {
	margin-top: 0.1em;
	font-size: 80%;

/* ********** PageTools Menu ************** */

div#st-editing-tools {
	float: left;

div#st-pagetools {
	z-index: 300;
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
	font-size: 10px;
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	margin: 18px 0 0 0em;
	color: #000;
	vertical-align: bottom;
	position: relative;

#st-pagetools a {
	text-decoration: none;
	color: black;
	padding-left: 17px;

#st-pagetools span {
	color: inherit;
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	vertical-align: top;

#st-pagetools span.st-watchlist-link {
	color: inherit;
	vertical-align: top;

.st-watchlist-link {
	cursor: pointer;

div#st-pagetools ul.level2 {
	z-index: 300;
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div#st-pagetools li {
	position: relative;
	list-style: none;
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div#st-pagetools ul ul li:hover {
	background: #BFE2FF;

div#st-pagetools li a {
	display: block;
	text-decoration: none;

div#st-pagetools>ul a {
	width: auto;

div#st-pagetools ul ul {
	position: absolute;
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	display: none;

div#st-pagetools ul ul li {
	line-height: 1.5em;
/*	width: 100%; */
	width: 14em;

.first {
	border-top: 1px solid #CCC;

.separator {
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div#st-pagetools ul ul li a {
	border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;
	padding-left: 15px;
	padding-right: 3px;
	margin-right: 3px;
	border: 0px;

div#st-pagetools li.submenu li.submenu:hover {
	z-index: 300;
	background-color: #BFE2FF;

div#st-pagetools ul.level1 li.submenu:hover ul.level2 {

div#st-pagetools ul.level2 {
	top: 1.0em;
	left: -9.5em;


=head2 Revision List Display

Change these styles to update the page revision list.


#st-revision-list-table {
	border-collapse: collapse;
	font-size: 85%;
	color: #000;

.st-page-title-decorator {
	color: #C80000;

.st-revision-header-emphasis {
	color: #C80000;

.st-revision-list-compare-button-row {

.st-revision-list-compare-button-cell {
	padding-top: 0.3em;
	text-align: center;

.st-revision-list-compare-button {

#st-revision-list-header-row {

#st-revision-list-header-select {
	padding: 6px 2px 2px 2px;
	text-align: center;

#st-revision-list-header-revision {
	padding: 6px 2px 2px 2px;
	text-align: left;

#st-revision-list-header-edited-by {
	padding: 6px 2px 2px 2px;
	text-align: center;

#st-revision-list-header-date {
	padding: 6px 2px 2px 2px;
	text-align: center;

.st-revision-list-row {
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border: 1px dashed #ddd;
	border-left: 1px solid #ddd;
	border-right: 1px solid #ddd;

.st-revision-list-row td {
	font-family: Verdana;
	padding: 0.3em;
	border-left: 1px dashed #ddd;
	border-right: 1px dashed #ddd;
	border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

.st-revision-list-row-select {
	padding: 3px 0 2px 0;
	text-align: center;

.st-revision-list-row-select-old {

.st-revision-list-row-select-new {

.st-revision-list-row-revision {

.st-revision-list-row-revision-link {

.st-revision-list-row-edited-by {

.st-revision-list-row-date {

/* Revision Menu */

#st-pagetools.st-revision-view-bar {
	float: left;

ul.st-revision-menu {
	list-style: none;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0.2em;
	font-size: 80%;

ul.st-revision-menu li {
	float: left;
	padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;
	border-right: thin solid #000000;

ul.st-revision-menu li.st-last {
	border-right: none;

#st-restore-revision-button {
	font-size: 80%;


=head2 Revision Compare Display

When comparing two revisions of a page, these styles apply.


#st-revision-compare-table {
	background-color: #f0f0f0;

#st-revision-compare-table td {
	background-color: white;

.st-revision-compare-old {
	background-color: #fdd;
	text-decoration: line-through;
.st-revision-compare-new {
	background-color: #dfd;
	font-weight: bold;

/* Weblog View */

#st-weblog {
	padding: 0;

#st-content-weblog-display-width-controller {
#st-content-weblog-display-width-controller-nav {
	width: 230px;
	margin-left: 15px;
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	margin-top: -1px;

#st-weblog-content {
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	margin-top: -1px;
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	border-bottom: 1px solid #80a9f3;

#st-weblog-title {
	font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;
	background-color: #80a9f3;
	color: #fff;
	font-size: 150%;
	font-weight: bold;
	padding: 0.2em;
	padding-left: 1em;

#st-weblog-wikititle {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
	font-style: italic;
	font-size: 40%;
	color: #fff;
	margin-bottom: 0.2em;
	margin-top: 0.1em;
	padding-top: 0;

#st-weblog-titletext {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #fff;

div.st-weblog-entry {
	margin-top: 0.2em;
	margin-bottom: 4.8em;
	padding: 0 1.5em 0 1.5em;

.st-page-title {
	clear: both;

div.st-weblog-entrytitle span.text {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
	font-size: 150%;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #000;

.st-weblog-entrycontent {
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 90%;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #888;

.st-weblog-byline {
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	text-align: left;
	font-style: italic;
	font-size: 70%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

.st-weblog-post-links {
	float: right;
	text-align: right;
	font-size: 70%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#st-weblog-archives, #st-weblog-navigation {
	position: relative;
	float: right;
	width: 230px;

#st-weblog-archives {
	margin-top: 15px;
	clear: right;

#st-weblog-archives-title, #st-weblog-navigation-title {
	margin-left: 15px;
	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 95%;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #999;
	border-bottom: 2px solid #f99;
	padding-bottom: 5px;
	padding-top: 5px;
	margin-bottom: 5px;

#st-weblog-navigation-content {
	margin-left: 15px;
	font-size: 80%;

#st-weblog-archives ul {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

#st-weblog-archives ul li {
	/* list-type: none; */
	display: block;
	font-size: 80%;
	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
	padding-left: 15px;

#st-weblog-newpost {
	padding: 0.5em 0.7em 0.3em 0.3em;

#st-weblog-newpost-button {

#st-weblog-actionbar-chooseweblog {
	float: right;

#st-weblog-postbyemail {
	font-size: 70%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	color: #def;
	padding-top: 0.4em;

#st-weblog-postbyemail-link {
	color: #00c;

.st-weblog-chooseprompt {
	font-size: 90%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	padding-right: 0.2em;
	color: #000;

.st-spacer {
	padding-right: 0.1em;
	padding-left: 0.1em;

.st-weblog-preventries {
	padding-bottom: 20px;
	clear: both;
.st-weblog-nextentries {
	clear: both;

div.st-weblog-entrynav {
	margin-top: 0.2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
	padding: 0;

span.st-weblog-previousentries, span.st-weblog-nextentries {
	font-size: 90%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	padding-left: 1em;

/* ******* Page Stats ******** */

#st-usagereport-navbar {
	font-size: 80%;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;

#st-usagereport-date {
	font-weight: bold;
	margin-top: 1em;

#st-page-usagereport h1 {
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	margin-top: 1.2em;
	margin-bottom: 0.3em;

#st-page-usagereport h2 {
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	font-weight: bold;
	margin-top: 0.8em;
	margin-bottom: 0.3em;

/* New Page */
#st-newpage-save, #st-newpage-duplicate {
	display: none;
	position: fixed;
	left: 0px;
	top: 0px;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	background: url('../../images/st/popup/bg.png'); /* Don't forget IE hack for ship! */
	z-index: 2000;

#st-newpage-save-interface {
	background-color: #fff;
	color: #000;
	border: 4px solid #ccc;
	padding: 0.5em;
	width: 450px;
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;
	margin-top: 10%;

#st-newpage-duplicate-interface {
	background-color: #fff;
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	width: 530px;
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;
	margin-top: 10%;

#st-newpage-save-title, #st-newpage-duplicate-title {
	margin: 0;
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	font-weight: bold;
	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 100%;

#st-newpage-save-prompt, #st-newpage-duplicate-prompt {
	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 90%;
	margin-bottom: 0.4em;

#st-newpage-save-buttons, #st-newpage-duplicate-buttons {
	margin-top: 0.8em;
	text-align: right;

.st-newpage-duplicate-option {
	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 90%;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

#st-newpage-duplicate-pagename {
	font-size: 90%;

.st-newpage-duplicate-emphasis {
	background-color: #FFFF00;
	font-weight: bold;

#st-newpage-save-field-pagename {
	margin-bottom: 0;
	margin-top: 0.2em;
	padding-bottom: 0;
	font-size: 90%;

#st-newpage-save-tip {
	margin-bottom: 0;
	margin-top: 1.2em;
	padding-bottom: 0;
	font-size: 75%;
	color: #888;

/* Wikitext Styling */

.wiki {

.wiki hr {
	margin-top: .4em;
	margin-bottom: .4em;

.wiki .short-rule {
	width: 25%;

.wiki .medium-rule {
	width: 50%

.wiki ul,
.wiki ol,
.wiki blockquote {
	margin-left: 2em;
	padding-left: 0em;

.wiki table {
	border-collapse: collapse;

.wiki td {
	border: 1px;
	border-style: solid;
	padding: .2em;
	vertical-align: top;

.wiki h1,
.wiki h2,
.wiki h3,
.wiki h4,
.wiki h5,
.wiki h6 {
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: normal;
	margin-top: 0.1em;
	margin-bottom: 8px;

.wiki h1 {font-size: 200%;}
.wiki h2 {font-size: 170%;}
.wiki h3 {font-size: 145%;}
.wiki h4 {font-size: 125%;}
.wiki h5 {font-size: 110%;}
.wiki h6 {font-size: 100%;}

.wiki pre {
	background-color: #eee; /* XXX */
	margin-left: 1em;
	margin-right: 1em;
	padding: .2em;

.wiki .incipient {
	text-decoration: none;
	border-bottom: 1px dashed;

.wiki-include-title {
	background-color: #ccccff;

.wiki .wiki {
	position: relative;
	background-color: #ddddff;
	border: 1px solid #ccccff;
	padding: 3px;

.wafl_existence_error {
	color: rgb(200,0,0);
	border-bottom: 0.2em dashed rgb(200,0,0);

#st-edit-mode-container {

#st-edit-mode-view {

#st-page-editing-uploadbutton {
	z-index: 1500;
	float: left;

/* Comment UI */

body#st-commentui {
	background: #ffffff;

#st-commentui-container {

#st-commentui-container a:visited,
#st-commentui-container a:active {
	color: #00f;

#st-commentui-notetop {

#st-commentui-controls {

#st-commentui-savelink {
	background-color: #fffebd;

#st-commentui-cancellink {

#st-commentui-customfield {

#st-commentui-customfield .customfield-label {

#st-commentui-customfield .customfield-input {

#st-commentui-textarea {
	padding: 0;
	border-style: inset;
	border-width: thin;
	background-color: #ffd;
	color: black;
	width: 99%;
	height: 150px;


=head2 Send Page by Email

Styles for the 'Send Page by Email' popup, accessed from the 'Email' dropdown
menu on the page bar.


#email-page {
	background: #ffffff;
	font-size: 80%;

.email-page-row {
	clear: both;

.email-page-row-label {
	font-weight: bold;
	float: left;
	width: 5em;
	margin-left: 1.2em;
	margin-right: 1.2em;
	text-align: right;

.email-page-row-content {
	float: left;
	padding-bottom: 1.2em;

.email-page-user-select-column {
	float: left;
	padding-right: 1.2em;
	width: 14em;

#email-page-user-select-column-center {
	width: 10em;

.email-page-user-select-label {
	text-align: center;

#email-page-user-select-add-label {
	padding-top: 1em;

.email-page-user-select-button-group {
	padding-bottom: 2em;

.email-page-input {
	width: 120px;
	clear: both;
	display: block;

.email-page-select {
	width: 175px;
	font-size: x-small;

#email-page-error-message {
	text-align: center;

#email-page-buttons-container {
	clear: both;

#email-page-buttons {
	text-align: center;

.email-page-input-new {
	width: 175px;

/* System Status, Red with icon */

#st-system-status-alert {
	clear: both;
	width: 50%;
	margin-left: 25%;
	margin-top: 10px;
	padding: 5px;
	color: #c00;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 80%;
	background: transparent url('../../images/st/system-message/important-note.gif') no-repeat 5px center;
	padding-left: 60px;
	min-height: 38px;
* html #st-system-status-alert {
	height: 38px;

/* System Status, Green */

#st-system-status {
	clear: both;
	width: 80%;
	margin-left: 10%;
	padding: 8px 0 3px 0;
	color: #0a0;
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 80%;

.socialtextLogo {
	text-align: center;
|''Description:''|Sparklines macro|
if(!version.extensions.SparklinePlugin) {
version.extensions.SparklinePlugin = {installed:true};

//-- Sparklines

config.macros.sparkline = {};
config.macros.sparkline.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
	var data = [];
	var min = 0;
	var max = 0;
	var v;
	for(var t=0; t<params.length; t++) {
		v = parseInt(params[t]);
		if(v < min)
			min = v;
		if(v > max)
			max = v;
	if(data.length < 1)
	var box = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"sparkline",String.fromCharCode(160));
	box.title = data.join(",");
	var w = box.offsetWidth;
	var h = box.offsetHeight;
	box.style.paddingRight = (data.length * 2 - w) + "px";
	box.style.position = "relative";
	for(var d=0; d<data.length; d++) {
		var tick = document.createElement("img");
		tick.border = 0;
		tick.className = "sparktick";
		tick.style.position = "absolute";
		tick.src = "data:image/gif,GIF89a%01%00%01%00%91%FF%00%FF%FF%FF%00%00%00%C0%C0%C0%00%00%00!%F9%04%01%00%00%02%00%2C%00%00%00%00%01%00%01%00%40%02%02T%01%00%3B";
		tick.style.left = d*2 + "px";
		tick.style.width = "2px";
		v = Math.floor(((data[d] - min)/(max-min)) * h);
		tick.style.top = (h-v) + "px";
		tick.style.height = v + "px";

|''Description:''|Support for cryptographic functions|
if(!version.extensions.CryptoFunctionsPlugin) {
version.extensions.CryptoFunctionsPlugin = {installed:true};

//-- Crypto functions and associated conversion routines

// Crypto "namespace"
function Crypto() {}

// Convert a string to an array of big-endian 32-bit words
Crypto.strToBe32s = function(str)
	var be = Array();
	var len = Math.floor(str.length/4);
	var i, j;
	for(i=0, j=0; i<len; i++, j+=4) {
		be[i] = ((str.charCodeAt(j)&0xff) << 24)|((str.charCodeAt(j+1)&0xff) << 16)|((str.charCodeAt(j+2)&0xff) << 8)|(str.charCodeAt(j+3)&0xff);
	while (j<str.length) {
		be[j>>2] |= (str.charCodeAt(j)&0xff)<<(24-(j*8)%32);
	return be;

// Convert an array of big-endian 32-bit words to a string
Crypto.be32sToStr = function(be)
	var str = "";
	for(var i=0;i<be.length*32;i+=8)
		str += String.fromCharCode((be[i>>5]>>>(24-i%32)) & 0xff);
	return str;

// Convert an array of big-endian 32-bit words to a hex string
Crypto.be32sToHex = function(be)
	var hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
	var str = "";
	for(var i=0;i<be.length*4;i++)
		str += hex.charAt((be[i>>2]>>((3-i%4)*8+4))&0xF) + hex.charAt((be[i>>2]>>((3-i%4)*8))&0xF);
	return str;

// Return, in hex, the SHA-1 hash of a string
Crypto.hexSha1Str = function(str)
	return Crypto.be32sToHex(Crypto.sha1Str(str));

// Return the SHA-1 hash of a string
Crypto.sha1Str = function(str)
	return Crypto.sha1(Crypto.strToBe32s(str),str.length);

// Calculate the SHA-1 hash of an array of blen bytes of big-endian 32-bit words
Crypto.sha1 = function(x,blen)
	// Add 32-bit integers, wrapping at 32 bits
	add32 = function(a,b)
		var lsw = (a&0xFFFF)+(b&0xFFFF);
		var msw = (a>>16)+(b>>16)+(lsw>>16);
		return (msw<<16)|(lsw&0xFFFF);
	// Add five 32-bit integers, wrapping at 32 bits
	add32x5 = function(a,b,c,d,e)
		var lsw = (a&0xFFFF)+(b&0xFFFF)+(c&0xFFFF)+(d&0xFFFF)+(e&0xFFFF);
		var msw = (a>>16)+(b>>16)+(c>>16)+(d>>16)+(e>>16)+(lsw>>16);
		return (msw<<16)|(lsw&0xFFFF);
	// Bitwise rotate left a 32-bit integer by 1 bit
	rol32 = function(n)
		return (n>>>31)|(n<<1);

	var len = blen*8;
	// Append padding so length in bits is 448 mod 512
	x[len>>5] |= 0x80 << (24-len%32);
	// Append length
	x[((len+64>>9)<<4)+15] = len;
	var w = Array(80);

	var k1 = 0x5A827999;
	var k2 = 0x6ED9EBA1;
	var k3 = 0x8F1BBCDC;
	var k4 = 0xCA62C1D6;

	var h0 = 0x67452301;
	var h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
	var h2 = 0x98BADCFE;
	var h3 = 0x10325476;
	var h4 = 0xC3D2E1F0;

	for(var i=0;i<x.length;i+=16) {
		var j,t;
		var a = h0;
		var b = h1;
		var c = h2;
		var d = h3;
		var e = h4;
		for(j = 0;j<16;j++) {
			w[j] = x[i+j];
			t = add32x5(e,(a>>>27)|(a<<5),d^(b&(c^d)),w[j],k1);
			e=d; d=c; c=(b>>>2)|(b<<30); b=a; a = t;
		for(j=16;j<20;j++) {
			w[j] = rol32(w[j-3]^w[j-8]^w[j-14]^w[j-16]);
			t = add32x5(e,(a>>>27)|(a<<5),d^(b&(c^d)),w[j],k1);
			e=d; d=c; c=(b>>>2)|(b<<30); b=a; a = t;
		for(j=20;j<40;j++) {
			w[j] = rol32(w[j-3]^w[j-8]^w[j-14]^w[j-16]);
			t = add32x5(e,(a>>>27)|(a<<5),b^c^d,w[j],k2);
			e=d; d=c; c=(b>>>2)|(b<<30); b=a; a = t;
		for(j=40;j<60;j++) {
			w[j] = rol32(w[j-3]^w[j-8]^w[j-14]^w[j-16]);
			t = add32x5(e,(a>>>27)|(a<<5),(b&c)|(d&(b|c)),w[j],k3);
			e=d; d=c; c=(b>>>2)|(b<<30); b=a; a = t;
		for(j=60;j<80;j++) {
			w[j] = rol32(w[j-3]^w[j-8]^w[j-14]^w[j-16]);
			t = add32x5(e,(a>>>27)|(a<<5),b^c^d,w[j],k4);
			e=d; d=c; c=(b>>>2)|(b<<30); b=a; a = t;

		h0 = add32(h0,a);
		h1 = add32(h1,b);
		h2 = add32(h2,c);
		h3 = add32(h3,d);
		h4 = add32(h4,e);
	return Array(h0,h1,h2,h3,h4);

|''Description:''|Support for deprecated functions removed from core|
if(!version.extensions.DeprecatedFunctionsPlugin) {
version.extensions.DeprecatedFunctionsPlugin = {installed:true};

//-- Deprecated code

// @Deprecated: Use createElementAndWikify and this.termRegExp instead
config.formatterHelpers.charFormatHelper = function(w)

// @Deprecated: Use enclosedTextHelper and this.lookaheadRegExp instead
config.formatterHelpers.monospacedByLineHelper = function(w)
	var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
	lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
	var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
	if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
		var text = lookaheadMatch[1];
			text = text.replace(/\n/g,"\r");
		w.nextMatch = lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;

// @Deprecated: Use <br> or <br /> instead of <<br>>
config.macros.br = {};
config.macros.br.handler = function(place)

// Find an entry in an array. Returns the array index or null
// @Deprecated: Use indexOf instead
Array.prototype.find = function(item)
	var i = this.indexOf(item);
	return i == -1 ? null : i;

// Load a tiddler from an HTML DIV. The caller should make sure to later call Tiddler.changed()
// @Deprecated: Use store.getLoader().internalizeTiddler instead
Tiddler.prototype.loadFromDiv = function(divRef,title)
	return store.getLoader().internalizeTiddler(store,this,title,divRef);

// Format the text for storage in an HTML DIV
// @Deprecated Use store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler instead.
Tiddler.prototype.saveToDiv = function()
	return store.getSaver().externalizeTiddler(store,this);

// @Deprecated: Use store.allTiddlersAsHtml() instead
function allTiddlersAsHtml()
	return store.allTiddlersAsHtml();

// @Deprecated: Use refreshPageTemplate instead
function applyPageTemplate(title)

// @Deprecated: Use story.displayTiddlers instead
function displayTiddlers(srcElement,titles,template,unused1,unused2,animate,unused3)

// @Deprecated: Use story.displayTiddler instead
function displayTiddler(srcElement,title,template,unused1,unused2,animate,unused3)

// @Deprecated: Use functions on right hand side directly instead
var createTiddlerPopup = Popup.create;
var scrollToTiddlerPopup = Popup.show;
var hideTiddlerPopup = Popup.remove;

// @Deprecated: Use right hand side directly instead
var regexpBackSlashEn = new RegExp("\\\\n","mg");
var regexpBackSlash = new RegExp("\\\\","mg");
var regexpBackSlashEss = new RegExp("\\\\s","mg");
var regexpNewLine = new RegExp("\n","mg");
var regexpCarriageReturn = new RegExp("\r","mg");

Puppylinux zanimljiva je mala distra...



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/HrLinuxMag/PuppyLinux> {date: 2007-10-20 16:24:00 +0200}

^^ [HrLinuxMag]

disclaimer (sve je ovo samo sala v 0.1)

ideja je da novi HrLinux casopis bude profiliran kao podskup koncepata i tipova clanaka iz:

"04 Magazina za hackiranje stvarnosti"


"Alter format"


"Linux Gazette"

"Warp" ex papiranti amiga magazine

"Amiga Storm" -lha archive amiga e-zine

a i jednim dijelom profesionalizma koji nude komercijalni casopisi sa linux rubrikama "Mreza" "PC Chip" "Vidi" "Bug" ??

-naglasak na alternative, pa i retro computingu, pa i HW recyclingu

-format preklopljeni A# -- zapoceti kao bilten ?

--disketa 1,4 MB -- gledanje i na starijim racunalima bez CD-Rom-a ?;  preRadikalno -- to samo onDemand

-web -- za ljude koje fizicka udaljenost ili financije sprjecavaju u kupnji (ako uopce komercijalan)

-rubrika za pocetnike

-Amiga rubrika -- ne nego Amigom se baviti u rubrici HW

-interview-i -- sa osobama iz domace i strane FLOSS scene

-pisma citalaca -- over e-mail ?


-obavijesti o eventovima vezanim za Linux

-recenzije distribucija

-koristiti otvorene standarde: txt/ascii, html, png, jpg(?), ogg vorbis (audio i video), tamtam ([tiddly]wiki ?)

-za slijepe (ogg), za gluhe (ev audio stream pretvoren u txt (prof Arun Mehta)), za slabovidne (veliki font 14 ili 18 -- znachi mora prijelom, u tom dijelu)

-da li ici u nekomercijalnu/aktivisticku ili profitnu varijantu...?

-ne se sramiti uzimati iz drugih izvora koji zele dijeleti -- vezano na Licencu: GNU FDL/GPL, Creative Commons (imenovanje dijeli pod istim uvjetima-neka prava pridrzana) ili vla$nicka licenca - izbjeci kolizije

-nikako ne "yet another winTel" pa chak ni "linTel magazine"

^^^ [HrLinuxMag]

{image: tux.jpg}
br. 1


Interview: PredSjedik HULK-a

Vijesti: [HrVatska] presla na Open Source Free software

Linux NaKon 10 god

Za pocetnike: Sto je LiNux

Distribucije: DebIan GNU/Linux

Linux na desktopu: UbuNtu

Linux na posluzitelju: suSE Linux EnterPrise Server 9

Hardware: [AmigaONE] G3/G4

Uvod u programiranje: TzE

Oldies: SuSE 6.1 Pro

KaLendar zbivanja: Hr i Slo

br. 2


Interview: voditelj net.kulturnog kluba [mama]

PaTenti: Pad vla$nickog $oftware-a

(cini se da ce ono za sto se oduvjek mislilo da osigurat buducnost vlanickog $oftware-a, biti sjeme njegovog nestanka...)

Za pocetnike: InstaLacija

Distrokutak: RedHat

Linux na desktopu: Mandrake (ManDriva)

Linux na posluzitelju: GenToo

Hardware: Silicon Graphics InDigo2 (MIPS R10000) & PS2

Uvod u programiranje: PyThon

Oldies: Slackware

Edukacija u Hr: DIY ili CertiFikati ?

br. 3


Interview: rms ?

Mind mapping: MenTalnim mapama do Projekata

Za pocetnike: Nakon LogIna

Distrokutak: dajne:BoLic

Linux na desktopu: Slax

Linux na posluzitelju: RedHatEnterprise Linux 3(4?)

Hardware: [PegasosPPC] G4

Uvod u programiranje: LiSp-ovi

Oldies: Debian 2.2

DTP na Open Source-u: ScriBus

br. 4

Distrokutak: [PuppyLinux]

Zene i Linux

br. 5

Packet Radio: Jedina jezgra s podrskom za radiomatere




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/HrLinuxMag> {date: 2007-10-20 16:21:57 +0200}

International Lisp Conference
Cambridge, UK
Konferencija "Web.Start"
Novinarski Dom, Zagreb, Cro

3. Open Source Konferencija: "Bite-On Security!
19.-20.05.2007., 10:00-18:00
Europski dom - Juriลกiฤ‡eva 2, Zagreb, Cro
Dvorana "Bruxelles"

YAXWE - Yet Another Xacktogether of West & East
...a hacker camp in ex-military base in pula (istria), adriatic coast, croatia, (? may 2007 ?)
! seli u IX mjesec !
{Linux u Hrvata "Open Source"
(9.-10.06.2006.) Zagrebacki Velesajam, Zg, Cro}
vidi: Bite On Security gore
trans{cultural/national}HackMeeting 2,   15.-17.06.2007., .Oslo, Norway
Creative Commons Conference == ICommons Summit
Dubrovnik, Cro, 15.-17.06.2007.
Amiga Alpe Adria Show/Codex/0xAA
6.-8.7.2007. Udine, Italy
People, Diversity, Creativity and Excellence
Topics:	Code for fun, code for work, computing trends, melting pot of people, excellence...; Technology: Code, diversity, classic computing, emulation...
Humans: Developers, sceners, enthusiasts, resources for developers, new friends, old friends...
eclecticTechCarnival (zhenski hackMeeting/razmjena)
11.-15.07.2007; in Linz, Austria
Chaos Communication Camp 2007
cca 45oo hackers, g33ks, nerds, digital rebels, ...
8.-12.08.2007., Berlin, Germany
YAPC -- Yet Another Perl Conference
Vienna, Austria
YAXWE - Yet Another Xacktogether of West & East
...a hacker camp in ex-military base in pula (istria), adriatic coast, croatia, 
 doSelio iz V.mjeseca
Zagreb Radio Fest - Amateur Radio Fair

Packet Radio, digital modes, WiFi, equipment, antenas, podjela nagrada za kratkovalna i VHF/UHF (9A CW contest 2006, Hrvatski radioamaterski kup 2007) natjecanja, predavanja, okrugli stolovi, ...

8.9.2007. Dom Tehnike jezero Jarun, Zg, Cro


IBM {Linux} Forum
{19.-21.09}. Umag/Rovinj, Cro






 Hi Fi Show
(23.09.2006.)  Zg, Cro

 ? 19.-21.10.2007 ?

Multimedia Hi Fi Show Croatia

The Movie Hotel, Zagreb, savska 141 ili sheraton ili WestIn (ex. Opera, Intercontinental Zagreb)

IBLOC, Linux Conference
27.-28.09.2007., Portoroz, Slovenia
Oracle Linux Day, u sklopu:
HrOUG Conference
Rovinj, Cro
{Kiblix, International Linux IT Festival/Linux Install Fest
(27. in 28. oktober 2006), Maribor Slovenia }
Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika na "Info Dani"-ma
(07.-11.11.2006 )
Zagrebacki Velesajan, Zg, Cro
CARNet Users Conference
19.-21.11.2007. Rijeka, Cro
Sloboda Stvaralastvu
(22.-27. sijecnja 2007.) Zg, Cro
GNU/Linux Install Fest
Multimedijalni Institut, MaMa, razmjena vjestina, IEEE sekcija
{Vlasnistvo } moje tvoje nashe
(, Rijeka, Cro
Linux Dan 5
Zagreb, Cro
Ubuntu-Hr Linux Conference
(31.3.2007, Zagreb, Cro).
? 2008. Ljubljana, Slovenia ?
AnarhoFeministicki Fest
Dani otvorenih racunarskih sustava / Konvencija Linux korisnika 2007
"Open Source at The Gates", 18-20.4.2007., Zagreb, Cro
Operacija grad: Jedinstvo, otvaranje Privremenog ilegalnog centra za kulturu i mlade
Od 26. do 29. travnja 2007
u ___________________


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/EventCalendar3> {date: 2007-09-06 12:18:14 +0200}
teme za yaxwe:
amiga--comunity, Demo Scene, new hw [AmigaONE] Dual G4, [PegasosPPC] G4, ACK SW ctrls 64-bit DualCore AmigaNG, Open Source spillOff, AmigaOS 4.0, [MorphOS], AROS, ...howtoStart

gnu/linux--comunity, Project(GNU), Movement (Pokret), snimanje LiveCDdistri, multiBoot CleanInstalls, gnuFeminizam, cyberFeminizam, linux the only OSkernel with hamRadio supporthowtoStart, how to live of free sw, 
linux education: self study vs. certification, Linux Conferences (Open Source & Free Software), hacking (not cracking !), g33k subcultura,...

hamRadio(radioAmaterizam)--comunity, BroadCastListening, ShortWaveListening, QRP (<5W transmisions), ARG, konstruktorstvo, packet radio, amateurradio licence: a legal frame for >100 mW WiFi, 3-3oMHz shortWave World @ your Morse radioTelegraph key-.-.--.-, 
VHF(144-146MHz/2m), UHF(43o-44oMHz/7ocm), 1,2GHz(23cm), 2,4GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz, 24GHz,.........248 GHz use that band @ <=1oooW !
LowPowerDevice(<=10mW@433MHz), PersonalMobileRadio Device (<=500 mW@446MHz), CitizenBand (<=2W/10W@27MHz) is 4 phoneing, howtoStart (localClubCourse, exam, licence, personal rig, radio shack...)

subMarines(podmornice)--Tom Clancy, Red Storm Rising, Hunt For The Red october, simulators, models, books, pictures, web sites, 

HiFi (audioPhilia)--headPhones (Grado, Stax electroStatic earSpeakers 380/5ooV, Sigma Design, Ergo, AKG,...), tube amps, ...

astronomy--basic Universe theorys, equipment (telescopes, )

open organize-ing/horizontal colaboration--tamTam"s, wiki-ies, mind mapping (freeMind, mindMap,...); howto-direct-ego-@-comunity-to-creativity, multidiciplinary community merge-ing, 
cross linking in IRC, javaChats, 4ums, blogs, mailing lists, 

amateur electronics--soldering(lemljenje), dicrete elements (resistors, capacitors, solenoids, diodes, tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, ...)

retro computing/hw recycling--Orao, Galaksija, Commodore-64, ZX Spectrum, Atari, classic computing, 8 bits Gold Age, demo scene, LuNiX NG (Linux 4 C-64 with TCP/IP & preemptive multitasking @ 1MHz in 50kB !)

gadgets--Psion Series 5/EpocOS/OpenPsion (preSymbian), Compaq IPAQ H37oo (OPIE/GnomePdaEnvironment)

photography--cameras, middleFormat, analogue b&w (chemical) & digital age,...

-open hardware ([AmigaONE] & [PegasosPPC])

women & tehnology/linux--

advocacy--technology fobias,...

atlas of cyberspace

gnuFeminism & cyberFeminism--how to pass the FLOSS knowledge and Project & Movement truth, without trying to date and throw sexist remarks to the woman next table, room, chatRoom,...

cyberspace in movies & art--Neuromancer, film perspective of a computer, network (Klaudijo @ V.G. :-))

not in form of a lecture, workshop, hands-on lab, round table, presentations...rather free style open & horizontal comunication...


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaxweTemeDva> {date: 2007-09-01 20:53:24 +0200}



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaXwe/MonteParadiso> {date: 2007-07-30 21:27:35 +0200}



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaXwe/HackMeetingPisa> {date: 2007-07-30 21:24:08 +0200}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaXwe/TransHackMeeting1> {date: 2007-07-30 21:22:40 +0200}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaXwe/YaxWe> {date: 2007-07-30 21:21:35 +0200}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaXwe/TransHackMeetingDva> {date: 2007-07-30 21:20:51 +0200}
* Now talking in #razmjenavjestina
* Topic is 'www.razmjenavjestina.org -- http://mjesec.ffzg.hr:8000/'
* Set by dpavlin on Sat Mar 03 23:12:37
<drGspot> htjedoh spojit 2 dubrovchanke al bizzar nije tu...
<igor_> libervisco: hvala puno.
<libervisco> np :)
<igor_> jel si ti rezervirao let i smjestaj?
<libervisco> nisam jos.. samo se raspitujem
<libervisco> nisam jos siguran tocno kad je najbolje, program je jos uvjek u draft fazi
<libervisco> http://icommons.org/isummit-07/draft-programme/
<igor_> mi moram rezervisat u ponedeljak kako bi mogil da uzmemo karte za avion za 200 eur.
<libervisco> ako je ovako onda je najbolje doci prije 8 u jutro na 14. Lipanj.
<libervisco> za koje vrijeme ce te vi rezervirati?
<libervisco> 14 u jutro ili prije?
<igor_> jos ne znamo kada je prvi let za Dubrovnik i Skoplja
<igor_> ali zelimo biti tamu na 14-tog...
<drGspot> (ova Dubrovcanka "7of9" slusha nas hackere preko irc-logera) :-)
<libervisco> :)
<libervisco> Zna tko koliko kosta bus od Zagreba do Dubrovnika? Nemrem naci cijene nigdje na webu..
* misa has joined #razmjenavjestina
* misa has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
* misa has joined #razmjenavjestina
<igor_> a kolku traje put busom od ZG do DU?
<drGspot> u vrijeme rata preko Paga 17 sati
<drGspot> no sad ima most i autocesta Dalmatina...
<libervisco> pitam jer se jedan frend iz nizozemske raspituje, a i mene zanima...
<libervisco> ako je puno jeftinije od aviona mozda nebi bilo lose..
<drGspot> evo vele moji Zg-Split 5 sati...
<drGspot> ..neka brza linija
<drGspot> ..i onda 4 sata od St do Du
<libervisco> koliko otprilike to kosta?
<drGspot> http://www.akz.hr/
<drGspot> sad chu vidit
* misa__ has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
<libervisco> ah nisam znao za taj site.. znaci oko 180 do 200kn
<libervisco> pa skoro isto kao avion sa Croatia Airlines
FlyPromo :)
<drGspot> http://www.akz.hr/voznired/(S(1c4px455dqtb03irxjzhe22o))/voznired.aspx
<igor_> libervisco: koliko je to u eurima?
<libervisco> evo samo malo
<drGspot> s tim da nema datum za 6. mjesec...
<libervisco> 200.00 hrk = 27.02 eur
<libervisco> veli bot :)
<libervisco> hmm
<libervisco> a valjda se nebi trebalo previse mjenjat
<libervisco> no ako je cijena ista kao i avion, bolje ici avionom
<drGspot> da uzeo sam petak, al zapravo treba krenut dan ranije...(iskustvo sa LinKonfa Portoroz, IBM Linux 4um Umag itd)
<drGspot> ko se ne boji prvat po ariji...:-)
<igor_> iz zagreba avionom za Dubrovnika je 30 eura?!?
<igor_> libervisco: super! A kad treba da se rezervise avion?
<libervisco> da, samo FlyPromo i to samo ako ideฤนห‡ u 6:20 u jutro, inace je 256kn
<libervisco> ne piฤนห‡e kad.. predpostavljam ฤนห‡to prije to bolje :)
<libervisco> to je na https://www.croatiaairlines.com/
<drGspot> bash gledam nisu zakupili bez www...kako nePoslovno
<misa> libervisco: jel to uklucuje aerodromske takse i sl... i ovo - 30 eur je pretpostavljam u jednom smijeru?
<libervisco> veli da ukljucuje pristojbe i Ticket Service Charge, i da jedan smjer
<libervisco> no cak i da je malo skuplje mislim da se isplati zbog vremena..
<libervisco> vazno da nije duplo :)
<drGspot> a pazi program Icommonsa...koktel dobrodoshlice na krovu Revelina..:-)
<libervisco> hehe
<drGspot> ovo je jache od Gibonni-ja i Eni u Umagu (ibm 4um)
<misa> igor_: to je ta cijena... ako uklucis let iz skoplja za zagreb - dobijas 200 eur
<drGspot> i vatrometa nakon gala vechere...
<drGspot> razmishlja kako bi spojio bizzarGirl i 7of9 girl i startao DuLinux...
* pae has joined #razmjenavjestina
* seven_of_nine has joined #razmjenavjestina
<seven_of_nine> bojk
<drGspot> jupiiii
<drGspot> ova cura je strashna :-)
<seven_of_nine> nisam
<drGspot> ushi su mi sve vruche---power to the linux chix
<seven_of_nine> nego nemogu margine prosirit da vidim  ko je u sobi
<seven_of_nine>  vidin  pola slova prvog
<drGspot> manje vishe standardna ekipa
<drGspot> razvuci prozor
<seven_of_nine> nee
<seven_of_nine>  siri s chat porstr al ne i popis chatera
<drGspot> na freenode-u ima oko 3ooo kanala (soba)
<drGspot> idemo do rijecana
<drGspot> kosa crta join #rilinux
* pae has quit IRC ("Leaving")
* seven_of_nine has quit IRC ("Leaving")

* Now talking in #rilinux
* Topic is 'http://ri.linux.vg/ - logovi i statistika | http://hr.open-tran.eu/  posluzite se | there's no place like CXXVII.0.0.I'
* Set by `h3x on Fri Apr 06 18:05:40
* seven_of_nine has joined #rilinux
<seven_of_nine> efo me
<drGspot> eto nas na sjevernom jadranu...vecer svima
<seven_of_nine>  isto sse unose comandovi ko u wowu
<seven_of_nine> isto
<drGspot> jep...dosta je povuceno iz teleprintera u IRC, pa poslje u javaChateve i igre
<seven_of_nine> igras ti wowa
<drGspot> nep..to strategija, mud ?
<seven_of_nine> pvprlp
<seven_of_nine>  world of warcraft
<seven_of_nine>  moro si cut
<drGspot> aa jesam ..mi smo ipak amiga korijena
* libervisco has joined #rilinux
<drGspot> eto nam putnika za du..:-)
<drGspot> 34o kn povratna lib
<seven_of_nine> nest tako
<seven_of_nine>  al podji na  starnicu od ap  lika
<seven_of_nine>  oni su jefitniji
<seven_of_nine>  i brzi
<drGspot> eto 7of9 za tjedan dana dizhesh server sa DuLinux :-)
<seven_of_nine> lol
<drGspot> naravno to podrazumjeva instalaciju PolarOS-a na komp
<seven_of_nine> ajoj
<seven_of_nine>  komp mi se raspada
<seven_of_nine>  ni wpm neznam popravit
<seven_of_nine>  tj znam ma  mi se neda
<drGspot> full backup / clean install
<drGspot> multiboot tipa
<seven_of_nine> nemijem ni windowse reinstalirat
<seven_of_nine>  jer mi caji kopaju po kompu
<drGspot> ma podatke na CD DVD, reParticionirash, i gore napred vinblou$e iza Pingvine i to je to
<drGspot> nove distre imaju i javu pa che ti radit javaChat-evi
<seven_of_nine>  ma necu se peglat
<seven_of_nine>  ckeat cu jos par tjednana da zavrse da mi se 
maknu iz doma pa cu onda
<drGspot> imash kakav LiveCD iz chasopisa
<seven_of_nine>  sto mislis
<drGspot> linux...knoppix, suse, ubuntu,...?
<seven_of_nine> mislim da nemam
<seven_of_nine> i ako imam to je staro iz doma hackera
<drGspot> to ti obicno izidje u mrezi, pc chipu, i sl
<seven_of_nine>  to sam kuovala
<seven_of_nine> i pc play prije
<libervisco> seven_of_nine, ap lika?
<seven_of_nine> da
<seven_of_nine> ili autoprijevo
<seven_of_nine> al mislim da je ap lika
<seven_of_nine>  il pdoji na  strance dubrovackog kolodvora
<seven_of_nine>  ili zg
<libervisco> ok, hvala
<seven_of_nine> n.p.
<drGspot> da sam bar ostavio godishnjeg i love za icommons
<libervisco> iako neznam koliko je na kraju to stvarno bolje od aviona, ak je avion samo 30 EURa vise manje..
* pae has quit IRC ("Leaving")
<seven_of_nine> u kojem ce te hotelu bit
<libervisco> ja jos neznam.. vjerojatno nekom jeftinom za 25 eura..
<libervisco> ionako necemo bit u hotelu cijelo vrijeme :)
<seven_of_nine> ovako
<seven_of_nine>  prilicno dobar hotel  vam je ivka
<`h3x> a/s/l
<seven_of_nine>  nema  pogleda  ima 3 zvijezidce
<seven_of_nine>  al je  dobar
<linpp> vozdra
<drGspot> e linp CB-jashu stari :)
<linpp> bivsi ;)
<linpp> jel rade stanice oke'
<libervisco> ivka zvuci dobro, ali je 50 eura.. 
<drGspot> 7of9 spasio sam konverzaciju sa ri u editor...
<seven_of_nine> ok
<seven_of_nine>  ja sam munjana  za ovo
<seven_of_nine>  nego odo ja vanka partijanit
<drGspot> ono na razmjeni je zabiljezila stenografkinja anna (irc-logger)
<libervisco> http://www.hotel-ivka.com/
<libervisco> :)
<seven_of_nine>  vidimo se
<libervisco> cya seven_of_nine 
<seven_of_nine> cek mislim da tu ima moja slika nedje
<seven_of_nine> nema prije je bila
* seven_of_nine has quit IRC ("Leaving")
<libervisco> evo je http://www.startrekdesktopwallpaper.com/new_wallpaper/Star_Trek_Voyager_SevenOfNine_JerryRyan_desktopwallpaper_1280.jpg ;)
<libervisco> jk

<linpp> tko ti je ta, drGspot? :)
<drGspot> javaChatGirl
<drGspot> spojit chemo sa bizzar, pa ko zna...
<linpp> mozda se i znaju ;>
<libervisco> bbl
<linpp> cu


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/SevenOfNine> {date: 2007-04-21 18:43:26 +0200}
full backup/clean install:
	1. irssa Sub 14.4: Sempron64,AM2, 512MB			(128graf), nVidia 61oo; win98se/te, 			win2oooProSP5, xpProHrSp1/2 				(diagnostika); Mandr{iva}ake Linux 			>=9.0 HRid bus_off 2.o; RedHat 				Linux 8Pro; 9; FedoraCore 3 x86_64  			; [Open]SuSE 7.2 Pro, 8, 9, 10 Ubuntu 			5.04, 6.o6lts, 6.1o; Debian GNU/Linux 			3.1r0{-5} amd64
	2. ivanIno VR Space 21.4: P4 {EM64T ?}, 			1024MB,	120GB, >845 intelChipset, 		win98te, {w2oooProSP5 ?}, 					winxpProHrSp1/2, Mandr{iva}ake Linux 		>=10.1Community, RedHat Linux 8Pro; 		9; FedoraCore 2, (3,4,5,6); [Open]SuSE 		7.2 Pro, 8, 9, 10 Ubuntu 5.04, 6.o6lts, 			6.1o; Debian GNU/Linux, 3.1r0{-5} 			amd64, MacOS X.4 x86, Canon Pixma 			IP43oo (i scaner, printa na CD, driver ?)
		BeOS 5.0 Max Personal Edition 3.xx

	3. neLa >28.4 PIII Celeron 256 MB graf 32 			MB graf nvidia samo CD-Rom ! 20 GB
		win98s.e. t.e. win2oooProSP5 (xp Pro 			HrSp1/2)--samo za detekciju hardware-a
		Mandrake Linux 8.0 HRid 0.9 (P1/32MB)
		Mandrake Linux 8.1 HRid 1.5
		Mandrake Linux 9.0 HRid 2.0 					bussines_office_home OpenOfficeEn
		RedHat 8; 9; FedoraCore (OpenRedHat) 		2, {3,4,5,6} (Open)?SuSE 7.2 Pro 				{8,9,10} Debian GNU Linux 3.1r0{-5}
		Ubuntu 4.1o, 5.04,{6.06 LTS(DVD),6.1o		(DVD)(7.04)}
		(neparticionirani prostor, buduce 				instalacije)
		OpenOffice od >=1.1.1b Hr (lin win)
		OpenOffice 2.1o (ima i bazu, security 			holes patched, new introduced)
		Opera 8.51 (8.54 ima bug), 9.1o 				(bittorrent client)
		Netscape Messenger 4.61 (trga zlocheste 		stvari)
		Mozilla FireFox 2.o.o._
		Mozilla thunderBird 1.7
		Mozilla Suite 1.7 (OpeNetscape 7.x)
driveri (lin, win,...)
vatroZid, anti: virus, crv, trojan, spyware, addware, rootkit, exploit, patch, serPac...
userLand: ลกminkanje, enciklopedije, atlasi, prevodioci, cad/cam, obrada texta, slika, crtanje, 
irc klijenti, java (pseudoChat), multimedija, dvd, divx, mp3, igre (ลกah, kuglice, kockice, logiฤke, ...)
	4. Koprivnjak: stari stroj: PII/233MHz 			128MB(96) Diamond 	Stealth 3D 4ooo 			Turbo intel chipset awe64 
	novi stroj: Athlon Palomino 16oo MHz 512 MB 	40 GB x 2
	spaljen osigurach/zener dioda ? u USB power 	5V krugu (ne rade usb tastature preko header 	zbog tog...)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/KumuLativ> {date: 2007-04-08 17:31:43 +0200}
pitali Jaromila u vezi portanja dynebolica na alterArhitekture...
evo odgovora :-)


Od:   	  jaromil <jaromil@dyne.org>
Za:  	 drgspot@net.hr, Public list for the organization of a transcultural hackmeeting <thk@autistici.org> 	
Naslov:  	 Re: [Thk] Re: dyne:bolic 2.4 DHORUBA or 1.4 on alterHW ?... 	
Datum:  	 Tue, 06 Mar 2007 15:57:15 +0100 	

Hash: SHA1

hi drgspot

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 09:01:12AM +0100, drgspot@net.hr wrote:
> I read the fantastic info about new dyne distro...

thanks for appreciation. i'm also quite happy about it at the moment,
considering that since 2.4 a simple button in the nest mechanism grants
an encryption of personal data stronger than what they use in bank

i encourage every software developer to have a look at cryptsetup and
luks, together with dm-crypt in linux 2.6 they work perfect to provide
privacy to users. it should be implemented everywhere!
i'm also available for help scripting it.

> My question is how difficult if possible would be to make a dyne:bolic version
> -classic Amiga (m68k)--hint m68k-linux Project

> -classic PPC Amiga (PowerPerformanceChip 603e==G2) hint--LinuxPPC Project

> -new [AmigaONE] Hardware (ATX, PCI, AGP, PPC G3, G4, DualG4, (G5__64))

> -new [PegasosPPC] hardware (DDR, FireWire,ATX, PCI, AGP, PPC G3, G4, DualG4, 
> (G5__64))

> -Playstation2 (MIPS R59oo 128 bit/@ 29o MHz/32MB))

> -Playstation3 (Cell_9 core PPC Synergistic Procesing Element Distributed
cluster/GRID on chip 
> computing),

> -classic Atari (m68k)--hint m68k-linux Project

> -announced meta_hypothetic Genesi "AtariONE"==[PegasosPPC] with Atari
firmWare with MiNT 
> (Mint is Not/Now TOS--Table/Tramiel Operating System)

> -Apple (allready there ?)

> -any other alter arch/platform

it is as difficult as realizing dyne:3 :)

cross-platform compatibility is a main goal for it.

together with goto10 developers we are forming a new core developers
group for this new version. very soon i'll also send out a call for
people that is interested in collaborating.  hopefully this time the
developers team will be large, as there is enough documentation and
tools to build a collective dev environment as you see on


p.s. yes, Amiga Rulez! BTW have you seen the GP2X ?

- -- 
(_ jaromil _)(_ http://korova.dyne.org _)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/DyneArchs> {date: 2007-03-06 23:51:03 +0100}

^^^ Sub 3.3 razmjena vjestina: Izrada ATV ( amateur TV primo/predajnika)

-sto, gdje, kako, zasto, kuda
-ATV: definicija, gdje se moze nauciti, kako se koristi, zasto se smije koristit, kuda...



[AtV] (amateurTV) je vrsta (mod) radiomaterskog rada (emisije), uz 10-tke ako ne i 100-tine drugih vrsta rada i modulacija koje koriste RadioAmateri diljem Svijeta...

Cini ju emitiranje i prijem radio signala koji nosi analognu informaciju slike po (u nashim krajevima) PAL B/G standardu (5,5 MHz), i sa mogucim signalom tona.

Dopusten je na raznim frekventnim podrucjima, no zbog zahtjeva za shirinom kanala (band passom) i tezom izradom (konstruktorstvom) za vishe frekventne pojaseve, najcesca upotreba je na valnima podrucjima (frekvencijama):

-2m(144 MHz) 
-70cm(432 MHz)
-23cm(1296 MHz)
-13cm(2300 MHz)

uz vazecu Licencu (radioamatersku Dozvolu)

Detaljan Band Plan dostupan je ovdje:


Tipicnom radioamateru-konstruktoru ili amateru-elektronicaru u njegovoj radionici treba barem:

-tinol pasta
-sjechice (klijeshta)
-mjerni instrument (analogni, s kazaljkom, Amper-Volt-Ohm metar AVOmetar)
-rezbarski luk sa pilcama
-modelarska bushilica do 3,5 mm sa svrdlima
-chekich, kombinirana klijeshta

potroshni materijal:

bakreni pertinax, elektronichki dijelovi (otpornici, kondenzatori, diode, tranzistori, zavojnice, zica, integrirani krugovi-chipovi, baterije, transformatori... prema zahtjevu gradnje)

(i ostali alati i pribor su pozeljni: npr ispravljach 3-24 V sa regulacijom i zashtitom))

Alternativa izgradnji prijemnika za ATV je koristenje televizora sa S kanalnim podrucjem: vechina TV-a danas ima linearno listanje kanala, pa trazenjem prelazi i u radioamaterska podrucja, a neki kablovski S (ne-eterni) kanali se poklapaju sa nekim radioamaterskim pojasevima.

Uvjet za emitiranje ATV signala je radioamaterska Licenca (Dozvola), koju radioamater dobiva nakon polozenog Ispita pred Ministarstvom Veza tj Hrvatske Agencije tj Hrvatskog Zavoda za Telekomunikacije (Ispit za A kategoriju/klasu), tj pred Hrvatskim Radioamaterskim Savezom (Ispit P(ochetnicke) kategorije/klase); pa bi sljed postupaka bio ovakav:

-odslushati tecaj za radioamatere operatore/konstruktore u nekom od RadioKlubova

-prijavit se za ispit HRS-u tj Ministarstvu Veza

-poloziti Ispit i dobiti Diplomu i pozivnu oznaku (npr 9A2MI ili 9A1MAM )
	(s takovom Diplomom moze se vech odrzavati veze na Klupskim postajama iz RadioKlubova)

-(opciono) predati Zahtjev za izdavanje Dozvole za osobnu amatersku radijsku postaju--efektivno stol na kojem moze biti i 10 fizichkih uredjaja (primo-predajnika) sa pripadajucim antenama i opremom))

-nabaviti novi ili rabljeni primo-predajnik ili ga sam konstruirati (nuzan atest)


Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez:




Americhki Radioamaterski Savez


Zagrebachki Radioamaterski Savez:


Hrvatska Zajednica Tehnichke Kulture:


Poziv na suradnju i slanje HAM sazrzaja za emitiranje sa Sljemenskog ATV odashiljacha:


				de 9a1ctz (9a7ien)

-- [DrGspot], 01/03/07


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/AtV> {date: 2007-03-01 02:26:47 +0100}
[GNU] Linux Install Festival

KSET, Unska 3
Subota/Saturday, 24.02.2007.

Uvod u Otvoreni Kod & Slobodni Software
Operacijski Sustav, Projekt & Pokret
pomoฤ‡ pri instalaciji & upotrebi za poฤetnike
razmjena vjeลกtina potrebnih za upotrebu
snimanje CD/DVD sa GNU/Linux distribucijama:
Ubuntu, Debian GNU/Linux, dyne:bolic, Slackware,
Introduction to Open Source & Free Software
Operating System, Project & Movement
help in installing & beginner usage
exchange of skills needed for usage
burning CD/DVDs with GNU/Linux distros:
Ubuntu, Debian GNU/Linux, dyne:bolic, Slackware
skill exchange
[gnu/linux] skill exchange workshop
net.culture club [mama]
preradoviฤ‡eva 18 St.
zagreb, croatia, europe
saturdays, 12:oo-18:oo
http://www.razmjenavjestina.org colaboration tamTam (Wiki)
real chat:     /server irc.freenode.net
        /join #razmjenavjestina
    IRC client sw needed:  http://xchat.org/ (linux/win)
hacker & g33k movie evenings
tuesdays 19:oo-22:oo
HardC0re skill exchange
programmer&#8221;s evenings
thursdays 18:oo-22:oo
Program pod imenom "razmjena vjeลกtina: pokaลพi sto umijeลก!" neformalna su
tjedna okupljanja u
net.kulturnom klubu mama u kojima entuzijasti dijele svoja korisna iskustva, znanja i
Planiranju pomaลพe online burza umijeฤ‡a na adresi: http://www.razmjenavjestina.org
gdje zainteresirani predstavljaju ลกto ลพele podijeliti s drugima, a ลกto bi voljeli da
im drugi
Razmjena vjeลกtina nalazi svoju inspiraciju u kulturi nesebiฤnog dijeljenja zajednice
softvera. Na svakom okupljanju zainteresirani su slobodni donijeti svoja raฤunala,
laptope i
ruฤna raฤunala da bi im na njih bio instaliran GNU/Linux operativni sustav. Za
vjeลกtina svake  subote od 12:00 do 15:00 u mami su na raspolaganju multimedijalno
spojeno na internet, dvd i vhs ureฤ‘aj, lcd projektor, te osnovni softverski i
hardverski alati za
razliฤite instalacije i prepravke softvera i hardvera.
Yet Another Xacktogether of West & East
..a hacker camp at ex-military base Karlo Rojc, in Monteparadiso Hack Lab, Pula
(Istria), adriatic
coast, croatia, may 2007.
second weekend in May 2007


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/PlaKatInstalFest> {date: 2007-02-24 09:30:44 +0100}
sa jedne stranice jednog od Linux eduKatora u Hr :-) :
IT Ekspert

Ove godine ลพelim samo:

1. Bolji posao. (ne hvala zadovoljan sam s postojecim i ispunjava me)

2. Viลกe novca. (ne hvala--imam dovoljno, a i novac je nuzno zlo kao automobili i oruzje)

3. Lijepu kuฤ‡u. (ovaj stan u kojem sam sad ispunjava moje potrebe stanovanja)

4. Dobar auto. (ne hvala--moram se fizicki kretati zbog zdravlja a i ne zelim doprinosti zagadjenju Planete)

5. Lijepu ลพenu. (ja sm nano, gnuFeminist i cyberFeminist)

Kako informatiฤar moลพe doseฤ‡i te ciljeve?

Odgovor je jednostavan: IT Ekspert! (trganjem korporativnih monopola)

U kratkom vremenu steknite pet najtraลพenijih meฤ‘unarodnih certifikata s podruฤja informatike. (Da li je certifikat jednini put za uspjeh u IT-u ....?)

Poฤnite ลพivjeti svoje snove! (vech zivimo--u Second Life-u :-))

Opลกirnije... (sazmi :)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ProFit> {date: 2007-02-09 21:59:10 +0100}
		ABBA: Super Trooper
		ABBA: Take a chance on me
		ABBA: When i kissed the teacher
	David Bowie
		David Bowie: Heroes
	Fleetwood Mac
		Fleetwood Mac: Albatross
		Prodigy: One Love (Hackers)
		Prodigy: Voodoo People (Hackers)
		Zucchero: Diamante



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/PlayList> {date: 2007-02-05 18:03:51 +0100}
Orao 2kom neispravni

Commodore 4+ kazetofon

Commodore 64 + 1541 floppy-10xx monitor

Amiga 5oo (u klubu ili skladistu ?)

Amiga12oo+68040+Blizzard PowerPerformanceChip Board 603e+ (G2) 25/175MHz

Comodore 1084 S monitor neispravan

[PowerMac] 4400/2oo MHz, 48MB ram, 50 ? HDD MacOS 8.0 ili 8.1 (kod antishe)

NeXT Station ([AkA]-ina), Motorola 68040

Silicon Grapchics Indigo 2 ili O2
MIPS R1oooo (stakor, lucky)

Silicon Graphics Pentium II (Blace, mi2) WinNT + Linux + BeOS ?

Psion series 5 32-bit RISC-based ARM710T processor running at 18MHz (Series 5) or
36MHz (5mx), with
4, 8 or 16MB of RAM; EPOC O.S. (preSymbian) /OpenPsion Linux

Compaq IPAQ H3700
206-MHz Intelรข StrongARM SA-1110 32-bit RISC Processor    
(16-)64MB SDRAM, 16-MB Flash Memory

Windows Mobile OS; Familiar Linux Opie/GPE

Atari 78oo console (65o2 based ?)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/AlterHw> {date: 2007-02-04 10:54:42 +0100}
sa Amiga Dream Network (ADN) chat mailing liste sto bi moglo dat hint zashto je Sempron sporiji od  dualAthlona u compile-u:
Subject: Re: [adn_chat] masina
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 15:56:58 +0100
From: Vladimir Mitic <dmc@linux.tron-inter.net>
Reply-To:  adn_chat@reggaepower.org
To: adn_chat@reggaepower.org
References: 1

robertb@inet.hr wrote:

>Vladimir Mitic wrote:
>  poz,
>>znam da je ovo Amiga grupa :) ali moram da se po'valim ... :) uzeo sam
>>novu masinu :))
>>Intel Pentium D Dual Core 2x2800Mhz , 2GB ddr2 667Mhz ram, GF6600GT sa

>sad ces moci vrtit i MacOS X.4 x86. Na AMD-u neide jer nema SSE instruction_set. Na
>Athlonu64 ide ako ima SSE/SSE2.

E da kako sam to zaboravio.... prvo sto sam uradio, probao sam macosx
tiger onu betu koja se spreduje na netu ;)) znachi ljudi.. ovo je inace
prvi put od emulacije na amigi (macos 7.5/8.0) da vidim neki noviji
MACOS.. imoram priznati da sam se primio ko budala :)) sistem radi kao
mleko... grafika tece, eketi su super tecni, sam sistem radi extremno
brzo... jeidno sto je cudno je da na pocetku vidi dva cpu-a.. (kada
stavis -v na pocetku ) pise nomber of procesors #2 ... ali kasnije dok
se sistem izbuta onda vidi samo jedan.. no u svakom slucaju je
otkrovenje ;> samo me interesuje da li mogu da pokrenes rossetu ? i da
li mogu stvarno ovaj sistem da iskoristim da pokrenem neki PRavo MACOS
program.... znaci znam da rade svi utili i sve to... a sta je sa
pohotoshopom ili office-om na primer... da li ce to da radi na ovoj
hakiranoj verziji ?

>Aj baci lspci, cat /proc/cpuinfo, lsmod, dmesg; il ako moze cjeli /proc kernel "prozor" da se
processor    : 0
vendor_id    : GenuineIntel
cpu family    : 15
model        : 4
model name    : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
stepping    : 4
cpu MHz        : 2801.353
cache size    : 1024 KB
physical id    : 0
siblings    : 2
core id        : 0
cpu cores    : 2
fdiv_bug    : no
hlt_bug        : no
f00f_bug    : no
coma_bug    : no
fpu        : yes
fpu_exception    : yes
cpuid level    : 5
wp        : yes
flags        : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm pni
monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips    : 5606.13 ----
5,6 milijardi instrukcija u sekundi !
processor    : 1
vendor_id    : GenuineIntel
cpu family    : 15
model        : 4
model name    : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
stepping    : 4
cpu MHz        : 2801.353
cache size    : 1024 KB
physical id    : 0
siblings    : 2
core id        : 1
cpu cores    : 2
fdiv_bug    : no
hlt_bug        : no
f00f_bug    : no
coma_bug    : no
fpu        : yes
fpu_exception    : yes
cpuid level    : 5
wp        : yes
flags        : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm pni
monitor ds_cpl cid cx16 xtpr
bogomips    : 5599.39


zanimljivo je da linux ne vidi sse3 ... a cpuz i macos ga pronalaze...
doduse itunes nece da mi radi... pa ne znam dal je to zbog ssea-3 (koji
kao imam) ili je nesto drugo u pitanju ()hakerska verzija) ;))

>Poigraj se sa preemptive i real time kernelima.
odmah sam stavio ... kernel preemptible kernel (LOW LATENCT
DESKTOP)... evo ga uname

uname -a
Linux serenity.localdomain #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 8 15:28:24
CET 2006 i686 unknown

Mislim oseca se mnogo bolji multitasking... primer .. kompajliram dva
programa sa -j2 :)) znaci ne svaki na cpu-u nego bash dve sessije po -j2
... i dalje sve pici tecno.. mozila.. divx .. mp3 ;>> znaci ovo je do
kernela.. inace kada hocu stavim u pozadini kompajliranje na jednom
procesoru dok drugim surfam i gledam divx ;>> isve je savrsen glatko...
e sada opet moram da pomenem jedino usko grlo je opet hdd.. znaci kada
nesto krene da radi.... bez obzira sto je drugi cpu slobodan..
jednostavno moras da ga cekas.. pa kad je puno aktivnosti na hardu
...... imas filing kao i na single cpu racunaru... :(( to je down...
mada nisam jos stavio RAID>..... jer imam problema sa napajanjem ;))) a
napajanje je 550W ;) pa vidi vidite ;> ali na 12V imam samo 15A .. a
treba mi neko napajanje sa 26A ..na 12V (bar tako  pise na gfx karti)..
inace svi kazu da ovi inteli kada se malo pokrenu trose oko 150W!!!!!!!
SAMO CPU :) pa vi vidite ;)) dok AMD u istoj klasi trosi 50W a kazu i da
se mnogo manje greju amd-ovi sada i da su brzi (svi testovi pokazuju X2
kako kolje D-a .... heh nekada se zbog tig prednosti uzimao intel... a
sada kakva je situacija bogami.. ka tek kada sam uzeo intel-a pogledao
testove i smrzao se :) koliko je ovaj moj spor.. (u odnosu na amd).. z
druge strane amd je sada duplo skuplji :) hehe :)) vremena se menjaju
.... da jos jedna stvar sto se tice kernela i linux i DUAL-a.. znachi na
istom sistemu imao sam prvo kernel 2.4 ... znachi ljudi to je uzas sporo
islo... znaci kompajliranje na istom kompajleru i sve sa -j2 sa
upotrebom dva CPU-a na kernelu  2.4 bilo je isto kao i na SINGLE AMD
sempron 2500+ CPU-u!!! mozete zamisliti moje cudjenje i prvobitno
razocarenje dok nisam ukapirao da je u pitanju kernel ;) zatim ubacio I DUPLO i vise se ubrzao rad sve i naravno komajliranja...
nadam sam se 10-25% ali 200% :))) znaci da su 2.6 kernel odradili
odlicno.... eh da moram da se pohvalim da sam i dalje ostao na istoj
distribuciji za koju upuceni ovde na listi znaju da je nisam
preinstalirao vec 6 godina :)) a to je redhat 6.0 :)))

root@serenity /: # cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)

s tim da ima XFree 4.1.x (original 3.3.3) , kernel 2.6.15 (otriginal
2.2.5-5), KDE 3.4.2 (original 1.1. ;))) i da ne nabrajam sve zivo
updejtovano rucno od kompajlera glibc-a !>!!> apacha- mozille... MA ovo
vec lici na neki LFS ;) ali pazite i dalje ima dosta originalnih RPM-ova
:) hehehe :)) to treba videti ;))

>Planiram jednu monstruoznu multiboot instalaciju na ocisceni reciklirani Athlon800:
>e da i AROS, QNX, CTOS, Rebol, HURD i Plan9
ja sam probao HURD>> i nece da makne dalje od kernela. askinuo sam 9-u
na 4 cd-a...

>Zasto vindo$e ne iskoristavaju dobro 64bita ako nema bar 3GB RAM-a? Neki opskurni 
>banking ?
3 GB ???// xmmm pa ovih dana cu da probam 64 bit windows XP pa cu vam
reci da li ima neke razlike :) ali kako sam gledao na microsoftovom
sajtu :0 smejao sam se ;)) pise kao pod razlozima why should i upgrade
to 64 bit ..

1. because you can adress more memory (xmmm to je jedna trenutno nebitna
2. because it will be standard soon ( HAHAHAHAHAHAH)..
znachi plakanje ;) ako su to jedini razlozi onda ono:)))))

naravno na kraju jos informacija da sam uspeo overklok na 3200Mhz ..
bogo mipis su bili 6500 :) sto je lepo cifra.. medjutim imam par
problema .. nije da pada masina ili da se greje.... u windowsu radi sve
OK.. ali u linuxu tastatura krene da se zapucava u smislu da kada
pritisnem edan taster kuca po dva ili tri puta   ono dddmmmeeesssggg
;))) ne znam da zna neko u cemu je fora... takodje mplayer se toliko
ubrza da slika ide mnogo brze od tona.. (tipa desinhronizacija od po 5
minuta :))))))))))

|_  _Vladimir Mitic _ _ ____/ Linux admin of Tron_Networks:www.tron-inter.net |
//-mailto:dmc@linux.tron-inter.net deadlymc@gmailcom|
`-AmigaOS/Linux/NT/BSD-\\//---ICQ: 38086744 [...DTC BBS -!!0FFLINE!!-|==|]


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ZashtoSempronSlow> {date: 2007-01-30 10:18:19 +0100}
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:29:34 +0100
From: Sub <subvertao@inventati.org>
Subject: [Thk] Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting
To: Public list for the organization of a transcultural hackmeeting
Message-ID: <45AD43BE.5050501@inventati.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

here in Oslo, Norway, we have a small hacklab ( http://humla.info )
inside a much much much muuuch bigger social space ( http://www.Hausmania.org ).
We are a pretty small collective but with great aspirations :)

We are thinking about organizing a trans hackmeeting here the weekend
after the g8
demonstrations this summer. That is 15, 16, 17 of june 2007.

We have a hacklab with 10 online machines, very fast net, webradio,
videoprojector, a backyard for barbecues, and we can provide
one or more big big rooms for guesting people, provide vegan food for
cheap,provide (relatively) cheap beer and
whatever else come to your mind.
We also have little money for special necessities ( visas for eastern
european hackers for example ).
We can also organize local propaganda of the event in the city, and make
a poster.

What we can't provide, is have you willing to come!

If anybody is interested, please say.


( humla mailing list at : intern@humla.info,channel #humla on
irc.indymedia.org/994 )

don't mourn, organize.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 02:18:44 +0100
From: kraken <kraken@autistici.org>
Subject: Re: [Thk] Proposal for a 2007 Norwegian Trans Hackmeeting
To: subvertao@inventati.org,     Public list for the organization of a
    transcultural hackmeeting    <thk@autistici.org>
Message-ID: <45AD7974.5030900@autistici.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Hash: SHA1

Sub ha scritto:
> If anybody is interested, please say.

Me! :)

Cool guys, the "setup" you've explained can be very interesting and
imho it's a serious purpouse.

We have just to understand if people from this list are going to move
on for next thk.

So, what you want to do?
Imho first we've to analize our situation: this list is dead since
2004 except for sporadic news from hack (and not) world, and I think
we've to gather ourselves again on this list and start speaking (and
working) for next thk.

This purpouse is a point from which we can start discussion about
another trans-hackmeeting, too.


- --
"Paranoia is like safety: never too much."
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/NorveshkiHackMeet> {date: 2007-01-20 13:25:30 +0100}



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/MiLi> {date: 2007-01-16 20:07:26 +0100}
* Topic for #razmjenavjestina is: hello world -- www.razmjenavjestina.org -- www.svrg.net/metafeed
* Topic for #razmjenavjestina set by ajkulica at Fri Jan  5 11:07:34 2007
* Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connect
* #razmjenavjestina :[freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp


akapav alo doture -- sta ima?
drGspot e profesore...evo isPavali se skoro 12 sati :)
drGspot ko u ratu u Konavlima nakon nochnih smjena...
akapav lipo, lipo -- a meni uskoro zavrsava posal :))
drGspot je proIzvedeno dragocjenog koda za Hr Radio Industriju 21. stoljecha ?
akapav ja jebo hr radio industriju -- ne znaju tko im glavu nosi
drGspot razmjenjivachu Zeljku moramo odat priznanje -- primio se pythona uz asistenciju Hrvoja
akapav nego kako ste mogli onako pustit nelu -- razmjenjivacicu #31 da sama nosi svoj comp po gradu
drGspot razmjenjivachica [NeLa] je dobila Knopix 5.0 na svoju 65o MHz kantu naporima Marcell-a
drGspot zar ga je nosila stvarno sama ??..(chini se da je sportashica) zar nije negdje oko broja 25 26 ??
akapav meni se na trenutak ucinilo da nisam osjetio dovoljno gnu feministickog zara sad kad je dosla malo starija razmjenjivacica
akapav pa ostala je s tobom i marcellom -- naravno da ga je nosila sama -- sta su brojevi 25 i 26?
drGspot bavi se design-om i ima neka proGramerska iskustva (javaScript, ...?)
drGspot bizarGirl je negdje oko 25...no nama vech dan dva neradi anna (irc-logger)
ajkulica akapav: koji sam ja broj razmjenjivacica?
drGspot ajkulica je zhena ?
akapav ti si gay-razmjenjivac #3
drGspot razmjenjivacha negdje oko 15o-tak mislim
drGspot u 3 godine workshopa
ajkulica akapav: a koji su 1 i 2?
akapav drGspot: ponovit cu pitanje -- sta su ti ti brojevi?
drGspot i kako sad mozhemo pokrpat ovu rupu dok nije radio irc-logger ?
akapav ajkulica: dodji pa vidi :)
drGspot pa to je relativan redosljed dolaska zhena na razmjenu
drGspot # 1 je Ivana Pavich (Armanini ?)
akapav pa zar smo samo na 26 :(( -- ja sam stvarno mislio da smo preko 30 -- uzas, posustao si
ajkulica akapav: pederu :)
drGspot pa mozda si u pravu ako uzmemo moje kolegice u firmi na kojima sam radio, i josh chu radit kad ozdravim dokraja
akapav :)) -- *na* kojima si radio -- cool
drGspot neke vech imaju LiveCD Linuxe doma, 6 full backupova / clean installova me tek cheka...
akapav drGspot: btw, kako to misli ivana pavic (armanini) -- to su razlicite cure
drGspot razlichite ? moja greshka...
akapav ivana armanini ti je ona cura sta izdaje komikaze
drGspot i znachi "Virtual Hacking Academy" bi bio neshto kao "Second Life Skill Exchange"...?
akapav ne -- hakerska akademije nema model kakav ima razmjena vjestina, nego se znanje prenosi klasicnim nacinima, ali je sama skola smjestena u virtualni svijet
drGspot kakva interAkcija je mogucha medju "googleEarthom" "nasaearthRjeshenjem" i "second life"-om ?
drGspot C#, vrml, ...?
akapav mogu se vrtit u istom window manageru
drGspot :)
drGspot nemogu preZhalit shto ovu disKusiju nije priBiljezila stenografkinja Anna...:-(
akapav mi cemo najvjerovatnije napraviti svoj engine koji nece biti kompatibilan s nicim postojecim, a specificnost mu je da se moze skriptat u razlicitim jezicima i da ne mora imati ukljucen graficki aspekt -- :)), da u pravu si, nedostaje anna
drGspot trebat che se jednom primit chitanja kompletne arhive nasheg pravog chata i metaFidNewsBulletina
drGspot kako je zamishljena agregacija, crossLinking i merging TamTam-a 2.0 RSS-a ReBloga tagCloud-a sa irc-loggera ?
akapav radje se primi tolstoja -- tanji je ;)
akapav to moras pitat Aco -u, on je arhitekt tog djela
drGspot jedan od benefita bi trebao bit wiki editing thorugh chat ?
akapav to sam ja napravio samo jos nisam instalirao za metafeed comentare
drGspot Petar Milichich ima zanimljive stavove o Wi Fi ju > 100mW...ovogodishnja "Sloboda Stvaralashtvu" che bit prezanimljiva
* akapav ide pogledat program
drGspot http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/index.html
drGspot kako mogu kompletan text u prozoru chat aplikacije posejvat ?
akapav koji chat koristis
drGspot u ubuntu-u je xchat
drGspot u win mirc i xchat
akapav hm ... select pa paste?


drGspot radi...zakon :)
akapav na programu pise da su i 22. i 24. i 25. sjecnja ponedjeljci -- mora li sve u ngo sektoru bit bugirano >(
drGspot u "Sonda" knjizici pishe da muzicki program pocinje 24. 1 ...2 dana nakon pochetka SloStva
drGspot nastupaju i Ghetto Booties 27.1...Lina sa svojim GNU Power Lounge
drGspot http://www.egoboobits.net/GhettoBooties
drGspot http://www.egoboobits.net/GhettoBooties_NaseStvari
akapav drGspot: na sajtu ne pise nista iole korisno -- odakle tebi informacije o predavanjima za slobodu stvaralastva
drGspot neshto sa kalendara na mi2...neshto iz knjizhice "Sonda" u mami
drGspot neshto iz knjizice mjesechnog rasporeda mame
drGspot crosLink & merge :)
drGspot http://www.mi2.hr/
drGspot http://services.mi2.hr/webcal/month.php?year=2007&month=1
drGspot http://services.mi2.hr/webcal/view_entry.php?id=632&date=20070122
drGspot http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/
drGspot http://www.slobodastvaralastvu.net/
drGspot hmmm...kako umijeshati Virtual Reality i Radio...?
drGspot http://www.slobodastvaralastvu.net/PreDavanja
drGspot hmm... ovo "Uradi sam TV" je spojivo sa HAM tecajevima za ATV ...
drGspot a dijelom i Slow Scan TV
drGspot na ovogodishnjoj manifestaciji che se CB, radioAm i wi-fi i pirate radio & TV vishestruko ispreplest



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/AnnaIrcLogger> {date: 2007-01-15 12:50:57 +0100}
ovo ce bit svojevrsna kolekcija linkova na temu "zena i linux":




U Debian GNU/Linux Projektu su samo muskarci...? Read this:



rekurzivni autoLink :-)









"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ZeneLinux> {date: 2007-01-12 17:38:30 +0100}
14 events 2007.

4 + 1 educations 2007.

1. Sloboda Stvaralaลกtvu 22.-27.01 Zg_SC_Mchwr

2. Hands on Hacking Unlimited 20.-21.02/22.-23.

3. DORS/CLUC 2007 18.-20.04. Zg_FER

4. -u Ri Linux Fem Advocacy2 -- oko 24.05._go 5 Ri

5. y.a.x.w.e. oko 25.-28.05. Pu
6. iCommons Summit 15.-17.06.2007 Du

7.  Linux u Hrvata "Open Source" 9.-10.06 Zg_ZV

8. Amiga Alpe Adria Show/Codex/0xAA 30.6-2.7 Ud_It

9. Zagreb Radio Fest 9.09 Zg_Jar

10. IBM {Linux} Forum 20.-22.09. Um_Ro_Po_Os

11. Hi Fi Show 23.09. Zg

12. Meฤ‘unarodna Linux & Open Source 	Konferencija IBLOC 02.-3.10 Po_Slo

13. Kiblix IT festival 27.-28.10 Ma_Slo

14. Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika na "Info 	Dani"-ma 2006 07.-11.11.

15. CARNet Users Conference 20.-22.11 Du Zg










"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/Events14Educat4> {date: 2007-01-07 23:15:52 +0100}

u toku zadnjih godina na susretima razlicitih krugova hackera, hacktivista i medijskih aktivista rodjena je ideja o samo-organiziranju susreta na kojima bi se ljudi sa hackerskim stavom, usmjerenim na sva moguca podrucja - od tehnologije, preko politike pa do sebe samih, mogli upoznati, dijeliti i zajedno promisljati nove nacine transformiranja svega sto ih okruzuje. 

takvi skupovi, vec organizirani u krugu nacionalnih, regionalnih, lokalnih i uzih zajednica, okupljali su pojedince koji dijele ljubav prema tehnologiji, komunikaciji, mijenjanju drustva i umrezavanju ljudi, stvari i paradigmi. rezultirali su sa mnogo entuzijazma i naraslim uvjerenjem da je u sklopu ovih tema moguce ujediniti sasvim razlicite grupacije. 

izgleda da je sazreo trenutak za organizaciju dogadjaja kojo ce okupiti pojedince iz svih krajeva (geografske) europe, mediterana, bliskog i dalekog istoka... ovaj tekst te poziva da realiziras tu mogucnost. 

ovaj dogadjaj organizirat ces ti, a ne netko drugi: pripremi svoju radionicu, debatu, seminar na kojem si ove godine sudjelovao, pricaj o stvarima o kojima zelis, o razlogu ili projektu radi kojeg zelis susresti druge hackere (ne moras biti geek da bi bio hacker!). 

transnacionalni hackmeeting (transhackmeeting ili thk), kako je nazvan dogadjaj, ugostit ce krajem lipnja 2004. squat monteparadiso u puli. ako zelis pomoci u organizaciji ili sudjelovati, pretplati se na mailing listu thk@autistici-ne_podnosim_spamere.org (http://www.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/thk) i prosiri glas preko svojih lokalnih kanala. 


-- GiovanninaCoccola - 05 Jan 2004 



"Transnacionalni Hackmeeting" desit ฤ‡e se 25., 26. i 27. lipnja 2004. godine u Puli. Skupit ฤ‡e &#65533;iroki raspon grupa i individualaca koji sebe definiraju "hackerima" na internacionalnoj razini: koderi, istra&#65533;ivaฤi mre&#65533;a, radikalni aktivisti, cyberfeminist/kinje/i, znati&#65533;eljni i inventivni ljudi, mediaktivisti, cyberpunxi, gnui, kripto-anarhisti i raznovrsni (digitalni) buntovnici. Prevladavati ฤ‡e princip "reality hackinga": ne treba biti geek za biti hacker; radije slobodno izrazi svoju kreativnost, subvertiraj obiฤne alate koristeฤ‡i ih na drugaฤiji naฤin za prevaziฤ‡i prepreke. 


Cilj "Transnacionalnog Hackmeetinga" je &#65533;irenje postojeฤih talijanskog i &#65533;panjolskog hackmeeting pokreta. Ti hackmeetinzi veฤ‡ nekoliko godina posti&#65533;u to da se alternativne/autonomne militantne kulture i hackerski/ free software pokreti susretnu, razmjene i mje&#65533;aju. Transnacionalni Hackmeeting &#65533;eli pro&#65533;iriti to iznad geografskih granica; za &#65533;irenje tog hibrida autonomne kulture; radi dobrobiti koje ฤ‡e proiziฤi iz kontakata meฤ‘u sliฤnim pokretima u Europi; da bi se susrelo ekipu iz istoฤnih zemalja koja je ฤesto ignorirana i izolirana. 


"Transnationalni Hackmeeting" je samoorganiziran: nema centralnog komiteta, nego otvoren i transparentan organizacijski proces, kroz stalnu skup&#65533;tinu na Internetu, putem thk@autistici-ne_podnosim_spamere.org mailing liste (otvorena pretplata! Info: https://www.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/thk) i wikija (http://trans.hackmeeting.org); nema sponzora, nego samo dobru volju, dijeljen hardware, uzajamnu pomoฤ‡ i znanje sa strane svih ukljuฤenih ljudi; nema plaฤ‡enih predavaฤa, nego bespaltne radionice, organizirane sa strane volontera za zainteresirane ljude; fleksibilni program, koji evolvira zahvaljujuฤ‡i sudionicima. 


"Transnacionalni Hackmeeting" ฤ‡e se odr&#65533;ati u biv&#65533;oj vojarni Karlo Rojc u Puli. Postoji prostor za parkiranje i mjesta za postaviti &#65533;atore. 

&#65533;TO JO&#65533;? 

Vi&#65533;e informacija mo&#65533;ete naฤ‡i na wikiju na http://www.transhackmeeting.org. 

Sada &#65533;irite informaciju o ovom dogaฤ‘aju, pripremite va&#65533;u opremu, dovedite va&#65533;e ideje i prijatelje, sa svim ostalim &#65533;to &#65533;elite dijeliti kao workshopove, projekcije, performanse... vidimo se!

r4 - 18 Jun 2004 - 17:52:48 - IfkePhasianus?


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ThkArhiva/HrvatSki> {date: 2007-01-07 08:24:04 +0100}
::: transnational hackmeeting :::


The "Transnational Hackmeeting" will take place on June 25th, 26th and 27th 2004 in Pula, Croatia. On an international scale will it bring together a wide range of groups and individuals, defining themselves as hackers": coders, network explorers, radical activists, cyberfeminists, curious & inventive people, mediactivists, cyberpunks, gnus, crypto-anarchists and miscellaneous (digital) rebels. The "reality-hacking" principle will prevail: no need to be a geek to be a hacker; better freely express your creativity, subvertise common tools by using them in a different way to bypass obstacles! 


The "Transnational Hackmeeting" aims at extending the ongoing Italian and Spanish hackmeeting movement. Since a few years, it has allowed alternative/autonomous militant cultures and hacking/free software movements to meet, exchange and mix. The "Transnational Hackmeeting" is willing to expand this beyond geographical borders; to spread this hybrid and autonomous culture; to benefit from contacts with similar movements in Europe; to meet eastern countries that are often ignored and isolated. 


The "Transnational Hackmeeting" is self-organized: no central committee, but an open and transparent organisational process, through a permanent assembly on the Internet, using the thk@autistici-ne_podnosim_spamere.org mailing-list (open subscription!) and a wiki; no sponsorship, but good will, shared hardware, mutual aid and knowledge from all the people involved; no paid lecturer, but free workshops, organized by volunteers for interested people; a flexible programme, evolving thanks to the participants. 


The "Transnational Hackmeeting" will take place at Monteparadiso (http://www.monteparadiso.hr/), an occupied social centre located in 

Pula, Croatia. There will be a big parking place and space for camping. 


More infos can be found below, by browsing the wiki. 

Now let's spread the word, prepare your equipments, bring your ideas and friends, along with whatever you want to share as workshops, projections, performances... see you there! 

THK Wiki

Important notes

If you - hacker, hactivist, activist or whatever - know you are coming, please leave a message on the  GuestBook . 

To join the horizontal & participative organisation process, you should also subscribe to the mailing-list on autistici.org: thk@autistici.org. 

If you want to edit content of this website, subscribe here; to edit the wiki without subscribing (seems that for most hackers it's pain in the ass to subscribe on wiki!!! ;)), login anonymously as user TWikiGuest with password guest. 


ThkHowTo (welcome flyer + day to day organisation) 

Callout + Invitation 

PolSki (invitation not yet translated) 
SrpSki (invitation not yet translated) 
DeuTsch (invitation not yet translated) 
SloveNsko (invitation not yet translated) 
SlovenSKy (invitation not yet translated) 

Posters, stickers 
Mailing Lists 
Web Site 

Information about Pula 

Physical location: photos of the Rojc building (read like Roytz) 
equipment list 

Working groups - join them! 

Workshops Lectures Presentations (write about your skill sharing, study, etc... that yoz would like to present at the thk) 
Workshop Reports - what did people talk about? 
Could someone with access to the local twiki please add useful stuff to the globally accessible twiki? thanks 





Stolen Stuff 



After the THk 


Site Tools of the Transhackmeeting Web 

     (More options in WebSearch) 
WebChanges: Display recent changes to the Transhackmeeting web 
WebIndex: List all Transhackmeeting topics in alphabetical order. See also the faster WebTopicList 
WebNotify: Subscribe to an e-mail alert sent when something changes in the Transhackmeeting web 
WebStatistics: View access statistics of the Transhackmeeting web 
WebPreferences: Preferences of the Transhackmeeting web (TWikiPreferences has site-wide preferences)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ThkArhiva> {date: 2007-01-07 08:22:31 +0100}
ovdje cemo poslozit eventove 2006 i dalje:

(novije je iznad)
(josh Jednostavno Linux 2oo6,  (trans)HackMeeting2=yaxwe V/2007, ...)

^ DORS/CLUC 2007,

Dani otvorenih raฤunarskih sustava - Konvencija Linux korisnika Hrvatske 
DORS/CLUC 2007 odrzat ฤ‡e se od Srijede 18. - 20.4.2007 pod radnim naslovom "Open Source at The Gates", u Zagrebu

teme: administracija sustava, razvoj aplikacija, sigurnost uredskih alata,  obrazovanje / e-obrazovanja, iskustva koriลกtenja, open source, free software, patenti, ...

vishe o tome:




-- [DrGspot], 25/10/06

^ Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika na "Info Dani"-ma 2006

od 7.-11.11.2006 na Zagrebackom Velesajmu, HULK ce imati svoj stand, na Info-u 2006 koji ce se odrzat u nesto izmjenjenom obliku...

vise o tome:


-- [DrGspot], 02/11/06

Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika : INFO dani 2006
Poslao kost on 29.10.2006 23:19:30 (92 ฤŒitanja) 

U vremenu od 7 do 11.11. odrลพat ฤ‡e se INFO sajam odnosno dani u neลกto promjenjem obliku. HULK je i ove godine dobio mjesto tj. ลกtand. Poลกto je ove godine slobodan ulaz za sve, nadamo se veฤ‡em odazivu ljudi na kompletan sajam, pa shodno tome i veฤ‡oj publici za Linux. ล to znaฤi da ฤ‡emo i ove godine dilati Linux distribucije, letke i ostali promotivni materijal. Naravno, za to nam je potrebna i vaลกa pomoฤ‡. Molio bih vas da nam se javite na listu kad biste mogli pomoฤ‡i tijekom INFO sajma stajanjem na ลกtandu. Naravno, oni koji budu pomogli na INFO sajmu, imaju ulaz na DORS/CLUC bez plaฤ‡anja kotizacije kao i svake godine do sada.

^ Medjunarodna Linux & Open Source Konferencija IBLOC 2006

...odrzat ce se od 2.-3.1o u Portoroลพu. Obuhvatit ce razne teme iz podrucja: virtualizacije, embeded (mikrokontrolerske) primjene Linuxa, agile programinga, sigurnosti sustava, e-governmenta, Content Management Sustava i ?VoIP-a...

Vise o programu:


-- [DrGspot], 28/09/06

^ Device_art 2.006

dogadjaj za umjetnike, g33kove, tehnofrikove

od 26.09.- 8.10.2006 odrzavat ce se na vise lokacija:

Tvornica Jedinstvo, Net kulturni klub MAMA, Galerija Galลพenica - Velika Gorica, u Zagrebu a i Ljubljani 10. mj (Gal Kapelica) i Beogradu 10 mj (Gal O3one); Galerija Boca i Rx - San Francisco (studeni) 2006.)

teme: socijalno osjetljivi roboti, g33k kultura, performansi, interaktivne instalacije, generiranje vibri, techno, projekcije, teleAkcije, mirisi, ...

vishe o programu:


-- [DrGspot], 21/09/06

^ IBM {Linux} Forum 2006

U Umagu, od 20.-22.09.2006 odrzat ce se IBM {Linux} Forum. Pokrit ce teme iz podrucja: Service Oriented Arhitekture, Middleware-a (Grid), mainframe, kosolidacije, virtualizacije, high-availability-ja, integracije, ...

Vishe o programu:



-- [DrGspot], 17/09/06

^ Zagreb Radio Fest

U subotu, 09.09.2006 u Domu Tehnike na Jarunskom jezeru odrzat ce se radioamaterski sajam Zagreb Radio Fest 2006" 

Packet Radio antene za 2,4 GHz podrucje gotovo se i ne razlikuju od Wi-Fi antena, a na svojevrsnom elektronichkom "Jakusevcu" bit ce i novih i starih: radiostanica, pojacala, lampi za RF i audio pojachala, tranzistora, furde, retro-kompova, radiostanica razne fele (HAM, C.B., digital, ..) literature, instrumentarija i raznih sitnih dijelova...

Upitajte radioamatere i sa 50 godishnjim stazom sto to znaci odrzati kratkovalnu vezu telegrafijom sa hridi u Tihom Oceanu na 3,5 7 ili 14MHz , vezu refleksijom od Mjeseca ili meteorskih tragova na egzotichnom bandu 50MHz ili digitalnu komunikaciju sa Space Shuttle-om ili International Space Stationom na 144 432 ili 1,2 GHz ....Amateri posjeduju i harmonijska podrucja za rad i na 2,4 5 10 24 ...do 248 GHz, a na nekim podrucjima snage su i do 1000W...




-- [DrGspot], 9a7ien (9a1ctz), 07/09/06

kako mi je zhao ko pesu - prekasno

^ Amiga Alpe Adria 2006 show

Codex Alpe Adria 2006

You Are Invited to a Celebration of People, Diversity, Creativity and Excellence

Where:	Udine, Italy [Google Earth]	
When:	      June 30th to July 2nd, 2006	
Topics:	Code for fun, code for work, computing trends, melting pot of people, excellence...	
Technology:	Code, diversity, classic computing, emulation...	
Humans:	Developers, sceners, enthusiasts, resources for developers, new friends, old friends...	
Easy to reach:	By car, train, air, sea (from under &#8364;10.00 per leg)	
Extras:	Friday evening, dinner on Saturday, competitions on Sunday, trips on Monday...	
Related:	Music & culture, Alps & beaches, food & wine...	
Updates:	See Change Log and  (and kindly remember to register)

vishe o tome:


^ CARNet Users Conference 2006 Back To Future

Najavljen novi Carnetov CUC

Hrvatska akademska i istraลพivaฤka mreลพa - CARNet organizira 8. korisniฤku konferenciju CUC 2006. koja ฤ‡e se, pod naslovom "Povratak u buduฤ‡nost", odrลพati od 20. do 22. studenog ove godine na Sveuฤiliลกtu u Dubrovniku. Kroz pozvana predavanja, radove i prezentacije, radionice i okrugle stolove na CUC-u 2006 ฤ‡e se raspravljati o temama kao ลกto su upotreba ICT-a u obrazovanju, hrvatsko ลกkolstvo u kontekstu trลพiลกta rada, sigurnost na Internetu, iskustva u radu CARNetovih sistem-inลพenjera i koordinatora te o Internetu u Hrvatskoj i svijetu

vishe o tome:




^ Zagreb Radio Fest 2006, Jarun

Zagreb radio fest 2006 odrลพati ฤ‡e se 9. rujna 2006. na Jarunu...

Nastavljajuฤ‡i tradiciju, i ove godine, odnosno 09.09.2006. odrลพat ฤ‡e se ZAGREB RADIO-FEST ( ZRF ) na jezeru Jarun u Doma Tehnike.

Uz goste iz susjednih zemalja, moฤ‡i ฤ‡e se nabaviti radiostanice, antene, oprema. Zanimljiviost informatiฤarima je da se radioamaterske antene za Packet Radio antene za 2,4 GHz skoro i ne razlikuju od Wi-Fi antena...
Na konferenciji Open Source 2006. culi smo zanimljivu mogucnost da radioamaterska licenca (Dozvola) moze biti pravni okvir za korishtenje WiFi opreme iznad snaga od 1oo mW -- radioamateri imaju mogucnosti koristit do 1000 W radio frekvencijske snage privedene anteni...
Jedino ogranicenje koje se namece HAMSPIRIT kodexom je da se infrastruktura ne smije koristit za komercijalne namjene..

Vishe o tome:




^ CARNet-ova radionica: "Pouฤavanje s novim tehnologijama: druลกtveni softver"

 12. i 13. lipnja 2006.

 o blog-ovima, wiki-ju, sustavima drushtvenog bookmarkinga, RSS-u, podcast-ovima, sustavima za dijeljenje slika, dinamichkim digitalnim medijima (rich media), ...

vise o tome:



^ Konferencija Linux u Hrvata "Open Source 2006"

Na Zagrebaฤkom velesajmu u dvorani "Brijuni" 9. i 10. lipnja odrลพat ฤ‡e se konferencija "Open Source 2006". Ovo je 2. takva konferencija koju organizira Studentska unija struฤnih studija, a suorganizator ovogodiลกnje konferencije je Studentska udruga tehniฤkog veleuฤiliลกta. Konferencija je prvenstveno namijenjena studentima s manjim predznanjem iz podruฤja Linuxa i opensourcea.

Vise detalja na: 



^ Zenska razmjena vjestina

Nije, al skoro. Pogledajte female community workshop na:


Ovakva dogadjanja imaju velik utjecaj na nasu inertnu i mentalitetom iskrivljenu sredinu.


^ DORS / CLUC 2006 "Adopt the penguin"

od 19. - 21.04.2006. odrzavaju se Dani Otvorenih Racunalskih Sustava Hrvatska Konvencija Korisnika Linux-a na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i racunarstva. Jeftiniju, ranu registraciju mozete obaviti do Ned 9.04. Vise o tome:




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/EventsCalendar2> {date: 2006-11-02 09:20:57 +0100}
-"Letak" odnosno "Bilten razmjene" bi mogao imati sljedece stvari (vidi i  [HrLinuxMag] ) :






-bile bichve u natikachama na asfaltu prid mamon

-kutiju shibica (za...na chachkalica)

na straznjoj strani:

tag-cloud dump sa irc-loggera od razmjene:
2txt 9p 9p2000 adsl ajax alsa amiga antispam audio big bitlbee blog chat chm code com corba css customization dev device dyne elf environment esr ext2 filesystem firefox firmware flash freenode fun funny g33k g33koskop game games gammu geekoskop generator gentoo google gpl2 gpl3 gsm hack hardware help hemlock hidden hrvatski html http huge init inovation interesting interpreter intro ip ipdatagram irc irc-logger irssi jabber javascript jebeno js kbind keyboard knuth language lectures lenovo linux lisp livecd mail marcell marmelada math midi mirkosoft mit nasaslova network networking nokia nra oberon olpc open-source org osc patch perl phone podcast porn presenations privoxy programming proxy python qtopia queer raiser reader reblog refeed reiser robot routing rss rtc ruby scheme scip sequencer sexy sicp slime smalltalk smtp sound specs stallman standard subtitles suprnova svk tag tagcloud tcpdatagram term terminal theory thinkpad titlovi topic tor tutorial tux ubuntu ui unix verybig vi video web windows wirth wm wmii wmirc xkb xml xul zakon zene zxspectrum


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/LeTakBilTen> {date: 2006-09-29 12:25:17 +0200}
2txt 9p 9p2000 adsl ajax alsa amiga antispam audio big bitlbee blog chat chm code com corba css customization dev device dyne elf environment esr ext2 filesystem firefox firmware flash freenode fun funny g33k g33koskop game games gammu geekoskop generator gentoo google gpl2 gpl3 gsm hack hardware help hemlock hidden hrvatski html http huge init inovation interesting interpreter intro ip ipdatagram irc irc-logger irssi jabber javascript jebeno js kbind keyboard knuth language lectures lenovo linux lisp livecd mail marcell marmelada math midi mirkosoft mit nasaslova network networking nokia nra oberon olpc open-source org osc patch perl phone podcast porn presenations privoxy programming proxy python qtopia queer raiser reader reblog refeed reiser robot routing rss rtc ruby scheme scip sequencer sexy sicp slime smalltalk smtp sound specs stallman standard subtitles suprnova svk tag tagcloud tcpdatagram term terminal theory thinkpad titlovi topic tor tutorial tux ubuntu ui unix verybig vi video web windows wirth wm wmii wmirc xkb xml xul zakon zene zxspectrum


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/LeTakBilTen/BackCover> {date: 2006-09-29 12:24:40 +0200}
ukratko, zbivanja na razmjeni & svakodnevne dovitljivosti....


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/LeTakBilTen/StranaDva> {date: 2006-09-29 12:24:00 +0200}

gnu/linux workshop

net culture club [mama]

preradoviฤ‡eva 18 zagreb croatia

sub 12-19


pravi chat: /server irc.freenode.net

/join #razmjenavjestina


Program pod imenom "razmjena vjeลกtina: pokaลพi sto umijeลก!" neformalna su tjedna okupljanja u net.kulturnom klubu mama u kojima entuzijasti dijele svoja korisna iskustva, znanja i vjeลกtine. Planiranju pomaลพe online burza umijeฤ‡a na adresi: http://www.razmjenavjestina.org gdje zainteresirani predstavljaju ลกto ลพele podijeliti s drugima, a ลกto bi voljeli da im drugi pokaลพu.

Razmjena vjeลกtina nalazi svoju inspiraciju u kulturi nesebiฤnog dijeljenja zajednice slobodnog softvera. Na svakom okupljanju zainteresirani su slobodni donijeti svoja raฤunala, laptope i ruฤna raฤunala da bi im na njih bio instaliran GNU/Linux operativni sustav. Za razmjenu vjeลกtina svake subote od 12:00 do 15:00 u mami su na raspolaganju multimedijalno raฤunalo spojeno na internet, dvd i vhs ureฤ‘aj, lcd projektor, te osnovni softverski i hardverski alati za razliฤite instalacije i prepravke softvera i hardvera.

kontakt: m@rcell.net


Kultura? &#8220;?Uradi sam?&#8221; (?eng.? ?Do It Yourself?)?,? ?te stav da se neposredna okolina uz neลกto znanja,? ?truda i rada moลพe uฤiniti boljem i prilagoฤ‘enijom individualnim potrebama dugi niz godina mobilizirala je zanimljive ljude i projekte kroz kulturne,? ?umjetniฤke i aktivistiฤke pokrete.

Ideja avantgardne umjetnosti o ispreplitanju svakodnevnog ลพivota i umjetnosti,? ?te moguฤ‡nosti da svatko bude umjetnik neke od svojih najboljih primjera moลพe naฤ‡i upravo u gotovo stoljetnoj tradiciji kulture? &#8220;?Uradi sam.?&#8221; ?Filozofiju? &#8220;?Uradi sam?&#8221; ?kulture nalazimo u ranim medijskim inicijativama komunalnih radio stanica prije Drugog svjetskog rata,? ?kontrakulturi? ?60-ih,? ?avantgardnoj video umjetnost kasnih? ?60-ih i ranih? ?70-ih,? ?situacionismu,? ?punk pokretu? ?70/80-ih,? ?ideji taktiฤkih medija u? ?90-ima,? ?ali vjerojatno svojevrsni vrhunac? &#8220;?Uradi sam?&#8221; ?kultura doลพivljava kroz pokret slobodnog softvera.

Pokret slobodnog softvera? (?eng.? ?Free Software Movement?) ?nastao je sredinom? ?80-ih kao reakcija na tada sve prisutniju restrikivnu regulaciju pristupa programskom kodu koji time postaje trลพiลกni proizvod,? ?tj reakcija na u ลกirem smislu na trend dominacije trลพiลกne logike kroz komodifikacije svih ideja i inovacija.? ?Ideja pokreta slobodnog softvera je da ideje od opฤ‡eg znaฤaja i univeralne primjene ne smiju biti u iskljuฤivom privatnom vlasniลกtvu s diskriminiranim pristupom samim idejama.? ?Pokret slobodnog softvera? ?uspostavlja suradnju kao kljuฤnu dinamiku razvoja ideja i proizvodnje i distribucije znanja.? 

Modeli suradnje u proizvodnji slobodnog softvera,? ?te koriลกtenje pravnog dokumenta? (?licence?) ?kao zaลกtite slobodnog pristupa informacijama,? ?sa prvim vidljivim uspjesima sredinom devedesetih,? ?postali su inspiracija mnogim kulturnim i aktivistiฤkim inicijativama kroz drugu polovicu devedesetih.

GNU/Linux raฤunalni operativni sustav? (?ekvivalent Windowsima?) ?rezultat je rada tisuฤ‡a programera ลกirom svijeta koji suraฤ‘uju i dijele programski kod,? ?te je danas u upotrebi od srednjih i osnovnih ลกkola,? ?univerziteta i vlada ลกirom svijeta,? ?preko holivudske filmske industrije,? ?do najrazvijenijih korporacija poput IBM-a,? ?Novella,? ?Nokije,? ?Motorole i drugih.

Festivali poput Next5Minutes u Amsterdamu,? ?Transmediale u Berlinu ili Ars Electronica? (?autor Linuxa Linus Torvalds za taj rad dobio je Zlatnu Nicu? ?1999.?) ?napravili su jako puno u prepoznavanju i promociji slobodne razmjene informacija i znanja.? ?Nastojanja i ลพelje da se pronaฤ‘e suradniฤki model za ลกiru kulturnu produkciju baziranu na modelu slobodnog softvera rezultirao je u danas najลกire prihvaฤ‡enom modelu licenci koju su ponudili Creative Commons.? ?Pridruลพivลกi se pokretu slobodnog softvera Creative Commons inicijativa uspjela je okupiti jednu od najveฤ‡ih zajednica ljudi koji proizvode i dijele zajedniฤki sustav vrijednosti.

Program pod imenom? "?Razmjena vjeลกtina:? ?pokaลพi sto umijeลก?!" ?tjedna su okupljanja u net.kulturnom klubu mama u kojima entuzijasti dijele svoja korisna iskustva,? ?znanja i vjeลกtine.? ?Planiranju pomaลพe online burza umijeฤ‡a na adresi:? ?http://www.razmjenavjestina.org gdje zainteresirani predstavljaju ลกto ลพele podijeliti s drugima,? ?a ลกto bi voljeli da im drugi pokaลพu.

Program je u neลกto viลกe od godinu dana uspio okupiti svojevrsnu zajednicu ljudi koji redovito razmjenjuju znanja i vjeลกtine,? ?organiziraju predavanja,? ?projekcije i distribuciju slobodnog softvera na CD medijima.

Razmjena vjeลกtina primjer je djelovanja Multimedijalnog instituta u smjeru transfera znanja i modela iz tehniฤke sfere u kulturnu i druลกtvenu,? ?dok ljudima iz tehniฤke sfere pokuลกavaju pribliลพiti ลกiri kontekst upotrebe tehnologije i na taj naฤin uspostavlja komunikacijski kanal izmeฤ‘u ta dva polja.

Razmjena vjeลกtina nalazi svoju inspiraciju u kulturi nesebiฤnog dijeljenja zajednice slobodnog softvera.? ?Na svakom okupljanju zainteresirani su slobodni donijeti svoja raฤunala,? ?laptope i ruฤna raฤunala da bi im na njih bio instaliran GNU/Linux operativni sustav,? ?no vjeลกtine i znanja nisu ograniฤena samo na raฤunala i tehnologiju,? ?pitanja i odgovori su jedini limit.? ?Za razmjenu vjeลกtina svake subote od? ?12:00? ?do? ?15:00? ?u mami su na raspolaganju multimedijalno raฤunalo spojeno na internet,? ?dvd i vhs ureฤ‘aj,? ?lcd projektor,? ?te osnovni softverski i hardverski alati za razliฤite instalacije i prepravke softvera i hardvera.


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/LeTakBilTen/StranaJedan> {date: 2006-09-29 12:22:53 +0200}
{image: bichve.png}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/LeTakBilTen/CoVer> {date: 2006-09-29 12:21:21 +0200}
Hrvatska prelazi na Open Source & Free Software

Vlada RH na sjednici usvojila je dokument:

"Odrednice razvitka i uporabe raฤunalnih programa s otvorenim kodom u tijelima drลพavne uprave"

Kakve ฤ‡e to posljedice imati na daljnju implementaciju ICT tehnologija u Drลพavnoj Upravi...


vise o tome:




Znaci li to da pingvinashi moraju odrzati sredishnju proslavu na Jelacicevom trgu .... :-) ?

-- [DrGspot], 20/07/06


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/HrLinuxMag/HrVatska> {date: 2006-09-24 17:54:02 +0200}
Dragi ฤitaoci dobrodoลกli u prvi broj novog [HrLinuxMag]-a, ฤasopisa koji ฤ‡e se baviti Otvorenim i Slobodnim Software-om. U duljem razmiลกljanju kako osmisliti Projekt, bile su tu ideje o BiltenuRazmjeneVjestina, fanzinu, e-zineu, i raznim aktivistiฤkim i community izdanjima. U razmatranju kako, ลกto, zaลกto analizirani su postojeฤi Projekti/Proizvodi poput:

"04 Magazin za hackiranje stvarnosti" 

"Alter format" http://www.elektronika.name/alter/;

"GNUzilla" http://www.gnuzilla.info/

"Linux Gazette" http://linuxgazette.net/

"Warp" ex papiranti amiga magazine

"Amiga Storm" -lha archive amiga e-zine http://www.aminet.net/search.php?query=amigastorm

a i jednim dijelom profesionalizma koji nude komercijalni casopisi sa linux rubrikama "Mreza" "PC Chip" "Vidi" "Bug"...

ฤŒasopis bi dao naglasak alternativnom raฤunalstvu, pa i retro computingu i hardware recyclingu.
Izmeฤ‘u nekog nekog poฤetka, koji bi moลพda bio preklopljeni A3 format (bilten), pa preko debljeg fanzina/e-zinea, do profilirane tiskanog proizvoda...

Ev distribuiranje na disketi bi donjelo jedan novi retro edge,  
Rjeลกenje: viลกe izdanja: 

a) net/web (za ljude koje fizicka udaljenost ili financije sprjecavaju u kupnji (?commercial?)

b) floppy 1,44 MB (72o ?)

c) CD (sa coverom diskete); distra gore, drugi LinMag pod GNU/GPL/Creative Commons-om; prijelom; slike 

d) DVD, distra gore, drugi LinMagovi pod GNU/GPL/Creative Commons-om; bogatiji prijelom(pdf?); kvalitetnije slike

e) papir -- za one bez racunala :-)

Od rubrika imat cemo:

"Za pocetnike"

"Interview" sa osobama iz domaฤ‡e i strane FLOSS scene


"Tema broja"


"Linux na desktopu"

"Linux na posluzitelju"


"Uvod u programiranje"


"KaLendar zbivanja/eventova: Hr i Slo"

"Pisma citalaca" over e-mail (?)


"Obavijesti o eventovima vezanim za Linux"

"Recenzije distribucija"

TimeFrameProof -- pisanje koje ลกtiti od zastare...(?)

U izradi ฤ‡e se koristiti otvoreni standarde: txt/ascii, html, png, , ogg vorbis (audio i video), tamtam
Postoji mogucnost pokretanja i verzije za slijepe, na zahtjev(zvucni ogg file), za gluhe (?) , za slabovidne (veliki font==prijelom)

ฤŒasopis ฤ‡e prvo izlaziti kao nekomercijalan, a ako se pokaลพe isplativim i komercijalna varijantu..(?)

Neฤ‡e se sramiti uzimati iz drugih izvora koji su spremni dijeliti (GNU FDL/GPL, Creative Commons=imenovanje dijeli pod istim uvjetima-neka prava pridrzana).

Ovo neฤ‡e biti "yet another winTel" pa chak ni "linTel magazine".




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/HrLinuxMag/UvodnikUrednika1> {date: 2006-09-24 15:29:45 +0200}

name: SyntaxError
message: Statement on line 45: Syntax error in call to eval: line 1 : 
  Line 45 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/widgets/2200193613-widgets.js
    alert(w_f + "\n" + w_f.stack + "\n\n" + w_.responseText);
throw w_f;
if (204 == w_h)
  Line 46 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/widgets/2200193613-widgets.js
    w_oa(w_t, w_p, w_H, w_b);
  At unknown location
    [statement source code not available]




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ErrorNapad> {date: 2006-09-16 23:30:30 +0200}
evo tema -- vjerna reprodukcija zvuka ili

1. Zasto audiofilske komponente ne mozemo nabaviti u obicnim ducanima ?

2. Kad vec nabavimo audiofilske komponente zasto one odmah ne znace i audiofilski zvuk ?

3. Zasto je uho svakog pojedinacno krajnji sudac u izboru komponenti ?

4. Mogu li audiofilske slusalice zamijeniti zvucnike ?


Evo ti link za ฤasopis "WAM"<http://www.wam.hr/> ([NuclearDebat])i pokuลกaj odgovaranja na sva 4 pitanja. Na skolastiฤki naฤin: ti pitaลก, ja odgovaram ;)

1. Zato jer nisu namijenjene ลกirokim masama i basnoslovnoj zaradi, veฤ‡ ljudima koji kada sluลกaju glazbu, rade samo to (ne koriste glazbu kao zvuฤnu kulisu za peglanje, ฤitanje, hranjenje, ลกetnju ulicom itd., veฤ‡ sjednu i sluลกaju, kao ลกto npr. veฤ‡ina ljudi radi kada gleda film u kinu ili na TV-u). Vjerojatno i zato ลกto su audiofilske komponente u pravilu skuplje od robe za reprodukciju zvuka ลกiroke potroลกnje (npr. obiฤan smrtnik ฤ‡e teลกko dati 10 000kn za par zvuฤnika, dok ฤ‡e za novi ili rabljeni auto dati puno viลกe, dok ฤ‡e neobiฤan smrtnik uฤiniti obrnuto).

2. Zato jer je kod audiofilskih komponenti jako vaลพan ฤinitelj SINERGIJA pojaฤala i zvuฤnika zajedno s izvorom zvuka (CD-playerom ili gramofonom)(u tu igru su ukljuฤeni i kabeli koji spajaju pojaฤalo sa zvuฤnicima i oni koji spajaju pojaฤalo i izvor zvuka (tzv. interkonekcijski kabeli). Takoฤ‘er poboljลกanju zvuka doprinosi i ugradnja audiofilskog mreลพnog kabela. Iz tog razloga sinergije (u koju je ukljuฤena i prostorija (njena veliฤina/manjina i akustika) u kojoj ฤ‡e se audiofilski ureฤ‘aji nalaziti) pravi se audiofilski duฤ‡an razlikuje od obiฤnog trgovaฤkog po tome ลกto ima prostor za sluลกanje izabranih komponenti i eventualno (uz kaparu) odnoลกenje istih kuฤ‡i, da se vidi da li ono ลกto toliko puno koลกta (malo u odnosu na cijene auta) ima isti zvuk kao i u prodavaonici. Zato u audiofiliji ne vrijedi dogma koja vrijedi u automobilskoj industriji: skuplje je bolje. Npr. moj CD-player TEAC CD 5 najviลกe voli jazz, dok ja imam samo 2 CD-a s nekakvom podvrstom jazza, ali se svejedno slaลพemo. :)

3. Sto ljudi, sto ฤ‡udi. Zato jer sluลกamo razliฤitu glazbu i koja stoga (ne samo ona) odluฤuje o tome da li ฤ‡e zvuฤnici imati mekลกi, njeลพniji zvuk (za ljubitelje ambijentale, jazza i klasike) ili tvrฤ‘i (za ljubitelje raznih vrsta ruลพiona). Dalje, razliฤitu percepciju zvuka imaju ljudi od npr. 20-30 godina od onih od 50-60 godina. Tu dolazi i znanost pod nazivom psihoakustika (to ฤ‡eลก morati vidjeti u ฤasopisu WAM ili na internetu). Takoฤ‘er ima ljudi koji viลกe vole topliji, zatvoreniji zvuk, dok neki vole svjetliji, otvoreniji zvuk.

4. Ne mogu. Mogu jedino ublaลพiti nedostatak zvuฤnika. Iz jednostavnog razloga ลกto zvuฤnici kreiraju meฤ‘uodnos izmeฤ‘u sebe i sluลกatelja na naฤin koji doลพivljavamo na koncertima rock, jazz, klasiฤne i ine glazbe. Glazbenici su na stageu, a mi ispred njih, bilo njima pod nosom ili u sredini dvorane ili na kraju. Zadatak audiofilskih komponenti je prenijeti dojam sluลกatelju da su ti glazbenici ovdje i sada u njegovoj sobi i izvode glazbu pred njegovim/njezinim uลกima. Zato se opet razlikuju audiofilske komponente od onih koje se koriste npr. u studiju ili za razglas. Naravno, postoje i audiofilske sluลกalice koje bi trebale joลก viลกe smanjiti razliku izmeฤ‘u njih i zvuฤnika, kao ลกto kvalitetnija virtualna stvarnost manje laลพe od one manje kvalitetne.

Hasta la vista, baby.
 I'll be back. ;)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/AudioFilija> {date: 2006-09-12 11:39:02 +0200}
dakle razmjenjivachica #17 (Tijana ?) ima IBM ThinkPad 770 i josh jedan neshto noviji.

Thinkpad 770 ima ove podatke:

13.1-Inch TFT Model
14.1-Inch TFT Model
Processor Pentium  MMX 200 or 233 MHz
Pentium  MMX 233 MHz
Second-level cache 512 KB 512 KB Memory
Built-in Optional DIMM 32MB 16 MB, 32 MB, or 64 MB 32MB 16 MB, 32 MB, or 64 MB

-ispravak do 256 MB

Hard disk size 3.2/4.0 GB 5.1 GB Diskette drive 1.44 MB 1.44 MB CD-ROM drive 8X to 20X (Optional) 8X to 20X (Optional) DVD Drive Optional Optional DVD and Enhanced Video Adapter Optional Yes Audio Stereo Stereo Modem No 33.6 Kbps(upgradable)Infrared ports 4 Mbps 4 Mbps Universal Serial Bus Yes Yes CardBus/ZV Yes Yes Pointing device TrackPoint TrackPoint Battery 9 cell lithium-ion 9 cell lithium-ion AC Adapter 56 W 56 W A-2   
Video: Trident Microsystems Cyber 9397, 2Mb RAM
Chipset: Intel Corporation 430TX - 82439TX

(backup podataka ? przilica ?)

pa bi nekakav multiboot bio:

DOS 6.22 --cca 6MB

win3.11forWorkgroups --cca 6MB

win 95 (14 floppy, 46MB)ili 95OSR2.1 fat32 & usb 1.1 supp (cca 2oo-300MB)

{za win98se/te nema rama}

imamo IBM Product Recovery CD-Rom za Thinkpad 600

SuSE 6.1 Pro (5cd) KDE 1.0 
Mandrake Linux 8.0 HRid 0.9 (1GB install)

256 swap-a           /swap

razni slacware-i(10.0), debian-i(3.1r0), ubuntu-i(4.1o) redHat-i (7.2, 8.0), SuSE-i (7.2pro); ali bez kde-a i GNOME-a -- windowmaker AfterStep xfce fluxbox icewm

sve ovisi o velichini harda...

na noviji notebook (PII PIII ili P4 ? AMD) mogu ichi najnovije distre

C:/ sustav95     fat16 2047 MB za dos6.22, win3.11fw, w96[osr2.1]

D:/ aplikPodaci   fat16  2047 MB zaWinUserLand i 65o MB dir podaci

E:/ CD-Rom

{F:/}==/dev/hda6   [-root-] filesystem prvog Linuxa 500-1ooo MB (mdk ili suse)

/dev/hda7    /swap    --svih linuxa    256MB (case HDD >= 5GB then 512)

/dev/hda8    [-root-] filesystem drugog Linuxa 500-1ooo MB


--kod SuSE Linuxa 6.1 Pro imamo limitaciju da kernael mora biti ispod 1024 cylindra diska shto pada negdje oko 502 MB harda, pa bi onda C: mogao biti max 470MB jer /Boot bi se onda smjestio u kojih 30MB do 502. MB harda...
Ako bi koristili LoadLin taj problem se manifestira ?


CPU: Intel Pentium 233 MMX
Chipset: Intel Corporation 430TX - 82439TX
Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4
Memory: 64MB RAM, 100 MHz, non-parity, 64-bit SDRAM SO DIMM memory
Hard disk: 5 GB IBM ATA DISK, IBM-DADA-25120
Video: Trident Microsystems Cyber 9397, 2Mb RAM
Soundcard: Crystal 4232 Chip
PCMCIA: Texas Instruments PCI1250
Internal modem: ACP (MWave) modem
Screen: 13.3" TFT Display 


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/RazVacica17> {date: 2006-08-21 07:50:31 +0200}

amigaOS/XL 4.0(Amithlon) 

macOS x86


beOS 5 PE 3.11

zetaOS RC2

Haiku (openBeos)

UAE (unix amiga emulator) na win i linuxu ima u Radinom casopisu Alter format #2 recenzija

AROS (Amiga Replacement/Researchers Operating System)

AtheOS (Sylabile)




[MorphOS] (ima m68k i PPC, x86?) --microkernel

QNX (realTimeOperatingSystem)


Rebol (objekti ili networking)

HURD (distribuirani)

miNT (Atari GEM TOS + unix)

Q-Dos (Minerva, SMS2, SMSQ/E)

opake stvari (N.AES N.VDI layeri atariOS-a)



i odma na njima ispitat podrzanost gnuLanda, bash-a, pythona, emacs-a lispa

e a kaj je na Cray-u ?


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/AlterOs> {date: 2006-07-16 17:04:18 +0200}
teme za thk2/yaxwe:

-open hardware ([AmigaONE] & [PegasosPPC])

-women & tehnology/linux


-open organizing

-horizontal collaboration through tamtam(wikis)

-multidiciplinary community merge-ing

-cross linking in IRC, javaChats, 4ums, blogs, mailing lists

-how to live of free sw

-linux education: self study vs. certification

-technology fobias

-atlas of cyberspace

-demo scene

-amateurradio licence: a legal frame for >100 mW WiFi

-gnuFeminism & cyberFeminism

-cyberspace in movies & art


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/YaxweTeme> {date: 2006-07-07 15:01:26 +0200}
Cyberfeministiฤki manifest za 21.vek

mi smo suverene piฤke

pozitivne nerazumnice

neukalupljene nezauzdane neopraลกtajuฤ‡e

mi umetnost gledamo svojom piฤkom mi umetnost

stvaramo svojom piฤkom

mi smo virus novog svetskog nereda

slamajuฤ‡i simboliku iznutra

saboterke uvreลพenih okvira velikog tatice

klitoris je direktan put u matricu


terminatorice moralnog koda

plaฤ‡enice sluzi

obruลกavajuฤ‡i se na ลพrtvenik prezrenosti

struลพuฤ‡i hram utrobe mi govorimo jezicima

in &#64257;ltrirajuฤ‡i se naruลกavajuฤ‡i raznoseฤ‡i

podmiฤ‡ujemo diskurs

mi smo piฤke buduฤ‡nosti




We are the modern cunt

positive anti reason

unbounded unleashed unforgiving

we see art with our cunt we make art with our cunt

we believe in jouissance madness holiness and poetry

we are the virus of the new world disorder

rupturing the symbolic from within

saboteurs of big daddy mainframe

the clitoris is a direct line to the matrix


terminators of the moral codes

mercenaries of slime

go down on the altar of abjection

probing the visceral temple we speak in tongues

infiltrating disrupting disseminating

corrupting the discourse

we are the future cunt

Manifesto first declared by VNS Matrix 
1991, Adelaide & Sydney, Australia




"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/CyberFemManifest> {date: 2006-07-07 10:38:51 +0200}
{image: 04.gif}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/SmajLich> {date: 2006-07-05 16:53:54 +0200}

^^^ [TransHackMeeting2] ,Pula ,[MonteParadiso] HackLab ,poฤetak Rujna

na thk mailing listi zapocela diskusijski koncenzus te horizontalni & participativni organizacijski proces, o mogucem odrzavanju Drugog Trans [Kulturalnog_Nacionalnog] Hack Meetinga.

Event bi se trebao odrzati u prostorima [MonteParadiso] HackLab-a, u vojarni Karlo Rojc na Montezarru, Pula.

vishe detalja u snapshotu sa mailing liste:

{prilika za gostovanje razmjene u Puli ??}

Subject:  Thk Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1
Date:     Wed, 21 Jun 2006 23:30:29 +0200 (CEST)
From:     thk-request@autistici.org
Reply-To: thk@autistici.org
To:       thk@autistici.org

Send Thk mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World
Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject
or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list

When replying, please edit your Subject line
so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Thk digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. UK ID cards (salsaman)
   2. Premiere of TECHNOCALYPS 10 May
   3. ? digital struggles ? focus
within European PGA conference,
      summer 2006, France (darkveggy)
   4. thk 2.0 this summer? (ivana)
   5. Re: thk 2.0 this summer? (tetsuo)
   6. Re: thk 2.0 this summer?
** rez rez snip snip rez rez**


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:31:35 +0200
From: ivana <ivana@mi2.hr>
Subject: [Thk] thk 2.0 this summer?
To: thk@autistici.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

hi people!

we (multimedia institute & monteparadiso
hacklab) are organising a
hacker meeting in pula this summer. event
will be supported by freedom
software law center (
we'd like to offer possibility to
eastern-european hackers to join
the meeting, so we agreed with eben moglen
that SFLC will provide us
with 25000$ to cover the expenses of people
that otherwise couldn't
afford to come. the money is coming from big
companies as IBM and some
foundations that sponsor the process of GNU
GPL 3 development.
the idea of making pula permanent home of
thk was discussed more then
once; many pros and cons emerged. however, i
feel that, if we're not
going to do it this year, another thk is not
going to happen, and i
see this as a possibility to 'ressurect'
thk, reaching more people from
eastern europe this time.
here's a short summary of a project; please
read it and expess your
opinion. should it be thk 2.0 or not?

Hacking Summer

Over the first five days of September we
plan to organize a hacker
meeting at the Monteparadiso Hacklab in
Pula, Croatia. The meeting should
offer an opportunity for free software,
hacker culture and hacktivist
communities to get and hack together on
software development, GNU GPLv3
debate, technological hacks, cyber-rights
and all other issues related
to information and technological freedoms
and political activism.


While extending on the experiences of
self-organized transhack meetings,
which have become a rallying site for
hacktivists from all over
the Western and Mediterranean Europe, Near
and Middle East, we wish
additionally to reach out towards free
software communities all over
the Eastern Europe and create an opportunity
to exchange experiences
and knowledge on how to leapfrog the
limitations the free software
and information freedoms face in Eastern
Europe and to contribute to
fostering strong bonds and networks among
free software, hacker and
geek communities across Europe.

The hacking summer event will take place on
the premises of former
military complex Karlo Rojc, which has
served as a venue for one of the
previous transhack meetings. As our plan is
to develop, over the next
two-three years,  facilities in the region
of Istria - Monteparadiso
Hacklab in Pula and Labinary in Labin - to
serve as permanent, year
over facilities for free software
development, research, marathons and
hacker, with this event we want to make
initial steps towards creating
and building up resources necessary at the
hacking summer location.


hacking summer is open for everyone to
participate and program
is open for all participants to organize.
All hacking-related and
hacking-unrelated topics can become a
debate, a skill-sharing session,
a workshop or a lecture.

To address issues of GNU GPL deliberation
process, free software
development and advocacy in Eastern Europe
and across Europe
Monteparadiso Hacklab, Multimedia Institute
and Software Freedom Law
Center will organize more formal sessions
related to those issues.
There will be four such sessions
concentrated over the last two days
of the hacking summer event:

1. GNU GPL v 3 - future challenges for free

2. Free Software development in Eastern
Europe: Development project in
civil societies, SMEs and government

3. Building Free Software alliances in
Eastern Europe

4. Networking Free Software communities
across Europe


The event venue - Karlo Rojc complex - will
offer plenty of
free space for those who wish to set up
their camping gear and basic
facilities for those who will stay at the
premises. Those who wish to be
accommodated elsewhere in Pula, will be able
to find plenty of different
accommodation options in the town. There
will be no registration fees
nor fees for those who will be organizing.

Monteparadiso Hacklab, Multimedia Institute
and Software Freedom Law
Center wish to cover expenses of up to 40
participants from Eastern
Europe for who would not be able to cover
their own expenses.



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 22:36:11 +0200
From: tetsuo <tetsuo@icomed.it>
Subject: Re: [Thk] thk 2.0 this summer?
To: Public list for the organization of a
transcultural hackmeeting
Message-ID: <4499ADBB.3090406@icomed.it>
Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

ivana wrote:
> should it be thk 2.0 or not?



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 00:08:17 +0300
From: meinhard@benn.org
Subject: Re: [Thk] thk 2.0 this summer?
To: Public list for the organization of a
transcultural hackmeeting
Message-ID: <4499B541.5000803@benn.org>
Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

> Hacking Summer
> Over the first five days of September we
plan to organize a hacker
> meeting at the Monteparadiso Hacklab in
Pula, Croatia.

great! although it juuust about still
summer. ;) if it is going to 
happen, i will be there for the preparation,
self-oganising support and 
clean-up again. mp hl i'm coming.



So we need to plan free week.
(& personaly maybe a vacation combination at
Verudela resort at the same time.)
We should bare in our minds that from 2.to
3.of october a Linux Conference is held at
Slovenia; and IBM Linux Forum (Umag,Rovinj,
Cro) at about september the 23rd. Oracle
Conference is to follow IBMs, at the same
CARNet Users` Conference (CUC) will be at
20.-22. of november at Dubrovnik.

At the moment no event of "penguin" will
interfere with thk2.....

net culture club "mama"
zagreb, croatia




amiga & linux rULeZ

> Thk mailing list
> Thk@autistici.org
> End of Thk Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1
> **********************************

Thk mailing list


End of Thk Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/TransHackMeeting2> {date: 2006-06-22 17:22:18 +0200}
Linux Complete Sybex
Running Linux O Reilly

Understanding the linux kernel, (2.6._) O Reilly

Linux Assembly Language Programming Prentice Hall

Assembly Language Programming for DOS & Linux Willey

Linux Device Drivers O Reilly

Stariji Linux Formati i Linux Journali

Amiga Formati i CU Amiga Magazinei i cd-i

Kernighan Ritchie: The C Programming Language

Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

bRDo razne hw reference manual dokumentacije: Amiga, C-64, 

josh za nabavit:

Linux Kernel Development

Game Console Hacking


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/DrGspotKnjigeCasopisi> {date: 2006-06-14 19:21:32 +0200}
evo skinuh s egooboobits-a ghetto booties mjuzu, i odmah me inspirirala na Amiga Demo Party-je i Scenu. Mjuza ima punka, Kraftwerkovskog elektronskog zvuka i retro nostalgije.

I moje misli odlutale u smjeru dobrog starog community merginga -- povezivanja srodnih zajednica.
Kojih ? Ovih:






Elektronski Experimentatori

treba slagat mentalne mape....



"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ComunityMerge> {date: 2006-05-08 23:04:24 +0200}
vec niz godina u meni kuha ideja za muzej kompjutera.

Sto je sve nuzno za realizaciju takvog projekta ?

Prostor, izlosci (toga imamo), software za stare exponate (net je nepresusan izvor, ...

Da li stvar pokrenuti kao "Projekt" ili uhostat u sklopu postojecih institucija i i udruga (HSIN, ZIC, HULK, mi2, HRS, ...)

e da i ideja je da sto je moguce vise opreme radi i da je umrezeno IP-jem u prostoru muzeja.

Slagvort za promisljanje:



(sajam zajebane opreme = retro omuting & hardware recycling event)

-- [DrGspot], 05/05/06


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/MuzejRacunala> {date: 2006-05-05 13:20:14 +0200}
iako je o trans(nacionalnog/kulturalnog) hack meetinga u Monte Paradiso Hack Labu u Puli proteklo dosta vremena, zgodno se slikama podsjetit na taj fantasticni dogadjaj:



--[DrGspot], 05/05/06


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/SliKe/SlikeThk> {date: 2006-05-05 09:42:32 +0200}
evo slikice






"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/SliKe> {date: 2006-05-05 09:39:00 +0200}
{image: plavaFontana.jpg}


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/SliKe/ForFotoGirl> {date: 2006-04-20 16:57:23 +0200}

Showing 100 messages...

2006-04-06 21:26:17 #razmjenavjestina dpavlin: jel' zna netko sa kime je upravo bio intervju na r101?

21:26:38 synan: ne?

21:31:29 akapav: sa mnom?

21:31:43 linpp: :D 21:32:00 pa govori netko upravo nesto o blogovima..

21:37:29 dpavlin: oh. mo&#190;da sam oti&#185;ao previ&#185;e rano iz druge sobe? 21:37:42 poku&#185;a se vratiti do radija...

21:38:38 akapav: :)) -- vazno za si fokusiran

21:40:55 linpp: jos nisu rekli tko to govori :\ 21:42:19 http://www.radio101.hr/ 21:42:30 Dakle, bit &#230;e to razgovor s Joi Itom, jednim od 100 globalnih lidera sutra&#185;njice i ponosnim vlasnikom titule aktivista koji se bori protiv vladine gluposti. Poslu&#185;ajte &#185;to Joi Ito ima za re&#230;i o po&#232;etku interneta, blogovima, Open Source-u, i Creative Commons licenci. Kulturni intervju poslu&#185;ajte u &#232;etvrtak, u uobi&#232;ajenom terminu u 21 sat, a repriza reprize ;-) je u no&#230;i nedjelje na ponedjeljak u 01 iza pono&#230;i.

21:42:31 ***lesh returnz

21:43:45 akapav: jio ito je bio u mami i na zalost moram konstatirati da je obicni prosjecni kapitalisticki kreten

21:43:54 dpavlin: oh, upravo vu&#232;em gaim preko vnc-a u drugu sobu. moram instalirati neki console client, ovo nema smisla.

21:44:02 akapav: ... krcat trivijalnim floskulama

21:44:19 dpavlin: akapav: ja sam zapravo mislio da bi to mogao biti Joi Ito, ali nisam &#232;uo po&#232;etak.

21:44:24 akapav: dpavlin_: u kojem si ti gradu?

21:45:00 dpavlin: ju&#232;er nave&#232;er sam se vratio iz Opatije, danas sam imao seljenje u drugu sobu na sobu i zavr&#185;io doma sa templeratorom. fuj. 21:45:45 zapravo, ovaj ne pri&#232;a ba&#185; toliko glupo: samo treba&#185; malo pomisliti *ZA KOGA* je ova pri&#232;a. 21:46:07 jesam li spomenuo da mi na workshop u kojem sam htio pri&#232;ati o CRM-u i RSS-u nije do&#185;ao nitko?

21:46:28 akapav: :)) -- jesi li hobio honorar? 21:46:36 s/hobio/dobio

21:46:44 dpavlin: ne, da stvar bude gora, platili smo da budemo tamo. 21:47:01 &#185;to se donekle &#232;inilo kao o.k., jer iako je GPL strix, CRM ipak prodajemo. 21:47:49 However, htio sam im podvaliti ideju da su podaci tako&#240;er posvuda okolo u RSS-u (npr. mislili smo povu&#230;i vijesti sa korporativnog site-a u CRM preko RSS-a) i...

21:47:53 akapav: nema veze -- mozes odrzat workshop u subotu u mami

21:48:07 dpavlin: ...nitko nije do&#185;ao. Jer jednostavno to je previ&#185;e napredno za taj tip ljudi. 21:48:16 A neki od njih su i&#185;li samnom na fax. 21:49:02 however, jedini koji su zadovoljni su oni koji su zapravo dolazili na moja predavanja tamo, pa sam ... err... dogovorio jednu gazu na FOI-ju u sklopu kolegija XP. 21:49:43 akapav: moram napisati neki abstract pa &#230;u ti ga dati na recenziju :-) 21:50:47 ina&#232;e, probao sam Jifty (to je Ruby on Perl :-).. prvo sam mislio da je zapravo MVC sa ORM-om, ali baziran je na kontinuacijama i.... modelu!

21:50:57 akapav: (XP == extreme programming) ? naravno -- dapace : 

21:51:26 dpavlin: eh sad. model je opis modela (zvu&#232;i logi&#232;no) ali zapravo je ime polja, tip (int/text -- za rdbs) i prikaz (npr. input ili textarea)

21:53:04 akapav: hm -- ne berem te bas ... 21:54:30 (ORM == Object Role Modeling) ? znam samo povrsno sto je : ne znam uopce sto je 21:57:13 ... ok, dakle definicija mopa pomocu relacijske baze -- uf, o tome bi ti mogao puno pricat (i ne bas povoljno :) 22:03:21 dobra vecer drGspot -e -- saznao sam da mi je jedan student iz krizevaca amigas i da te zna 22:03:43 ... zapravo pitao me je da li sam ja ti

22:04:25 drGspot: a ti predajesh josh na skoli ?

22:05:52 akapav: na splitskom veleucilistu (sada sveucilistu)

22:06:39 drGspot: kak je ime studentu ?

22:07:25 akapav: nemam pojma -- znam da je metalac i da ima zulufe i majcu na iron maiden

22:08:07 synan: lol, covjek nezna kako mu se student zove 22:08:19 jos da nisi pricao sa njime nebi nista reko :D

22:09:28 akapav: ma pazi ti mulca -- mislis li da tvoji profesori tebe znaju? :)

22:09:36 drGspot: chek vidit cu na nasem forumu - mozda je tamo

22:10:02 synan: akapav: obzirom da sam jaaako cesto na faksu.. ne.. ne mislim :D

22:10:21 akapav: btw. samo sam mu drzao kolokvij -- inace je u drugoj grupi

22:10:21 drGspot: http://www.voodoo-amiga.com/forum/memberlist.php?sid=fa8f44d6c71fecc6ea8617f30dd44d86 22:12:06 koji su to recimo strucni predmeti, vezani na IT

22:12:17 akapav: drGspot: jedino je virovitica blizu krizevaca -- dakle najvjerovatnije je oni neki voo doo

22:12:51 drGspot: prije ce bit gombar (exPirat) ili clansman 22:13:38 voodoo je bio u mami (vezano za amigaDemoParty)

22:14:46 akapav: drGspot: strucni predmeti: ja drzim (ovisno kako koje godine) c, strukture i algoritme, programiranje unixa, os i java

22:15:06 drGspot: kruno je planirao subotu nesto u vezi C-a 22:19:27 armaggedon pocinje na 2. 22:35:55 aka koliko su u postotku studenti zagrijani za free sw ?

22:38:09 synan: 1% njih uopce zna sot je fsw 22:38:12 *sto 22:38:28 i od tih 1% 1% zna da to nije "besplatan sw" 22:38:38 takvo je stanje na svim fakultetima

22:40:37 drGspot: a je li to posljedica onih aranzmana koje micro$oft radi npr na FER-u ili...?

22:45:53 dpavlin: hmm... ne bih ba&#185; rekao da je Free software poznat samo 1% studenata... sjetite se gu&#190;ve na FER-u. 22:46:19 statisti&#232;ki, &#232;ini mi se da je 60-tak ljudi (mislim da toliko stane u sivu vije&#230;nicu) ipak vi&#185;e od 1% studenata FER-a :-)

22:47:22 drGspot: da li to znaci da je linux poznat, ali o tome nema marketinga

23:03:37 dpavlin: mislim da ima marketinga i previ&#185;e. probaj razgovarati sa nekim ve&#230;im box-moverom u Hrvatskoj. 23:03:56 sigurno &#230;e se zakleti da podr&#190;avaju Linux ili planiraju. 23:04:12 A sa druge strane, namaju blagu ideju &#185;to je Open Source a &#185;to Free Software. 23:04:51 [&#185;to je jo&#185; smje&#185;nije da pod Open Source podrazumjevaju zapravo Free Software :-) -- skupa sa GPL-om]

23:04:59 synan: dpavlin_: koliko fer ima studenata? mozda sam fulao za par postotaka =)

23:05:06 dpavlin: neznam :-) 23:06:00 ali, OOH, zanimljivo je da &#232;ak i ljudi koji idu u opatiju na konferenciju da bi bili tri dana na moru zapravo ZNAJU da postoji Open Source. 23:07:13 polu-tipi&#232;an profil: ro&#240;en 60-tih, iz dr&#190;avne firme, zadnje hi-tech iskustvo negdje oko DOS-a nakon &#232;ega su postali voditelji ne&#232;ega. 23:09:17 Mislim da bi smo mogli dobiti blagoslov(!) od Microsofta da pro&#185;etamo pingvina po Opatiji za vrijeme WinDays-a. To je ono &#185;to me pla&#185;i. 23:10:35 &#232;ak mi se to pro&#185;le godine &#232;inilo kao zanimljiva ideja, ali kada je (za potrebe ove diskusije neimenovani) &#232;ovjek iz Microsoft hravtke rekao: "dobra ideja za reklamu" (a NIJE glup!) nekako sam prestao nadati se da to ima smisla. 23:11:18 a 20-tak godina mla&#240;i studenti ipak znaju bolje. :-)

23:12:03 synan: cekaj cekaj 23:12:07 o cemu ti pricas? 23:12:11 kakav pingvin na windaysima? 23:12:16 kakva reklama? 23:14:38 dpavlin_: 

23:21:08 dpavlin: ma, ako M$-ovcima u HRVATSKOJ Linux na WinDaysima izgleda kao dobra reklama, sigurno za njega zna vi&#185;e od 1% ljudi (sjeti se BUG-ovog: ne&#230;emo pisati o Linux-u dok ne zauzme 90% tr&#190;i&#185;ta) 23:21:33 ah, whatever. 23:21:48 i tako imam temperaturu pa buncam :-) Mislim da &#230;u spavat.

23:23:43 synan: mi smo imali plan djelit distre i promo materijal na windaysima 23:23:52 mislim 23:23:55 *imamo* 23:24:20 a bug.. i onaj oleg.. ja ne znam.. to je nesto nadnaravno

23:25:39 drGspot: ono s olegom nije uspjelo jer je kao medij dogovora koristen e-mail; u 4 oka je ipak teze neke stvari reci

23:28:19 dpavlin: ma da... samo pitanje je &#185;to napisati na promo materijal za ljude koji idu na WinDayse? 23:28:59 uzmi u obzir da SVI iz moje firme koji idu na WinDays ne samo da ZNAJU &#185;to je Open Source nego neki od njega i &#190;ive! 23:29:55 mo&#190;da nismo pravi primjer, ali mislim da ljudi na WinDays-ima ve&#230; naslu&#230;uju da Vista ne&#230;e biti spasonosno rje&#185;enje KAD se pojavi. 23:30:08 Mo&#190;da kampanju tipa: Skoro kao Vista, ali danas :-) 23:31:09 stable umbutu (dakle *NE* drapper drake, jo&#185;) radi toliko dobro na prosje&#232;nom laptopu ljudi koji dolaze na tu konfu, da bi ga ba&#185; mogli i probati :-)

23:32:38 drGspot: a sto ako redmond izda vlastitu distru ili office za lin :)

23:35:28 synan: to je koda pitas oce li svinje letit

23:39:03 drGspot: ili uchi u nadzorni odbor "Sljemena" -- sve za profit

23:44:53 dpavlin: akapav: Jifty migrira podatke izme&#240;u promjena sheme (tj. modela aplikacije). Stvarno izgleda jako SmallTalkovski, kad malo razmislim. 23:45:14 *TO* vam moram pokazati u subotu :-) 23:52:24 laku no&#230;.


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/IrcLog> {date: 2006-04-08 09:11:49 +0200}
Evo malo linkova:



http://voodoo-amiga.com          portal Amigasa; tamo je i Amiga Dream Chat
mailing lista


http://www.soft3.net/pages/pictures_e.php            trebate dualG4 Power Performance Chip Amigu ?

http://www.pegasosppc.com/pegasos.php   --kvazi [AmigaONE] G4 klon sa brdom OSova:

http://www.pegasosppc.com/software.php   --skoro svaki OS na planeti :-)

http://atarihr.atari.org/klonovi.html    --atari klonovi

http://www.czuba-tech.com/accueil/english/welcome.htm  -m68k i ppc dodaci atari


http://linux.hr       Hrvatska Udruga Linux Korisnika

http://www.mi2.hr/          Multimedijski Institut--net kulturni Klub "mama"

http://tamtam.mi2.hr     nismo jedini mi Gentoo Linuxashi :-)

http://www.gnu.org/       --GNU/OS projekt i Fondacija Za Slobodni Software

http://www.linux.org/     svjetski Linux community site

http://tldp.org      The Linux Documentation Project

http://wikipedia.org/     --open source web enciklopedia

http://linux.com    poslovna primjena Linuxa

http://www.linux.com.hr/       poslovna primjena Linuxa u Hrvatskoj

http://linuxdoc.com      rtfm

http://jednostavno.linux.hr        poslovna konferencija

http://www.linux-konferenca.org/        Portoroz

http://www-5.ibm.com/hr/forum/predavaci/   IBM On Demand Linux Forum Umag

http://www.CARNet.hr/cuc/        CARNet Users Conference

http://www.open.hr/dors       Dani Otvorenih Racunalskih Sustava

http://www.open.hr/dc2006/        Croatian Linux Users Convention FER Zagreb

http://kiblix.org        3. Medjunarodni Linux IT Festival Maribor
(Kibla--Mariborska mama ?)

http://www.housing.hr        Linux Dan 2 -- i Red Hat Linux edukacija i

http://www.algebra.hr/ibm13.shtml       Linux Akademija    po IBM Linux Professional Institute (LPI) programu

++++            European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) na Linuxu

Oracle Linux Conference




http://slashdot.org      --news for nerds

http://2600.org        --the hacker quarterly


http://lng.sourceforge.net/    --port linuxa za Commodore64/128 (6502)



http://www.us.debian.org/ports/powerpc/      --PowerPerformanceChip Linux

http://penguinppc.org/              --srediste Linux/PPC



http://openbsd.org/plat.html    --jedan od najsigurnijih sustava danasnjice

http://distrowatch.com/       --linuxa ima tisuce



http://hrid.linux.hr/     --hrvatska linux distra (Mandrake)

-break the matrix in your mind-


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/DrGspotLinkoviAlToTrebaSredit> {date: 2006-04-07 08:29:41 +0200}
Showing 100 messages...
 2006-03-22 23:25:57 #razmjenavjestina marcell: mount -t gmailfs
 /usr/local/bin/gmailfs.py /path/of/mount/point -o
 username=gmailuser, password=gmailpass, fsname=zOlRRa 23:27:10
 dpavlin: kaj prerano... 01.02.2001.?
 23:27:28 bud_: fala druze
 23:28:11 drGspot: marcel jel se racuna razmjena ko LUG ?
 23:28:11 marcell: pazi na ovaj fsname
 23:28:40 bud_: a kaj je to
 23:29:01 marcell: drGspot: samo u infitezimalnom racunu 23:29:32 fsname
 trebas nazvati nekim imenom tako da ti ga niko ne moze skuziti pa
 da ti ubacuje mejlovima sranja na gmail particiju 23:29:53 mislim da ti
 je najbolje startati makepasswd i to onda staviti za fsname 23:31:03
 drGspot: pardon... u infinitezimalnom racunu
 23:31:17 bud_: jel to onda moram svaki put mjenjat ili mogu samo
 23:32:24 marcell: nisam koristio.. brijem svaki put... probaj obje
 23:32:24 drGspot: komodificirani infinitecimalni racun mi pokazuje da
 nam fali 8 redova do LUG-a
 23:32:54 marcell: red po red.. luk
 23:33:16 drGspot: a da postane razmjena clanica krovne udruge hulk-a
 23:35:26 marcell: zakaj?
 23:39:13 drGspot: da se u hr time kreira samo jEDAn pogled na fLOSS
 23:41:19 marcell: nema potrebe komplicirati sa tim formalnim
 povezivanjima... mislim da je ok podrzati hulk clanarinom (koju ja
 jos nikad nisam uplatio (sic!)) i to je to...
 23:41:28 drGspot: jer orwell rece: jedna je istina
 23:41:36 dpavlin: drGspot: zaลกto? nema nade da se viลกe od tri hrvata
 dogovore o iฤemu.
 23:42:36 drGspot: ali mi moremo nekog obuch u odijelo za www.fsf.hr
 i www.gnu.hr :-)
 23:44:56 marcell: ovo s fsf.hr i gnu.hr je istina, no to u principu treba
 dogovorati s fsf.org i svim stejkholderima sto smo tomi i ja i
 zapoceli s moglenom.. no to nije nesto sto se radi tak ko bacit
 petardu iz zajebancije...
 23:47:21 drGspot: jel bi isao onaj fotoSunsetExchange metodom CC
 projekta poput semantWeba ? 
 23:47:46 marcell: ne razumijem kaj me pitas?
 23:48:45 drGspot: pa ona razmjenaZalazaka da se licencira recimo
 CC-om... 23:50:45 ..makar jos nisam na cistu kako to tehnichki rijesit..
 23:50:49 marcell: licenciranje je najmanji problem u bilo cemu.. recimo
 to mozes pokrenuti i voziti vrlo jednostavno tako da uploadas fotke
 na flickr sa svojim sunset frendovima i dogovorite se za tag sunset
 ili zalazaksunca... na flickru jednostavno mozes izabrati da sve
 tvoje fotke budu cc.. i eto ga...
 23:51:20 drGspot: ja bi da je hostano na hardu u Hr
 23:51:35 marcell: flickr dozvoljava i stvaranje nekih grupa i slicno no to
 nisam nesto posebno gledao... u svakom slucaju tehnologija postoji
 i vrlo je jednostavna za koristenje 23:52:04 e jebi ga... probaj s par
 desetaka milijuna dolara to i isfurati onda :)
 23:52:33 drGspot: mislio sam: forum, tamtam, wiki, tiddlywiki, portal,
 ... ? 23:53:43 (hmm...slozit cu mentalnuMapu za to)
 23:54:07 marcell: u funkcionalnom smislu to sve imas na flickru i jos
 puno vise.. jebi ga ne zadovoljava tvoj fetis oko povezivanja hr
 projekata i ljudi ali 'dobrici radi' (tm)
 23:55:01 drGspot: ma ne ne bi htio da recimo dvogodishnji trud
 uploadanja fotki propdne pukim bankrotom stranog servera
 23:55:45 marcell: hahahaha.... ti bi znaci radije dao svoje fotke u server
 u mami (koji nema backup) nego na flickr koji je u vlasnistvu
 yahooa... robi ti si car...
 23:56:20 drGspot: kako..nema bkp...? a finaciranje min. kulture :)
 23:57:26 marcell: male su sanse da nadjemo pare za backup
 tehnologiju... no nekako cemo se snaci... i veci problem je da ivana
 vec godinama komplicira po tom pitanju, a ja se nemam vremena
 (volje) pozabaviti time...
 23:58:31 drGspot: jel ima shanse neka druga tehnol. zamijenit streamere
 u dogledno vrijeme ?
 23:59:54 marcell: ima... biomehanika 23:59:56 ;)
 2006-03-23 00:00:01 drGspot: neuromancer 00:00:23 eto kandidata za
 00:00:27 marcell: drGspot: jes' ti drogiras?
 00:00:59 drGspot: ljepilo iskrivljuje fizicki sviet, ali amiga is state of
 00:01:27 marcell: najbolji pocetak za wmiii:
 http://wmii.de/index.php/WMII/Filesystem 00:01:49 drGspot: onda
 ok... sad mi je jasno ;)
 00:02:28 drGspot: znachi sloj izmedju X-a i desktopEnvironmenta..
 00:03:41 marcell: idem nes kupit za jest... brb
 00:03:49 drGspot: ...a ha FS based WM 00:08:14 evo to bilo onda ovak
 nesto http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/sunset/
 00:17:48 bud_: jebemu gmailfs 00:17:51 nikako da proradi
 00:23:54 marcell: drGspot: bas to.. 00:24:00 drGspot: ili jos bolje:
 http://www.flickr.com/groups/sunsets-sunrises/ 00:24:47
 drhttp://www.flickr.com/groups/67051040@N00/ 00:24:59 drGspot:
 http://www.flickr.com/groups/67051040@N00/ 00:25:46 drGspot: We
 found 7314 groups that mention sunset.
 00:30:24 bud_: marcell: eto dodao sam i ja tebe na flickr
 00:31:55 marcell: bud_: bas skuzir 00:31:58 bud_: bas skuzih
 00:32:24 bud_: marcell: kako se ulogiravash na flickr 00:32:32 kaj pises
 pod email 00:32:36 ne kuzim 00:32:47 username@flickr.com 00:32:48 ili kako
 00:34:22 marcell: bud_: ne kuzim.. odes na sajt i ulogiras se... kaj
 00:34:38 bud_: ali nemrem u tom je stvar 00:34:49 pita te za email i
 password 00:35:07 a skuzil sam 00:35:09 :)) 00:37:25 Good-Bye Debian, Hello
 Ubuntu, says MEPIS Linux 00:37:26 a ha 00:39:24
 00:39:28 pazite ovo 00:45:25 mora spavati 00:45:37 odoh ja ljudi 00:45:41 laka
 01:01:56 marcell: akapav:
 01:33:38 dpavlin: damn. marcell, you win. moj je samo
 http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS3880195342.html 01:35:40 however,
 picotux ima uClinux (ovo u je trebala biti reprezentacija za micro)
 ลกto znaฤi da nema MMU. Mislim da je moj korisniji :-)
 01:50:41 drGspot: microC je m68k based ?
 01:57:32 dpavlin: IMHO, ne u ovom sluฤaju. Samo je procesor 8-bitni.
 02:01:05 drGspot: evo bash naislo na iskonChatu ideja za g33koskop
 film: "PI" nezavisna produkcija o bitku
 dpavlin: http://www.digi.com/products/microprocessors/ns7520.jsp
 hmmmm... The NetSilicon NS7520 is a cost-effective,
 high-performance, highly-integrated, 32-bit network-attached
 microprocessor specifically designed for use in intelligent
 networked devices and remote monitoring. The NS7520 is a
 member of our award-winning NET+ARM family of
 system-on-chip solutions for embedded systems. It includes a
 10/100Base-T Ethernet MAC and two 02:02:49 moลพda zapravo
*IMA* mmu?
 02:03:22 drGspot: virtualiziran :) 02:05:13 (hmm nije li onda
 sunsetExchange otkrivanje tople vode..ma nije to bi mogli napuhnut
 u Projekt sa sirim posljedicama)
 02:07:35 marcell: wmiir read /clients/0/ctl mi kaze permission denied
 02:08:02 echo -n 10|wmiir write /def/border ne mijenja border...
 02:20:06 dpavlin: ja nemam /clients uopฤ‡e. hm? 02:21:43 meni radi wmiir
 write /wm/default/frame/border-width 10
 02:44:36 marcell: ti imas neku raniju verziju 02:54:33 dpavlin: pitaju me da
 li je sudionik na projektu predlagao neki projekt 02:54:47 dpavlin: kaj
 da stavim za to... ti si vodio projekt...
 03:11:02 dpavlin: da, ali nije bio CARNet-ov nego ureda za udruge.
 03:11:16 (misliลก HRID koji je zapravo Kost napravio ;-) 03:12:01 ide
 10:37:28 marcell: dpavljebi ga.. na aerodromu sam... mislio sam na strix
 ne na hrid... 10:39:49 lesh: wmii dosta mijenja strukturu fs-a u zadnjih
 par verzija... super su poboljsanja ali nisam siguran da sve radi...
 morat cu downgrejdati na verzije koje rade... iako mislim da je
 najpametnije otici u darcs i krenuti sa wmii-3.... nece biti super
 stabilno ali nece biti jos jednog sokantnog mijenjanja strukture i
 akcija... 10:40:21 moram ici... nadam se u budimpesti free wifiju...
 kazu da je bugarska prepuna wifija ;)


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/ZaG> {date: 2006-03-23 10:32:54 +0100}