TrebaZaGentooPPCdemo: Revision 5

1. Power Performance Chip (ppc) Amiga (classic Accelerated ili nova Amiga ONE G3/G4

2. Gentoo PPC source/binary CD-i

3. good will

- ako bi demonstracija bila poklopljena sa amigaOS&hw official releaseom onda bi se i Gentoo PPC demo mogao lakse izreklamirat -- provjereno u Ljubljani u praksi 2003.

Q: Da li bi ovo mogao biti autopoziv samom sebi da se slozi [classicPPC G2]Amiga[ONEG3/G4] CD distra temeljena na Gentoo-u s obzirom da je vecina PPC distri nazalost Mac/IBMRS6000 centricna (suSE 7.3PPC, mandrakePPC (makar je Micha vec neke stvari rijesio intstaller skript CD-ima http://amiga-linux.de.vu) ...?

Pa kako bi onda to sve skupa izgledalo:

1. Donesem amigu1200+PPC G2/175MHz RISC u mamu
(pred intalirat amigaOS3.1+MUI + APUS/Linux redHat5.1PPC +
neparticionirani prostor par giga)

2. Uzet Gentoo sourceove i prekompajlirat ih na redHatu za PPC sa kojim gcc/egsc-om?

3. U HDtoolboxu skreirat particije za gentooPPC

4. Dignut novoskompajlirani kernel i pokrenut install sa redHat PPC particije

5. Sredit X-ice (auu petljanje s mknodovima za /dev/mouse i jos xfree mora biti
s confovima za xfree68 (sezdesetosam) iz onog m68k linuxa... :-/)

6. petljancija do neba :)

Ne. Kratki pogled na Michinu stranu otkriva da Gentoo vec debelo radi na pegasosPPC-u (svojevrsni amigaONEclone) uz njegove image_installere.
Treba krenut sa novijim instalacijama i kernelima...
Ovo bi bilo otkrivanje tople vode -- istina zanimljivo otkrivanje ... :)


dalje, zanimljivo je pogledati sto je moj upit na tu temu na forumu GentooPPC donio kao odgovor:


what is the easiest way of putting GentooPPC on:

1. classicAmiga1200+PowerPerformanceChip 603e+(G2)
2. [AmigaONE] G3/G4

Should i put APUS/Linux RedHat first ?
Or Debian 3.0ppc
Where shoud i compile kernel & distro ?

I dont wont to discover hot water


I have gentoo on an Amigaone, and I hope you can get it
going, too.
It sure is lonely out here.

Here's what I did. There are probably easier ways to do it.

1. Install debian as per the amigaone instructions. However,
when you set up your disk
create an extra partition ( or 2 ) for gentoo.

Boot into debian. Download the stage 3 gentoo install.
Follow the gentoo install instructuons. The key steps are listed
below, but I am leaving out a ton of details.

Unpack stage 3 into your gentoo partition.
chroot into your new partion.
download an amigaone kernel source tree.

It used to be on
but it's not there now (supposed to return "soon")
Instructions on building an amigaone source tree are also on


This site is mainly geared towards 2.6 kernels, while I and most
of the amigaone community are running 2.4.2x. However, there
is some 2.4 info at the bottom of the page.
It will be harder generating your source tree this way. Be

Use one of the amigaone .config files.
To get a gentoo kernel you need to turn on devfs and one or
two other things. Should be explained in the gentoo handbook.
(A must read! read it twice before you start, and have a hard
copy available while you are doing it. Use a highlighter to mark
key steps.)
While building your kernel, make sure you have the program
mkimage ( on
http://amigaone-linux.sourceforge.net/download.php) in
your path.

to create an img file.that can be used to boot the amigaone
into linux

This can be copied to your PPC Prep partition, but I strongly
recommend against that.
I would suggst burning it to a cd and booting off of the cd until
you are sure your kernel works.

You can also set up your amigaone to multiboot, and then you
just need to copy your kernel image to a subdirectory. This is a
whole new lesson.

It's been a very long time since I did the install, and
my memory is a bit fuzzy. Also, a lot has changed in amigaone
land and gentoo land since I did my install.

Good luck. I wouldnt call it easy, but it's not terribly complex. I
had the advantage of being experienced with gentoo on an
x86. If you are basically a newbie, it might be tough, but not

Gentoo has great documentation and a great user community.


super aa


"original"<http://www.razmjenavjestina.org/RazmjenjivaciVjestina/DrGspot/TrebaZaGentooPPCdemo> {date: 2004-10-19 00:05:30 +0200}